News Archives Suchbegriff use our RSS feed|What is RSS Hannah Fischer/Universität Bamberg 06/18/2020 Uni international Lehre & Studium American exchange student: "I feel safe in Bamberg" How exchange students are finding their way in the time of corona and how the International Office is helping them Universität Bamberg 05/29/2020 Wissenschaft & Praxis Face Masks Reduce the Ability to Read Emotions Psychologist from Bamberg, Germany, conducted an experiment to test how face masks impact the reading of emotions. Daria Nipot/stock.adobe 05/26/2020 Kurz gemeldet Empirische Sozialforschung Wissenschaft & Praxis Regular Contact with the School is Essential for Homeschooling Study analyses learning activity in 11th and 12th graders during school closures and makes recommendations. Colourbox 05/20/2020 Wissenschaft & Praxis Study on body posture: can powerful poses improve self-confidence in children? A dominant body posture may help children to feel more confident in school. 03/11/2020 Service & Verwaltung News on the Current Corona Virus Situation University of Bamberg’s crisis committee and university physician compile a range of internal measures and information. Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 02/20/2020 Intelligent Deletion of Superfluous Digital Files University of Bamberg computer scientists are developing an adaptive assistant Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 02/17/2020 Wissenschaft & Praxis German Financial Market Stable in International Comparison University of Bamberg economist Christian Proaño studied the duration and scale of the financial cycle as a crisis indicator Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 10/24/2019 Lehre & Studium Arabic Studies: A Small Discipline with a Large Impact 29 small subjects at the University of Bamberg introduce themselves 10/22/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does hunger make you more egoistic? International study: Hunger Does not always Undermine Prosociality Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 10/15/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Congregations as Religious “Market Players” Bamberg sociologists examine what makes megachurches in the USA so successful Till Sonnemann/University of Bamberg 09/24/2019 Digitale Geistes-, Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften Wissenschaft & Praxis Colonial Cultural Heritage Analysis in the Caribbean University of Bamberg researchers teach non-destructive heritage conservation techniques in Cuba 09/23/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis What do Flight and Migration Mean for our Society? University of Bamberg experts provide insights into their research Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 09/12/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Uni international Conciliar Acts: A Means of Communication in Roman Antiquity ERC-funded research on conciliar acts from Late Antiquity 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis 3.35 Million Euros for new Bavarian “ForDigitHealth” Research Association University of Bamberg scholars study digital stress Holger Vogel/Foto Studio West 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis I love myself! The University of Bamberg’s psychological studies on modern forms of narcissism Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 06/18/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Staying Sober with the Help of a Mobile Phone? Bamberg psychologists evaluate an innovative treatment plan in the Franconian region 06/06/2019 Lehre & Studium Bavaria’s First “Digital History” Professorship The University of Bamberg announces new professorship Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 05/14/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Why does the EU matter? Experts comment in advance of the European Elections on 26 May Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 04/26/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Nothing Ventured?: Taking Risks to Succeed Bamberg economists research competitive situations Tilmann Pusch 04/25/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Progress in the Fight Against Tax Evasion Political scientists at the University of Bamberg show the efficacy of OECD measures Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 04/24/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Joint Diagnoses by Humans and AI Bamberg research team develops a medical companion 04/16/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Notre-Dame de Paris: Assessment and Images University of Bamberg experts weigh in on the recent fire ©reichdernatur - 03/29/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis No Day Care for Migrant Children? Education study on early childhood care David Höpfner/KDWT/Universität Bamberg 2016 03/07/2019 Erschließung und Erhalt von Kulturgut Wissenschaft & Praxis Seeing Through the Stones of Cathedrals Bamberg heritage conservationists develop new imaging process Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Hannah Fischer/Universität Bamberg 06/18/2020 Uni international Lehre & Studium American exchange student: "I feel safe in Bamberg" How exchange students are finding their way in the time of corona and how the International Office is helping them Universität Bamberg 05/29/2020 Wissenschaft & Praxis Face Masks Reduce the Ability to Read Emotions Psychologist from Bamberg, Germany, conducted an experiment to test how face masks impact the reading of emotions. Daria Nipot/stock.adobe 05/26/2020 Kurz gemeldet Empirische Sozialforschung Wissenschaft & Praxis Regular Contact with the School is Essential for Homeschooling Study analyses learning activity in 11th and 12th graders during school closures and makes recommendations. Colourbox 05/20/2020 Wissenschaft & Praxis Study on body posture: can powerful poses improve self-confidence in children? A dominant body posture may help children to feel more confident in school. 03/11/2020 Service & Verwaltung News on the Current Corona Virus Situation University of Bamberg’s crisis committee and university physician compile a range of internal measures and information. Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 02/20/2020 Intelligent Deletion of Superfluous Digital Files University of Bamberg computer scientists are developing an adaptive assistant Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 02/17/2020 Wissenschaft & Praxis German Financial Market Stable in International Comparison University of Bamberg economist Christian Proaño studied the duration and scale of the financial cycle as a crisis indicator Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 10/24/2019 Lehre & Studium Arabic Studies: A Small Discipline with a Large Impact 29 small subjects at the University of Bamberg introduce themselves 10/22/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does hunger make you more egoistic? International study: Hunger Does not always Undermine Prosociality Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 10/15/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Congregations as Religious “Market Players” Bamberg sociologists examine what makes megachurches in the USA so successful Till Sonnemann/University of Bamberg 09/24/2019 Digitale Geistes-, Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften Wissenschaft & Praxis Colonial Cultural Heritage Analysis in the Caribbean University of Bamberg researchers teach non-destructive heritage conservation techniques in Cuba 09/23/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis What do Flight and Migration Mean for our Society? University of Bamberg experts provide insights into their research Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 09/12/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Uni international Conciliar Acts: A Means of Communication in Roman Antiquity ERC-funded research on conciliar acts from Late Antiquity 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis 3.35 Million Euros for new Bavarian “ForDigitHealth” Research Association University of Bamberg scholars study digital stress Holger Vogel/Foto Studio West 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis I love myself! The University of Bamberg’s psychological studies on modern forms of narcissism Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 06/18/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Staying Sober with the Help of a Mobile Phone? Bamberg psychologists evaluate an innovative treatment plan in the Franconian region 06/06/2019 Lehre & Studium Bavaria’s First “Digital History” Professorship The University of Bamberg announces new professorship Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 05/14/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Why does the EU matter? Experts comment in advance of the European Elections on 26 May Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 04/26/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Nothing Ventured?: Taking Risks to Succeed Bamberg economists research competitive situations Tilmann Pusch 04/25/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Progress in the Fight Against Tax Evasion Political scientists at the University of Bamberg show the efficacy of OECD measures Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 04/24/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Joint Diagnoses by Humans and AI Bamberg research team develops a medical companion 04/16/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Notre-Dame de Paris: Assessment and Images University of Bamberg experts weigh in on the recent fire ©reichdernatur - 03/29/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis No Day Care for Migrant Children? Education study on early childhood care David Höpfner/KDWT/Universität Bamberg 2016 03/07/2019 Erschließung und Erhalt von Kulturgut Wissenschaft & Praxis Seeing Through the Stones of Cathedrals Bamberg heritage conservationists develop new imaging process Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Universität Bamberg 05/29/2020 Wissenschaft & Praxis Face Masks Reduce the Ability to Read Emotions Psychologist from Bamberg, Germany, conducted an experiment to test how face masks impact the reading of emotions. Daria Nipot/stock.adobe 05/26/2020 Kurz gemeldet Empirische Sozialforschung Wissenschaft & Praxis Regular Contact with the School is Essential for Homeschooling Study analyses learning activity in 11th and 12th graders during school closures and makes recommendations. Colourbox 05/20/2020 Wissenschaft & Praxis Study on body posture: can powerful poses improve self-confidence in children? A dominant body posture may help children to feel more confident in school. 