Committees and agents
Faculty council
Group of university professors
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Henrich (Dean)
- Prof. Dr. Thorsten Staake (Dean of Research)
- Prof. Dr. Daniel Beimborn (Dean of studies)
- Prof. Dr. Michael Engel (Dean of Transfer)
- Prof. Dr. Tim Weitzel
- Prof. Dr. Tom Gross
- Prof. Dr. Christian Ledig
- Prof. Dr. Isolde Adler
- Prof. Dr. Oliver Posegga
- Prof. Dr. Daniela Nicklas
- Prof. Dr. Ute Schmid (Faculty Women's Representative)
Group of academic staff
- Leonie Fidler
- Robin Jegan
Group of other employees
- Rosemarie Fleck
Group of students
- Laetitia Hilgendorf
- Theresa Knoll
Term of office: 01.10.2023 - 30.09.2025
International Affairs Officer
- Prof. Michael Mendler, Ph.D.
Library officer
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Schlieder
CIP officer
- Prof. Michael Mendler, Ph.D.
Women's representative
- Prof. Dr. Ute Schmid
Capacity officer
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Kude
Space and construction officer
- Prof. Dr. Guido Wirtz
Authorised to sign for the BAföG
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Kude
Vhb officer
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Henrich
Member of the computer center advisory board
- Prof. Dr. Udo Krieger
Representative: Commission for the Certification of Study Programmes
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Schlieder
Representative: Advisory Board of the Academy for Key Competences and Scientific Continuing Education (ASwW)
- Prof. Dr. Tim Weitzel
Academic Advisory Board of the Centre for Teacher Education Bamberg (ZLB)
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Henrich
Member of the Representative Assembly of the Studentenwerk Würzburg
- Prof. Dr. Tim Weitzel
Lecturer of the confidence (Bavarian Elite Academy)
- Prof. Dr. Daniel Beimborn
Ombudsman for Misconduct in Science
- Prof. Dr. Daniel Beimborn
Advisory Board at the Language Centre
- Prof. Dr. Gerald Lüttgen
Data protection coordinator
- Prof. Dr. Dominik Herrmann
Speaker of the Chief Information Office (CIO)
- Prof. Dr. Dominik Herrmann
DFG-Liaison lecturer
- Prof. Dr. Christian Maier
Course coordinator
Bachelor Applied Computer Science
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Henrich
Master in Applied Computer Science
- Prof. Dr. Tom Gross
Applied computer science minor
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Henrich
Master Computing in the Humanities
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Schlieder
Bachelor/Master International Information Systems Management
- Prof. Dr. Tim Weitzel
Bachelor Software Systems Science
- Prof. Dr. Daniela Nicklas
Master International Software Systems Science
- Prof. Michael Mendler, PhD
Bachelor/Master Information Systems
- Prof. Dr. Milad Mirbabaie
Master Business Education / IS
- Prof. Dr. Sven Overhage
Virtual Master’s Degree Program of Information Systems (VAWi)
- Prof. Dr. Tim Weitzel
Study Grant Committee
- Dean Prof. Dr. Andreas Henrich
- Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Daniel Beimborn
- Student members: Tobias Mirschberger and Janne Wagner (substitute representative)
University-wide commission for conflict resolution in academic workplaces
Members of the conflict commission
- Members of the conflict commission
- Conflict commission guidelines(14.4 KB, 4 pages)
Examination boards and academic advising
- Information on examination boards
- Information on student advice