ISPL-Sem-B: Advances in research on digital platforms (bachelor seminar)


Digital platforms and ecosystems are increasingly relevant for individuals, organizations, industries, and societies. Research on digital platforms in the field of information systems and adjacent disciplines has blossomed in recent years. The goal of this seminar is to familiarize students with advances in research on digital platforms and with different approaches to study research questions in this context. To achieve this goal, participants will conduct literature reviews on recent work with a particular view toward different methodological approaches used to study various questions.



The seminar is an individual examination that consists of two parts:

  • A written seminar paper (12 pages text): 2/3 of the grade
  • An oral presentation of your work, answering questions, and participating in the discussion of other presentations: 1/3 of the grade

The language for the seminar papers, presentations, and discussions is German or English.

The seminar starts on May 9th. The seminar will be conducted as a block course and consists of a total of six dates spread throughout the semester. Please refer to the schedule on Univis for the exact dates.



  • To apply, please fill out the form below before April 22nd, 10 a.m.
  • Acceptance notifications will be sent out on April 22nd (afternoon).
  • Binding response whether you will participate in the seminar or not until April 24th, 12 p.m. Otherwise, your place will be given to others on the waiting list. ​


Anmeldung Seminar (Bachelor)