03/11/2020 Service & Verwaltung News on the Current Corona Virus Situation University of Bamberg’s crisis committee and university physician compile a range of internal measures and information. Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 02/20/2020 Intelligent Deletion of Superfluous Digital Files University of Bamberg computer scientists are developing an adaptive assistant Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 02/17/2020 Wissenschaft & Praxis German Financial Market Stable in International Comparison University of Bamberg economist Christian Proaño studied the duration and scale of the financial cycle as a crisis indicator Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 10/24/2019 Lehre & Studium Arabic Studies: A Small Discipline with a Large Impact 29 small subjects at the University of Bamberg introduce themselves 10/22/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does hunger make you more egoistic? International study: Hunger Does not always Undermine Prosociality Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 10/15/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Congregations as Religious “Market Players” Bamberg sociologists examine what makes megachurches in the USA so successful Till Sonnemann/University of Bamberg 09/24/2019 Digitale Geistes-, Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften Wissenschaft & Praxis Colonial Cultural Heritage Analysis in the Caribbean University of Bamberg researchers teach non-destructive heritage conservation techniques in Cuba 09/23/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis What do Flight and Migration Mean for our Society? University of Bamberg experts provide insights into their research Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 09/12/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Uni international Conciliar Acts: A Means of Communication in Roman Antiquity ERC-funded research on conciliar acts from Late Antiquity 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis 3.35 Million Euros for new Bavarian “ForDigitHealth” Research Association University of Bamberg scholars study digital stress Holger Vogel/Foto Studio West 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis I love myself! The University of Bamberg’s psychological studies on modern forms of narcissism Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 06/18/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Staying Sober with the Help of a Mobile Phone? Bamberg psychologists evaluate an innovative treatment plan in the Franconian region 06/06/2019 Lehre & Studium Bavaria’s First “Digital History” Professorship The University of Bamberg announces new professorship Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 05/14/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Why does the EU matter? Experts comment in advance of the European Elections on 26 May Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 04/26/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Nothing Ventured?: Taking Risks to Succeed Bamberg economists research competitive situations Tilmann Pusch 04/25/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Progress in the Fight Against Tax Evasion Political scientists at the University of Bamberg show the efficacy of OECD measures Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 04/24/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Joint Diagnoses by Humans and AI Bamberg research team develops a medical companion 04/16/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Notre-Dame de Paris: Assessment and Images University of Bamberg experts weigh in on the recent fire ©reichdernatur - 03/29/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis No Day Care for Migrant Children? Education study on early childhood care David Höpfner/KDWT/Universität Bamberg 2016 03/07/2019 Erschließung und Erhalt von Kulturgut Wissenschaft & Praxis Seeing Through the Stones of Cathedrals Bamberg heritage conservationists develop new imaging process Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Daria Nipot/stock.adobe 05/26/2020 Kurz gemeldet Empirische Sozialforschung Wissenschaft & Praxis Regular Contact with the School is Essential for Homeschooling Study analyses learning activity in 11th and 12th graders during school closures and makes recommendations. Colourbox 05/20/2020 Wissenschaft & Praxis Study on body posture: can powerful poses improve self-confidence in children? A dominant body posture may help children to feel more confident in school. 03/11/2020 Service & Verwaltung News on the Current Corona Virus Situation University of Bamberg’s crisis committee and university physician compile a range of internal measures and information. Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 02/20/2020 Intelligent Deletion of Superfluous Digital Files University of Bamberg computer scientists are developing an adaptive assistant Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 02/17/2020 Wissenschaft & Praxis German Financial Market Stable in International Comparison University of Bamberg economist Christian Proaño studied the duration and scale of the financial cycle as a crisis indicator Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 10/24/2019 Lehre & Studium Arabic Studies: A Small Discipline with a Large Impact 29 small subjects at the University of Bamberg introduce themselves 10/22/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does hunger make you more egoistic? International study: Hunger Does not always Undermine Prosociality Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 10/15/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Congregations as Religious “Market Players” Bamberg sociologists examine what makes megachurches in the USA so successful Till Sonnemann/University of Bamberg 09/24/2019 Digitale Geistes-, Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften Wissenschaft & Praxis Colonial Cultural Heritage Analysis in the Caribbean University of Bamberg researchers teach non-destructive heritage conservation techniques in Cuba 09/23/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis What do Flight and Migration Mean for our Society? University of Bamberg experts provide insights into their research Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 09/12/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Uni international Conciliar Acts: A Means of Communication in Roman Antiquity ERC-funded research on conciliar acts from Late Antiquity 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis 3.35 Million Euros for new Bavarian “ForDigitHealth” Research Association University of Bamberg scholars study digital stress Holger Vogel/Foto Studio West 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis I love myself! The University of Bamberg’s psychological studies on modern forms of narcissism Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 06/18/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Staying Sober with the Help of a Mobile Phone? Bamberg psychologists evaluate an innovative treatment plan in the Franconian region 06/06/2019 Lehre & Studium Bavaria’s First “Digital History” Professorship The University of Bamberg announces new professorship Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 05/14/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Why does the EU matter? Experts comment in advance of the European Elections on 26 May Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 04/26/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Nothing Ventured?: Taking Risks to Succeed Bamberg economists research competitive situations Tilmann Pusch 04/25/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Progress in the Fight Against Tax Evasion Political scientists at the University of Bamberg show the efficacy of OECD measures Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 04/24/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Joint Diagnoses by Humans and AI Bamberg research team develops a medical companion 04/16/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Notre-Dame de Paris: Assessment and Images University of Bamberg experts weigh in on the recent fire ©reichdernatur - 03/29/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis No Day Care for Migrant Children? Education study on early childhood care David Höpfner/KDWT/Universität Bamberg 2016 03/07/2019 Erschließung und Erhalt von Kulturgut Wissenschaft & Praxis Seeing Through the Stones of Cathedrals Bamberg heritage conservationists develop new imaging process Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Colourbox 05/20/2020 Wissenschaft & Praxis Study on body posture: can powerful poses improve self-confidence in children? A dominant body posture may help children to feel more confident in school. 