Open Access journals make use of the Open Journal Systems (OJS). University of Bamberg Press UBP provides hosting for the journals and supports the editors.
OJS covers all areas from article submission over peer review up until publication on the journal website. Editors content with their current website can decide to forego OJS's publishing system and just use the software as editorial system for managing internal workflows.
Should you be interested we can set up a journal for testing purposes so you can try the various features at your own pace.
Contact: Barbara Ziegler, ubp(at)
OJS Journals at UBP
Journal of Family Research/ ed. by State Institute for Family Research at the University of Bamberg (ifb)
1989, 1 - . ISSN: 2699-2337
For over three decades, the JFR – Journal of Family Research – has been publishing original research on theoretical, empirical and methodological issues with regard to all aspects and stages of living in families and intimate relationships over the life course as well as the interrelations between family and society.
Religionspädagogische Beiträge/ ed. by AKRK (Arbeitsgemeinschaft katholische Religionspädagogik/Katechetik)
2002, 48 - . ISSN: 2750 - 3941
For six decades, the RpB have been one of the leading academic journals in the field of religious education in the German-speaking world. RpB publishes research findings relevant to religious education and didactics that offer new insights into the diverse aspects of religion in education in all regions and countries of the world.
Regards croisés - Afrique - Europe / Afrika - Europa / Africa - Europe: Interdisciplinary Journal for Human and Cultural Sciences / ed. by Klaus van Eickels
2021, 1 -. ISSN 2749-8514
The journal originated from the cooperation of the University of Bamberg in Germany with institutions of higher education in several African countries. It serves as a platform for interdisciplinary and intercultural exchange between Africa and Europe by publishing research contributions on history, literature, linguistics and civilisation, pedagogy, theology and related fields of cultural and human sciences.
Slavische Sprachen unterrichten / ed. by Sandra Birzer, Anka Bergmann, Christof Heinz, Andrea Steinbach
2022, 1 -. ISSN 2941-3877
Slavische Sprachen unterrichten (Teaching Slavic Languages ; SlavUn) is an online open-access journal on the teaching of Slavic languages in German-speaking countries. It takes up new research results from Slavic subject didactics, discusses them from the perspective of teaching practice and offers best practice examples.
Former Journals at UBP
Complexity, Governance & Networks / ed. by Lasse Gerrits and Göktuğ Morçöl
2014,1 - 2021,1. ISSN: 2214-3009
Complexity, Governance, and Networks aims to contribute to the philosophical, theoretical, methodological, and empirical developments in complexity, governance, and network studies in public administration, public policy, politics, and non-governmental organizations.