What can I study?
Course Selection and Registration
1. Selection
The University of Bamberg uses Univis as a tool for selecting and creating your timetable. A thorough manual can be found here.
During the preparatory course programme our tutors will also offer an introduction to Univis.
Please note: The full course catalogue, and therefore also the English course list, for each individual semester will only be completed a couple of weeks before the start of its lecturing period. We advise you to wait with your choice until they are available.
2. Courses in English
For organisational reasons it is unfortunately not possible to publish a complete and up-to-date list of all courses of the following winter or summer semester months in advance. The lists published here serve as an orientation point. This does not signify that these courses are offered each semester. Consequently, please check these lists shortly before the semester starts or get in contact with the lecturer of the respective course that interests you.
Courses taught in English (Summer Semester 2025)
Courses taught in English (Winter Semester 2024/2025)
Courses taught in English (Summer semester 2024)
Courses taught in English (Winter semester 2023/2024)
Courses taught in English (Summer semester 2023)(617.4 KB)
Courses taught in English (Winter semester 2022/23)(400.1 KB)
Courses taught in English (Summer semester 2022)(379.2 KB)
The faculty for Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration has created an ECTS-Guide(1.4 MB) for exchange students studying at this faculty.
The faculty for Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences has published a Module Handbook(3.2 MB).
You can also search for English-language courses yourself at any time on the univIS course platform. You can find the instructions here(480.1 KB).
3. German Language Courses offered by the Language Center
The Language Center of the University of Bamberg offers a great selection of German Language courses on various levels each semester. An overview for the summer semester 2025 can be found here.
Course programmes from previous semesters can be found here: winter semester 2022/2023(438.3 KB), summer semester 2023(152.0 KB), winter semester 2023/2024(183.2 KB), winter semester 2024/2025
Please Note:
- Currently all seminars are scheduled in face-to-face format.
- All courses are linked to Univis. Those courses that take place at the VHB (Virtual University of Bavaria): Direct links are not possible here, which is why links are provided to the DaF overview page of the VHB. There, you will find the respective course by searching for its name in the browser (Ctrl+F).
- For some demos of VHB courses, you will need to register as a guest in order to view them.
- Please do not forget to register in Flexnow in due time for the respective seminar as well as later for its examination! For organizational and equality reasons, no exceptions will be made and no deadlines will be extended. The deadlines will be communicated to you in the Virtual Campus of the respective seminars.
4. Course Registration
The University of Bamberg uses FlexNow as a tool for registering for courses and exams. This webseite can only be opened once you have officially enrolled at the University of Bamberg, since a registration is necessary. A manual can be found here.
Our tutors will also offer an introduction how to register for courses during the preparatory course programme.
5. Learning Agreement
Should you receive a ‘Learning Agreement’ from your home university, you will have to have this document signed by the International Office of the University of Bamberg.
When completing your (Online) Learning Agreement, please state the following as contact details at the receiving institution:
Receiving Responsible Person | Dr Andreas Weihe Institutional Erasmus Coordinator international[at]uni-bamberg.de +49 951 863 -1049 |
Receiving Administrative Contact Person | Julia Agrikola/Ruslana Khariv International Exchange Students Coordinator international[at]uni-bamberg.de +49 951 863 -1049 |
If you have questions concerning your Learning Agreement, for example concering course equivalency or course syllabi, please contact your academic contact person:
Students who study mainly in this faculty | Academic contact |
Humanities (GuK); Human Sciences and Education (Huwi) | (Ms) Dr. Katharina Scheffner, Am Kranen 12, room 03.01 Tel.: ++49 (0) 951-863-1174 e-mail (GuK): studium-international.guk[at]uni-bamberg.de e-mail (Huwi): studium-international.huwi[at]uni-bamberg.de |
Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration | (Mr) Prof. Dr. Muck/(Mr) Dr. Kaufmann, Kärntenstr. 7, room 01.33 Tel.:++49 (0) 951-863- 2096 e-mail: studium-international.sowi[at]uni-bamberg.de |
Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences | (Mr) Prof. Dr. Mendler, An der Weberei 5 (ERBA), room 05.041 Tel.:++49 (0) 951-863-2828 e-mail: michael.mendler[at]uni-bamberg.de |