03/11/2020 Service & Verwaltung News on the Current Corona Virus Situation University of Bamberg’s crisis committee and university physician compile a range of internal measures and information. Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 02/20/2020 Intelligent Deletion of Superfluous Digital Files University of Bamberg computer scientists are developing an adaptive assistant Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 02/17/2020 Wissenschaft & Praxis German Financial Market Stable in International Comparison University of Bamberg economist Christian Proaño studied the duration and scale of the financial cycle as a crisis indicator Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 10/24/2019 Lehre & Studium Arabic Studies: A Small Discipline with a Large Impact 29 small subjects at the University of Bamberg introduce themselves 10/22/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does hunger make you more egoistic? International study: Hunger Does not always Undermine Prosociality Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 10/15/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Congregations as Religious “Market Players” Bamberg sociologists examine what makes megachurches in the USA so successful Till Sonnemann/University of Bamberg 09/24/2019 Digitale Geistes-, Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften Wissenschaft & Praxis Colonial Cultural Heritage Analysis in the Caribbean University of Bamberg researchers teach non-destructive heritage conservation techniques in Cuba 09/23/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis What do Flight and Migration Mean for our Society? University of Bamberg experts provide insights into their research Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 09/12/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Uni international Conciliar Acts: A Means of Communication in Roman Antiquity ERC-funded research on conciliar acts from Late Antiquity 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis 3.35 Million Euros for new Bavarian “ForDigitHealth” Research Association University of Bamberg scholars study digital stress Holger Vogel/Foto Studio West 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis I love myself! The University of Bamberg’s psychological studies on modern forms of narcissism Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 06/18/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Staying Sober with the Help of a Mobile Phone? Bamberg psychologists evaluate an innovative treatment plan in the Franconian region 06/06/2019 Lehre & Studium Bavaria’s First “Digital History” Professorship The University of Bamberg announces new professorship Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 05/14/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Why does the EU matter? Experts comment in advance of the European Elections on 26 May Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 04/26/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Nothing Ventured?: Taking Risks to Succeed Bamberg economists research competitive situations Tilmann Pusch 04/25/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Progress in the Fight Against Tax Evasion Political scientists at the University of Bamberg show the efficacy of OECD measures Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 04/24/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Joint Diagnoses by Humans and AI Bamberg research team develops a medical companion 04/16/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Notre-Dame de Paris: Assessment and Images University of Bamberg experts weigh in on the recent fire ©reichdernatur - 03/29/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis No Day Care for Migrant Children? Education study on early childhood care David Höpfner/KDWT/Universität Bamberg 2016 03/07/2019 Erschließung und Erhalt von Kulturgut Wissenschaft & Praxis Seeing Through the Stones of Cathedrals Bamberg heritage conservationists develop new imaging process Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
03/11/2020 Service & Verwaltung News on the Current Corona Virus Situation University of Bamberg’s crisis committee and university physician compile a range of internal measures and information. Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 02/20/2020 Intelligent Deletion of Superfluous Digital Files University of Bamberg computer scientists are developing an adaptive assistant Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 02/17/2020 Wissenschaft & Praxis German Financial Market Stable in International Comparison University of Bamberg economist Christian Proaño studied the duration and scale of the financial cycle as a crisis indicator Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 10/24/2019 Lehre & Studium Arabic Studies: A Small Discipline with a Large Impact 29 small subjects at the University of Bamberg introduce themselves 10/22/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does hunger make you more egoistic? International study: Hunger Does not always Undermine Prosociality Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 10/15/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Congregations as Religious “Market Players” Bamberg sociologists examine what makes megachurches in the USA so successful Till Sonnemann/University of Bamberg 09/24/2019 Digitale Geistes-, Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften Wissenschaft & Praxis Colonial Cultural Heritage Analysis in the Caribbean University of Bamberg researchers teach non-destructive heritage conservation techniques in Cuba 09/23/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis What do Flight and Migration Mean for our Society? University of Bamberg experts provide insights into their research Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 09/12/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Uni international Conciliar Acts: A Means of Communication in Roman Antiquity ERC-funded research on conciliar acts from Late Antiquity 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis 3.35 Million Euros for new Bavarian “ForDigitHealth” Research Association University of Bamberg scholars study digital stress Holger Vogel/Foto Studio West 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis I love myself! The University of Bamberg’s psychological studies on modern forms of narcissism Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 06/18/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Staying Sober with the Help of a Mobile Phone? Bamberg psychologists evaluate an innovative treatment plan in the Franconian region 06/06/2019 Lehre & Studium Bavaria’s First “Digital History” Professorship The University of Bamberg announces new professorship Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 05/14/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Why does the EU matter? Experts comment in advance of the European Elections on 26 May Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 04/26/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Nothing Ventured?: Taking Risks to Succeed Bamberg economists research competitive situations Tilmann Pusch 04/25/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Progress in the Fight Against Tax Evasion Political scientists at the University of Bamberg show the efficacy of OECD measures Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 04/24/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Joint Diagnoses by Humans and AI Bamberg research team develops a medical companion 04/16/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Notre-Dame de Paris: Assessment and Images University of Bamberg experts weigh in on the recent fire ©reichdernatur - 03/29/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis No Day Care for Migrant Children? Education study on early childhood care David Höpfner/KDWT/Universität Bamberg 2016 03/07/2019 Erschließung und Erhalt von Kulturgut Wissenschaft & Praxis Seeing Through the Stones of Cathedrals Bamberg heritage conservationists develop new imaging process Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 02/20/2020 Intelligent Deletion of Superfluous Digital Files University of Bamberg computer scientists are developing an adaptive assistant Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 02/17/2020 Wissenschaft & Praxis German Financial Market Stable in International Comparison University of Bamberg economist Christian Proaño studied the duration and scale of the financial cycle as a crisis indicator Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 10/24/2019 Lehre & Studium Arabic Studies: A Small Discipline with a Large Impact 29 small subjects at the University of Bamberg introduce themselves 10/22/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does hunger make you more egoistic? International study: Hunger Does not always Undermine Prosociality Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 10/15/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Congregations as Religious “Market Players” Bamberg sociologists examine what makes megachurches in the USA so successful Till Sonnemann/University of Bamberg 09/24/2019 Digitale Geistes-, Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften Wissenschaft & Praxis Colonial Cultural Heritage Analysis in the Caribbean University of Bamberg researchers teach non-destructive heritage conservation techniques in Cuba 09/23/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis What do Flight and Migration Mean for our Society? University of Bamberg experts provide insights into their research Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 09/12/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Uni international Conciliar Acts: A Means of Communication in Roman Antiquity ERC-funded research on conciliar acts