Sustainability Awards

With its Sustainability Awards, the Lyceum Foundation Bamberg recognises outstanding accomplishments in the field of sustainability in research, exceptional initiatives or achievements in academic studies or teaching as well as in campus management. Once a year, three awards are conferred if the prerequisites and criteria are met. Awards are not conferred unless the prerequisites and criteria are met. Each award is endowed with 1,000 euros.
The awards are for members of the university in one of the following categories
who are scholars or early career scholars with an outstanding research achievement of their own in the field of sustainability, such as in the form of a habilitation, dissertation, master’s degree or teacher’s thesis or publication (at least accepted),
Academic studies and teaching
who are full-time lecturers or students who have launched an exceptional initiative or made an outstanding achievement in academic studies or teaching in the field of sustainability in the form of at least a seminar, a course or student involvement specifically taking up aspects of sustainability
Campus management
who are civil servants or employees at the university and have launched an exceptional initiative or made an outstanding achievement in university administration in the field of sustainability
in the previous two years.
Routine achievements in research, academic studies and teaching, further education, research organisation and science policy, cumulative long-term achievements as well as work that has already been recognised with an award are not eligible.
You can find out more about the Lyceum Foundation Bamberg here (German only).
How to apply
Please send your application—as an individual or as a working group—only in digital form (one single PDF file) to lyzeumstiftung(at)
Your application should comprise only the following documents:
• cover letter,
• curriculum vitae,
• description of your original research achievement (copy/evidence of the academic work) or your exceptional initiative or outstanding achievement in academic studies or teaching in the field of sustainability in the form of a seminar, course or student involvement specifically with aspects of sustainability(with relevant supporting evidence) or an exceptional initiative or outstanding achievement in university administration in the field of sustainability (with relevant supporting evidence)
• Summary of the work.
By submitting your application, you consent to your personal data being used for the Foundation’s purposes and activities.
The deadline for applications is 30 June of the year of the award.
The incumbent panel of judges makes the decision on the award. Their decision is final. No legal redress may be sought. The award ceremony takes place during the Dies Academicus.