UniGardening - join in!
Dear international researchers,
we are currently planning a lot of activities for you and therefore you are currently receiving a lot of newsletters from us. We hope you don't mind, and promise that there will be quieter times ahead for your inboxes. ;-)
Are you looking for an outdoor leisure activity together with others? Would you like to plant and harvest your own organic vegetables and decorate your home with home-grown flowers from time to time?
How about jointly taking over one or more patches or flowerbeds in the UniGardening project?
You don't need any previous experience or a green thumb, Yelva Larsen and the UniGardening team will support us every step of the way. Seeds and gardening tools are also available free of charge. Please check the forwarded message below for more information.
We as the Welcome Center are in and if you'd like to join us, please send an email to both Yelva Larsen and us (yelva.larsen(at)uni-bamberg.de; assistenz.welcome.international(at)uni-bamberg.de) by Sunday, March 23, 2025 with the required information (see below). If you have any further questions, just get in touch.
Register in the Uni Gardening VC course if you are interested in further news: https://vc.uni-bamberg.de/course/view.php?id=29904#section-0:
Spring can come! J
Kind regards
Luisa and Belle from the Welcome Center Team
Dear university gardeners,
Spring is here, the sun is shining and we are looking forward to the 2025 planting season! This spring, there will once again be the opportunity to take care of some raised beds at Feki and Markusplatz. A new raised bed is also planned for the courtyard at Kapuzinerstrasse 25. If you would like to take care of a raised bed, please send an e-mail with your preferred location to: yelva.larsen(at)uni-bamberg.de) by March 23. Gardeners whose native language is not German are also very welcome. We are also happy to assign a bed to several people (also as an international (language) tandem). Write to us if you are still looking for a partner for a shared bed. You are responsible for your bed until next spring and can plant and harvest your beds yourself; the beds are small and the amount of work involved is manageable. We will be happy to help you select the seeds and grow the young plants. In cooperation with the Bamberg variety garden, we also plant old Bamberg local varieties and have collected seeds for you.
With sunny greetings
Yelva Larsen