from Late Antiquity 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis 3.35 Million Euros for new Bavarian “ForDigitHealth” Research Association University of Bamberg scholars study digital stress Holger Vogel/Foto Studio West 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis I love myself! The University of Bamberg’s psychological studies on modern forms of narcissism Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 06/18/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Staying Sober with the Help of a Mobile Phone? Bamberg psychologists evaluate an innovative treatment plan in the Franconian region 06/06/2019 Lehre & Studium Bavaria’s First “Digital History” Professorship The University of Bamberg announces new professorship Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 05/14/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Why does the EU matter? Experts comment in advance of the European Elections on 26 May Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 04/26/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Nothing Ventured?: Taking Risks to Succeed Bamberg economists research competitive situations Tilmann Pusch 04/25/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Progress in the Fight Against Tax Evasion Political scientists at the University of Bamberg show the efficacy of OECD measures Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 04/24/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Joint Diagnoses by Humans and AI Bamberg research team develops a medical companion 04/16/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Notre-Dame de Paris: Assessment and Images University of Bamberg experts weigh in on the recent fire ©reichdernatur - 03/29/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis No Day Care for Migrant Children? Education study on early childhood care David Höpfner/KDWT/Universität Bamberg 2016 03/07/2019 Erschließung und Erhalt von Kulturgut Wissenschaft & Praxis Seeing Through the Stones of Cathedrals Bamberg heritage conservationists develop new imaging process Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 02/17/2020 Wissenschaft & Praxis German Financial Market Stable in International Comparison University of Bamberg economist Christian Proaño studied the duration and scale of the financial cycle as a crisis indicator Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 10/24/2019 Lehre & Studium Arabic Studies: A Small Discipline with a Large Impact 29 small subjects at the University of Bamberg introduce themselves 10/22/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does hunger make you more egoistic? International study: Hunger Does not always Undermine Prosociality Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 10/15/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Congregations as Religious “Market Players” Bamberg sociologists examine what makes megachurches in the USA so successful Till Sonnemann/University of Bamberg 09/24/2019 Digitale Geistes-, Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften Wissenschaft & Praxis Colonial Cultural Heritage Analysis in the Caribbean University of Bamberg researchers teach non-destructive heritage conservation techniques in Cuba 09/23/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis What do Flight and Migration Mean for our Society? University of Bamberg experts provide insights into their research Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 09/12/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Uni international Conciliar Acts: A Means of Communication in Roman Antiquity ERC-funded research on conciliar acts from Late Antiquity 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis 3.35 Million Euros for new Bavarian “ForDigitHealth” Research Association University of Bamberg scholars study digital stress Holger Vogel/Foto Studio West 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis I love myself! The University of Bamberg’s psychological studies on modern forms of narcissism Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 06/18/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Staying Sober with the Help of a Mobile Phone? Bamberg psychologists evaluate an innovative treatment plan in the Franconian region 06/06/2019 Lehre & Studium Bavaria’s First “Digital History” Professorship The University of Bamberg announces new professorship Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 05/14/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Why does the EU matter? Experts comment in advance of the European Elections on 26 May Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 04/26/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Nothing Ventured?: Taking Risks to Succeed Bamberg economists research competitive situations Tilmann Pusch 04/25/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Progress in the Fight Against Tax Evasion Political scientists at the University of Bamberg show the efficacy of OECD measures Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 04/24/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Joint Diagnoses by Humans and AI Bamberg research team develops a medical companion 04/16/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Notre-Dame de Paris: Assessment and Images University of Bamberg experts weigh in on the recent fire ©reichdernatur - 03/29/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis No Day Care for Migrant Children? Education study on early childhood care David Höpfner/KDWT/Universität Bamberg 2016 03/07/2019 Erschließung und Erhalt von Kulturgut Wissenschaft & Praxis Seeing Through the Stones of Cathedrals Bamberg heritage conservationists develop new imaging process Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 10/24/2019 Lehre & Studium Arabic Studies: A Small Discipline with a Large Impact 29 small subjects at the University of Bamberg introduce themselves 10/22/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does hunger make you more egoistic? International study: Hunger Does not always Undermine Prosociality Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 10/15/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Congregations as Religious “Market Players” Bamberg sociologists examine what makes megachurches in the USA so successful Till Sonnemann/University of Bamberg 09/24/2019 Digitale Geistes-, Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften Wissenschaft & Praxis Colonial Cultural Heritage Analysis in the Caribbean University of Bamberg researchers teach non-destructive heritage conservation techniques in Cuba 09/23/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis What do Flight and Migration Mean for our Society? University of Bamberg experts provide insights into their research Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 09/12/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Uni international Conciliar Acts: A Means of Communication in Roman Antiquity ERC-funded research on conciliar acts from Late Antiquity 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis 3.35 Million Euros for new Bavarian “ForDigitHealth” Research Association University of Bamberg scholars study digital stress Holger Vogel/Foto Studio West 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis I love myself! The University of Bamberg’s psychological studies on modern forms of narcissism Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 06/18/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Staying Sober with the Help of a Mobile Phone? Bamberg psychologists evaluate an innovative treatment plan in the Franconian region 06/06/2019 Lehre & Studium Bavaria’s First “Digital History” Professorship The University of Bamberg announces new professorship Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 05/14/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Why does the EU matter? Experts comment in advance of the European Elections on 26 May Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 04/26/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Nothing Ventured?: Taking Risks to Succeed Bamberg economists research competitive situations Tilmann Pusch 04/25/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Progress in the Fight Against Tax Evasion Political scientists at the University of Bamberg show the efficacy of OECD measures Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 04/24/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Joint Diagnoses by Humans and AI Bamberg research team develops a medical companion 04/16/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Notre-Dame de Paris: Assessment and Images University of Bamberg experts weigh in on the recent fire ©reichdernatur - 03/29/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis No Day Care for Migrant Children? Education study on early childhood care David Höpfner/KDWT/Universität Bamberg 2016 03/07/2019 Erschließung und Erhalt von Kulturgut Wissenschaft & Praxis Seeing Through the Stones of Cathedrals Bamberg heritage conservationists develop new imaging process Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
