Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik, insbesondere Plattformökonomie (ISPL)Our research and teaching addresses the design and management of digital platforms as well as their role in organizations, industries, and societies. Courses in the winter semester 2024/2025 Bachelor:ISPL-DigB-B: "Digital Business" (6 ECTS) Lecture and exerciseThursdays, 10am - 2pmStarts 17.10.2024ISPL-MASI-B: "Supplier relationships and mergers & acquisitions in the software industry" (3 ECTS) (Block) LectureStarts 24.10.2024ISPL-Sem-B: "Advances in digital platforms" (3 ECTS) Bachelor seminarStarts 16.10.2024 Master:ISPL-DPIS-M: "Digital Platforms in Industries and Society" (6 ECTS) Lecture and exerciseTuesdays, 4-8 pmBeginn 15.10.2024ISPL-Sem-M: "Digital Platforms and the Future of Organizations" (3 ECTS) Master seminarStarts 16.10.2024Contact: Prof. Dr. Thomas Kudethomas.kude(at)uni-bamberg.de Office: WE5/04.077 and GU13/02.06