10/22/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does hunger make you more egoistic? International study: Hunger Does not always Undermine Prosociality Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 10/15/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Congregations as Religious “Market Players” Bamberg sociologists examine what makes megachurches in the USA so successful Till Sonnemann/University of Bamberg 09/24/2019 Digitale Geistes-, Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften Wissenschaft & Praxis Colonial Cultural Heritage Analysis in the Caribbean University of Bamberg researchers teach non-destructive heritage conservation techniques in Cuba 09/23/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis What do Flight and Migration Mean for our Society? University of Bamberg experts provide insights into their research Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 09/12/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Uni international Conciliar Acts: A Means of Communication in Roman Antiquity ERC-funded research on conciliar acts from Late Antiquity 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis 3.35 Million Euros for new Bavarian “ForDigitHealth” Research Association University of Bamberg scholars study digital stress Holger Vogel/Foto Studio West 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis I love myself! The University of Bamberg’s psychological studies on modern forms of narcissism Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 06/18/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Staying Sober with the Help of a Mobile Phone? Bamberg psychologists evaluate an innovative treatment plan in the Franconian region 06/06/2019 Lehre & Studium Bavaria’s First “Digital History” Professorship The University of Bamberg announces new professorship Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 05/14/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Why does the EU matter? Experts comment in advance of the European Elections on 26 May Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 04/26/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Nothing Ventured?: Taking Risks to Succeed Bamberg economists research competitive situations Tilmann Pusch 04/25/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Progress in the Fight Against Tax Evasion Political scientists at the University of Bamberg show the efficacy of OECD measures Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 04/24/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Joint Diagnoses by Humans and AI Bamberg research team develops a medical companion 04/16/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Notre-Dame de Paris: Assessment and Images University of Bamberg experts weigh in on the recent fire ©reichdernatur - 03/29/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis No Day Care for Migrant Children? Education study on early childhood care David Höpfner/KDWT/Universität Bamberg 2016 03/07/2019 Erschließung und Erhalt von Kulturgut Wissenschaft & Praxis Seeing Through the Stones of Cathedrals Bamberg heritage conservationists develop new imaging process Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 10/15/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Congregations as Religious “Market Players” Bamberg sociologists examine what makes megachurches in the USA so successful Till Sonnemann/University of Bamberg 09/24/2019 Digitale Geistes-, Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften Wissenschaft & Praxis Colonial Cultural Heritage Analysis in the Caribbean University of Bamberg researchers teach non-destructive heritage conservation techniques in Cuba 09/23/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis What do Flight and Migration Mean for our Society? University of Bamberg experts provide insights into their research Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 09/12/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Uni international Conciliar Acts: A Means of Communication in Roman Antiquity ERC-funded research on conciliar acts from Late Antiquity 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis 3.35 Million Euros for new Bavarian “ForDigitHealth” Research Association University of Bamberg scholars study digital stress Holger Vogel/Foto Studio West 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis I love myself! The University of Bamberg’s psychological studies on modern forms of narcissism Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 06/18/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Staying Sober with the Help of a Mobile Phone? Bamberg psychologists evaluate an innovative treatment plan in the Franconian region 06/06/2019 Lehre & Studium Bavaria’s First “Digital History” Professorship The University of Bamberg announces new professorship Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 05/14/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Why does the EU matter? Experts comment in advance of the European Elections on 26 May Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 04/26/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Nothing Ventured?: Taking Risks to Succeed Bamberg economists research competitive situations Tilmann Pusch 04/25/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Progress in the Fight Against Tax Evasion Political scientists at the University of Bamberg show the efficacy of OECD measures Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 04/24/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Joint Diagnoses by Humans and AI Bamberg research team develops a medical companion 04/16/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Notre-Dame de Paris: Assessment and Images University of Bamberg experts weigh in on the recent fire ©reichdernatur - 03/29/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis No Day Care for Migrant Children? Education study on early childhood care David Höpfner/KDWT/Universität Bamberg 2016 03/07/2019 Erschließung und Erhalt von Kulturgut Wissenschaft & Praxis Seeing Through the Stones of Cathedrals Bamberg heritage conservationists develop new imaging process Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Till Sonnemann/University of Bamberg 09/24/2019 Digitale Geistes-, Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften Wissenschaft & Praxis Colonial Cultural Heritage Analysis in the Caribbean University of Bamberg researchers teach non-destructive heritage conservation techniques in Cuba 09/23/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis What do Flight and Migration Mean for our Society? University of Bamberg experts provide insights into their research Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 09/12/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Uni international Conciliar Acts: A Means of Communication in Roman Antiquity ERC-funded research on conciliar acts from Late Antiquity 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis 3.35 Million Euros for new Bavarian “ForDigitHealth” Research Association University of Bamberg scholars study digital stress Holger Vogel/Foto Studio West 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis I love myself! The University of Bamberg’s psychological studies on modern forms of narcissism Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 06/18/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Staying Sober with the Help of a Mobile Phone? Bamberg psychologists evaluate an innovative treatment plan in the Franconian region 06/06/2019 Lehre & Studium Bavaria’s First “Digital History” Professorship The University of Bamberg announces new professorship Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 05/14/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Why does the EU matter? Experts comment in advance of the European Elections on 26 May Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 04/26/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Nothing Ventured?: Taking Risks to Succeed Bamberg economists research competitive situations Tilmann Pusch 04/25/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Progress in the Fight Against Tax Evasion Political scientists at the University of Bamberg show the efficacy of OECD measures Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 04/24/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Joint Diagnoses by Humans and AI Bamberg research team develops a medical companion 04/16/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Notre-Dame de Paris: Assessment and Images University of Bamberg experts weigh in on the recent fire ©reichdernatur - 03/29/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis No Day Care for Migrant Children? Education study on early childhood care David Höpfner/KDWT/Universität Bamberg 2016 03/07/2019 Erschließung und Erhalt von Kulturgut Wissenschaft & Praxis Seeing Through the Stones of Cathedrals Bamberg heritage conservationists develop new imaging process Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
09/23/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis What do Flight and Migration Mean for our Society? University of Bamberg experts provide insights into their research Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 09/12/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Uni international Conciliar Acts: A Means of Communication in Roman Antiquity ERC-funded research on conciliar acts from Late Antiquity 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis 3.35 Million Euros for new Bavarian “ForDigitHealth” Research Association University of Bamberg scholars study digital stress Holger Vogel/Foto Studio West 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis I love myself! The University of Bamberg’s psychological studies on modern forms of narcissism Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 06/18/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Staying Sober with the Help of a Mobile Phone? Bamberg psychologists evaluate an innovative treatment plan in the Franconian region 06/06/2019 Lehre & Studium Bavaria’s First “Digital History” Professorship The University of Bamberg announces new professorship Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 05/14/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Why does the EU matter? Experts comment in advance of the European Elections on 26 May Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 04/26/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Nothing Ventured?: Taking Risks to Succeed Bamberg economists research competitive situations Tilmann Pusch 04/25/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Progress in the Fight Against Tax Evasion Political scientists at the University of Bamberg show the efficacy of OECD measures Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 04/24/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Joint Diagnoses by Humans and AI Bamberg research team develops a medical companion 04/16/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Notre-Dame de Paris: Assessment and Images University of Bamberg experts weigh in on the recent fire ©reichdernatur - 03/29/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis No Day Care for Migrant Children? Education study on early childhood care David Höpfner/KDWT/Universität Bamberg 2016 03/07/2019 Erschließung und Erhalt von Kulturgut Wissenschaft & Praxis Seeing Through the Stones of Cathedrals Bamberg heritage conservationists develop new imaging process Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 09/12/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Uni international Conciliar Acts: A Means of Communication in Roman Antiquity ERC-funded research on conciliar acts from Late Antiquity 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis 3.35 Million Euros for new Bavarian “ForDigitHealth” Research Association University of Bamberg scholars study digital stress Holger Vogel/Foto Studio West 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis I love myself! The University of Bamberg’s psychological studies on modern forms of narcissism Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 06/18/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Staying Sober with the Help of a Mobile Phone? Bamberg psychologists evaluate an innovative treatment plan in the Franconian region 06/06/2019 Lehre & Studium Bavaria’s First “Digital History” Professorship The University of Bamberg announces new professorship Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 05/14/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Why does the EU matter? Experts comment in advance of the European Elections on 26 May Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 04/26/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Nothing Ventured?: Taking Risks to Succeed Bamberg economists research competitive situations Tilmann Pusch 04/25/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Progress in the Fight Against Tax Evasion Political scientists at the University of Bamberg show the efficacy of OECD measures Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 04/24/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Joint Diagnoses by Humans and AI Bamberg research team develops a medical companion 04/16/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Notre-Dame de Paris: Assessment and Images University of Bamberg experts weigh in on the recent fire ©reichdernatur - 03/29/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis No Day Care for Migrant Children? Education study on early childhood care David Höpfner/KDWT/Universität Bamberg 2016 03/07/2019 Erschließung und Erhalt von Kulturgut Wissenschaft & Praxis Seeing Through the Stones of Cathedrals Bamberg heritage conservationists develop new imaging process Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis 3.35 Million Euros for new Bavarian “ForDigitHealth” Research Association University of Bamberg scholars study digital stress Holger Vogel/Foto Studio West 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis I love myself! The University of Bamberg’s psychological studies on modern forms of narcissism Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 06/18/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Staying Sober with the Help of a Mobile Phone? Bamberg psychologists evaluate an innovative treatment plan in the Franconian region 06/06/2019 Lehre & Studium Bavaria’s First “Digital History” Professorship The University of Bamberg announces new professorship Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 05/14/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Why does the EU matter? Experts comment in advance of the European Elections on 26 May Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 04/26/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Nothing Ventured?: Taking Risks to Succeed Bamberg economists research competitive situations Tilmann Pusch 04/25/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Progress in the Fight Against Tax Evasion Political scientists at the University of Bamberg show the efficacy of OECD measures Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 04/24/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Joint Diagnoses by Humans and AI Bamberg research team develops a medical companion 04/16/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Notre-Dame de Paris: Assessment and Images University of Bamberg experts weigh in on the recent fire ©reichdernatur - 03/29/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis No Day Care for Migrant Children? Education study on early childhood care David Höpfner/KDWT/Universität Bamberg 2016 03/07/2019 Erschließung und Erhalt von Kulturgut Wissenschaft & Praxis Seeing Through the Stones of Cathedrals Bamberg heritage conservationists develop new imaging process Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Holger Vogel/Foto Studio West 08/30/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis I love myself! The University of Bamberg’s psychological studies on modern forms of narcissism Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 06/18/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Staying Sober with the Help of a Mobile Phone? Bamberg psychologists evaluate an innovative treatment plan in the Franconian region 06/06/2019 Lehre & Studium Bavaria’s First “Digital History” Professorship The University of Bamberg announces new professorship Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 05/14/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Why does the EU matter? Experts comment in advance of the European Elections on 26 May Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 04/26/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Nothing Ventured?: Taking Risks to Succeed Bamberg economists research competitive situations Tilmann Pusch 04/25/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Progress in the Fight Against Tax Evasion Political scientists at the University of Bamberg show the efficacy of OECD measures Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 04/24/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Joint Diagnoses by Humans and AI Bamberg research team develops a medical companion 04/16/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Notre-Dame de Paris: Assessment and Images University of Bamberg experts weigh in on the recent fire ©reichdernatur - 03/29/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis No Day Care for Migrant Children? Education study on early childhood care David Höpfner/KDWT/Universität Bamberg 2016 03/07/2019 Erschließung und Erhalt von Kulturgut Wissenschaft & Praxis Seeing Through the Stones of Cathedrals Bamberg heritage conservationists develop new imaging process Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 06/18/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Staying Sober with the Help of a Mobile Phone? Bamberg psychologists evaluate an innovative treatment plan in the Franconian region 06/06/2019 Lehre & Studium Bavaria’s First “Digital History” Professorship The University of Bamberg announces new professorship Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 05/14/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Why does the EU matter? Experts comment in advance of the European Elections on 26 May Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 04/26/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Nothing Ventured?: Taking Risks to Succeed Bamberg economists research competitive situations Tilmann Pusch 04/25/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Progress in the Fight Against Tax Evasion Political scientists at the University of Bamberg show the efficacy of OECD measures Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 04/24/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Joint Diagnoses by Humans and AI Bamberg research team develops a medical companion 04/16/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Notre-Dame de Paris: Assessment and Images University of Bamberg experts weigh in on the recent fire ©reichdernatur - 03/29/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis No Day Care for Migrant Children? Education study on early childhood care David Höpfner/KDWT/Universität Bamberg 2016 03/07/2019 Erschließung und Erhalt von Kulturgut Wissenschaft & Praxis Seeing Through the Stones of Cathedrals Bamberg heritage conservationists develop new imaging process Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
06/06/2019 Lehre & Studium Bavaria’s First “Digital History” Professorship The University of Bamberg announces new professorship Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 05/14/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Why does the EU matter? Experts comment in advance of the European Elections on 26 May Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 04/26/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Nothing Ventured?: Taking Risks to Succeed Bamberg economists research competitive situations Tilmann Pusch 04/25/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Progress in the Fight Against Tax Evasion Political scientists at the University of Bamberg show the efficacy of OECD measures Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 04/24/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Joint Diagnoses by Humans and AI Bamberg research team develops a medical companion 04/16/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Notre-Dame de Paris: Assessment and Images University of Bamberg experts weigh in on the recent fire ©reichdernatur - 03/29/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis No Day Care for Migrant Children? Education study on early childhood care David Höpfner/KDWT/Universität Bamberg 2016 03/07/2019 Erschließung und Erhalt von Kulturgut Wissenschaft & Praxis Seeing Through the Stones of Cathedrals Bamberg heritage conservationists develop new imaging process Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 05/14/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Why does the EU matter? Experts comment in advance of the European Elections on 26 May Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 04/26/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Nothing Ventured?: Taking Risks to Succeed Bamberg economists research competitive situations Tilmann Pusch 04/25/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Progress in the Fight Against Tax Evasion Political scientists at the University of Bamberg show the efficacy of OECD measures Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 04/24/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Joint Diagnoses by Humans and AI Bamberg research team develops a medical companion 04/16/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Notre-Dame de Paris: Assessment and Images University of Bamberg experts weigh in on the recent fire ©reichdernatur - 03/29/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis No Day Care for Migrant Children? Education study on early childhood care David Höpfner/KDWT/Universität Bamberg 2016 03/07/2019 Erschließung und Erhalt von Kulturgut Wissenschaft & Praxis Seeing Through the Stones of Cathedrals Bamberg heritage conservationists develop new imaging process Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 04/26/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Nothing Ventured?: Taking Risks to Succeed Bamberg economists research competitive situations Tilmann Pusch 04/25/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Progress in the Fight Against Tax Evasion Political scientists at the University of Bamberg show the efficacy of OECD measures Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 04/24/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Joint Diagnoses by Humans and AI Bamberg research team develops a medical companion 04/16/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Notre-Dame de Paris: Assessment and Images University of Bamberg experts weigh in on the recent fire ©reichdernatur - 03/29/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis No Day Care for Migrant Children? Education study on early childhood care David Höpfner/KDWT/Universität Bamberg 2016 03/07/2019 Erschließung und Erhalt von Kulturgut Wissenschaft & Praxis Seeing Through the Stones of Cathedrals Bamberg heritage conservationists develop new imaging process Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Tilmann Pusch 04/25/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Progress in the Fight Against Tax Evasion Political scientists at the University of Bamberg show the efficacy of OECD measures Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 04/24/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Joint Diagnoses by Humans and AI Bamberg research team develops a medical companion 04/16/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Notre-Dame de Paris: Assessment and Images University of Bamberg experts weigh in on the recent fire ©reichdernatur - 03/29/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis No Day Care for Migrant Children? Education study on early childhood care David Höpfner/KDWT/Universität Bamberg 2016 03/07/2019 Erschließung und Erhalt von Kulturgut Wissenschaft & Praxis Seeing Through the Stones of Cathedrals Bamberg heritage conservationists develop new imaging process Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 04/24/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Joint Diagnoses by Humans and AI Bamberg research team develops a medical companion 04/16/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Notre-Dame de Paris: Assessment and Images University of Bamberg experts weigh in on the recent fire ©reichdernatur - 03/29/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis No Day Care for Migrant Children? Education study on early childhood care David Höpfner/KDWT/Universität Bamberg 2016 03/07/2019 Erschließung und Erhalt von Kulturgut Wissenschaft & Praxis Seeing Through the Stones of Cathedrals Bamberg heritage conservationists develop new imaging process Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
04/16/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Notre-Dame de Paris: Assessment and Images University of Bamberg experts weigh in on the recent fire ©reichdernatur - 03/29/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis No Day Care for Migrant Children? Education study on early childhood care David Höpfner/KDWT/Universität Bamberg 2016 03/07/2019 Erschließung und Erhalt von Kulturgut Wissenschaft & Praxis Seeing Through the Stones of Cathedrals Bamberg heritage conservationists develop new imaging process Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
©reichdernatur - 03/29/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis No Day Care for Migrant Children? Education study on early childhood care David Höpfner/KDWT/Universität Bamberg 2016 03/07/2019 Erschließung und Erhalt von Kulturgut Wissenschaft & Praxis Seeing Through the Stones of Cathedrals Bamberg heritage conservationists develop new imaging process Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
David Höpfner/KDWT/Universität Bamberg 2016 03/07/2019 Erschließung und Erhalt von Kulturgut Wissenschaft & Praxis Seeing Through the Stones of Cathedrals Bamberg heritage conservationists develop new imaging process Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Saskia Cramm/University of Bamberg 02/20/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Empirische Sozialforschung Early-Career Job Loss Negatively Affects Long-term Health Sociologists at the University of Bamberg analyse employment biographies Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Lasse Gerrits/ Chair of Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems 02/13/2019 Wissenschaft & Praxis Foreign Solutions as Possible Models for the Deutsche Bahn Political science study on disruption management systems in seven European rail networks Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Jürgen Schabel/Uni Bamberg 11/22/2018 Personalia & Porträts Wissenschaft & Praxis Michael Gebel among the “Young Elite” Capital recognises Bamberg professor’s substantial achievements Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Jürgen Schabel/University of Bamberg 11/05/2018 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Education 2030: “Policy makers aren’t planning for the long term!” University of Bamberg professor of education analyses international educational policy Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Jürgen Schabel/Universität Bamberg 08/14/2018 Making political education accessible to immigrants The chair for General Pedagogy is part of the research association “Zukunft der Demokratie (translates to “The Future of Democracy”) Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 08/02/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Monitoring Bamberg’s Cathedral International students test non-destructive techniques buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
buchachon/Colourbox 06/22/2018 How are World Cup Players’ Names Really Pronounced? A University of Bamberg student is continuing an audio project for the world’s largest footbal tournament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 06/05/2018 Lehre & Studium Writing in a Foreign Language The Language Centre Offers Guidance for Students Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Elena Schirmer/Universität Bamberg 05/15/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Results of the First Public Survey are In This is what local citizens think about the city and the university wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
wikimedia commons 05/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis The Professionals of 1848 Political scientists offer new insights into the Frankfurt Parliament Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Patricia Achter/Universität Bamberg 03/23/2018 Uni international Language Skills for Successful Studies A look at the University of Bamberg’s refugee advisory services Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Robert Kneschke 02/14/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis Improving Career Chances with International Work Experience PhD candidates wanted for an interdisciplinary EU research project Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Deutsche Bahn AG 02/07/2018 Wissenschaft & Praxis „German Railways is in urgent need of a better infrastructure“ The political scientist Lasse Gerrits is conducting research on the disruption management of the Deutsche Bahn Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Julia Dreßen/Universität Bamberg 12/04/2017 Uni international Extension of Doctoral Education Funding Programme IPID4all Financial support for Bamberg students and foreign doctoral candidates 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World. 10/25/2017 Uni international Protecting Threatened Scholars The University of Bamberg awards a second Philipp Schwartz Fellowship Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Universität Bamberg 09/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Church Portals in an Interdisciplinary Light Gaining new art-historical insights with a combination of humanities-based and technological methods Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Timo Seregély/Universität Bamberg 08/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis One Place, One Domestication Process Bamberg archaeologists’ research on the domestication of the modern dog Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 07/03/2017 Personalia & Porträts The Future is Now Vice-presidential elections ensure continuity in the face of change 06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
06/26/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Scientists decipher the "perfect selfie" Study: How should I take a selfie to look more attractive and slim? Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Universität Bamberg 05/30/2017 Uni international Wissenschaft & Praxis Perspectives on Europe The University of Bamberg’s theme year on the occasion of the regional Wissenschaftstag 2017 B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
B. Steinbring, hessenArchäologie 04/24/2017 Personalia & Porträts Distinguished Dissertation 2017 Eduard-Anthes-Preis awarded to Archaeologist Eike Henning Michl Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie/Universität Bamberg 03/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis In the Land of the Rising Sun How the Khorasan region shaped Islamic art and architecture 02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
02/08/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Real-time feedback helps save energy and water Study by the Universities of Bonn and Bamberg: consumption when showering can be reduced by 22 percent 01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
01/27/2017 Wissenschaft & Praxis Preserving German-Czech Cultural and Natural Heritage “Archaeo-Centre Bavaria-Bohemia” launched on 1 January 12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
12/23/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis A Safe Place to Conduct Research Philipp Schwartz Initiative for threatened researchers provides funding at the University of Bamberg Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Tim Kipphan/Universität Bamberg 11/25/2016 Jewish Studies Degree Established There’s a new degree programme at the University of Bamberg 10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
10/25/2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for Bob Dylan Appraisal and Appreciation from Americanist Christine Gerhardt and Cultural Studies Scholar Pascal Fischer 09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
09/15/2016 New Partner University in Israel Universities of Bamberg and Tel Aviv sign cooperation agreement Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Colourbox 08/18/2016 Wissenschaft & Praxis Does Faster Charging Technology Lead to Increased Acceptance of Electric Cars? Bamberg psychologists take a close look at bias against electromobility 07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
07/28/2016 New Degree Programmes at the University of Bamberg Applications now being accepted Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Phovoir/ 06/23/2016 "Time is Being Wasted" Economist Herbert Brücker on the importance of refugees finding jobs quickly – and how this can best be achieved 05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
05/30/2016 Bright Horizons for Teacher Training "WegE" project kick-off 04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
04/26/2016 The Ukraine Crisis Through the Media Lens A psychological study at the University of Bamberg explores the impact of media coverage 03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
03/08/2016 From the Pub to the Lecture Hall Language Course for Refugees 02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
02/25/2016 The Vigilant Path Towards Expansion Academic department for “Privacy and Security” established 01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
01/25/2016 To Each Country its Own – School Systems Included Insight into international school models, on location 12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
12/18/2015 Model United Nations Students immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy 11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
11/13/2015 Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Bamberg Historian Peter Riedlberger awarded 1.5 million euros in funding 10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
10/29/2015 The University of Bamberg in the Funding Atlas 2015 Funding atlas 2015 provides information about third-party funding vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
vege/ 09/24/2015 New Perpetrators, New Victims Monika Heupel, political scientist at the University of Bamberg, investigates human rights abuses Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Colourbox 08/19/2015 Germany, a Crisis Management Model? Olaf Struck on the labour market consequences of the euro crisis Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Kathrin Wimmer/Universität Bamberg 07/22/2015 Making Sense of Word Salad Bamberg psychologists design learning programme for the illiterate Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Samira Rosenbaum/Universität Bamberg 06/30/2015 Exploring the Self The American Psychologist Roy Baumeister in Bamberg Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Universität Bamberg 05/29/2015 Personalia & Porträts University Council Elects New Vice-president Maike Andresen is the new Vice-president for Research Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Universität Bamberg 04/29/2015 Top Honours for Business Research Handelsblatt ranks University of Bamberg scholars among top researchers Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Rainer Sturm/ 04/01/2015 Does Dual Education Live up to its Reputation? Sociology professor researches professional life courses in Germany Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Gstudio Group/Fotolia 02/23/2015 New Stimulus for International Doctoral Studies DAAD-programme IPID4all picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
picture alliance/Leonard Cendamo/Leemage 01/19/2015 In Remembrance of Ulrich Beck The world-renowned sociologist and former University of Bamberg professor has died 12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
12/22/2014 Uni international Forging an International Path University of Bamberg Successfully Audited Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
Andrea M. Müller/Universität Bamberg 11/24/2014 Neuerscheinungen Uni international Open-Minded and Open to the World First English Edition of Uni.vers Studies Published University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
University of Niš 10/15/2014 Structural Assistance in Southeastern Europe The University of Bamberg Providing Support for Serbian Universities 08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
08/29/2014 Competence Centre for Heritage Studies and Technology Total Funding of €5 million Has Been Approved for the Establishment of the New Centre 07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
07/24/2014 Summer, Sun, Seminar The University of Bamberg’s 2014 Summer Schools 06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
06/18/2014 Vice Presidents Confirmed for Another Term in Office Sebastian Kempgen and Guido Wirtz re-elected by a clear majority 06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
06/06/2014 Facebook-Friends: The cause of stress Studies from the University of Bamberg show how Facebook can lead to social overload 05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
05/05/2014 Marie Curie Sponsorship for Project CREATIVE Visiting Professor receives EU-Fellowship 03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
03/26/2014 Johannes Grotzky, Expert on Eastern Europe, Named Honorary Professor University of Bamberg honours dedication 03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
03/05/2014 Understanding and Preserving Historic Architecture Uzbek students visit Bamberg 02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
02/19/2014 Taking the Diplomatic Stage Students from the University of Bamberg to represent the USA at the National Model United Nations 01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
01/17/2014 Sensors Conquering Fear in Old Age Bamberg psychologists develop an intelligent emergency notification system 01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
01/07/2014 Unique Institutional Partnership Finalised The LIfBi becomes University of Bamberg affiliated institute and member of the Leibniz Association 11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
11/28/2013 Helping Guests “Settle In” Integration programmes for foreign students at the University of Bamberg 10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
10/16/2013 The Many Sides of Bamberg An Innovative Textbook for Students of the German Language Hits the Market 09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
09/16/2013 The Second Most Popular University in Germany The University of Bamberg is a hit among international students 08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
08/29/2013 Influencing International Research Graduates and supervisors of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) had plenty of reasons to celebrate. 08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.
08/29/2013 35th International Summer University Bamberg Welcomes Students and Instructors From Around the World.