
De-registration or withdrawal of enrolment ends your rights and obligations as a student and your membership of the university.

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General Information

Students can request de-registration themselves.

  • either effective at the end of the current semester (from mid-January or mid-June, respectively) or
  • effective immediately (upon receipt of request)

If de-registration/withdrawal is to take place due to a change of university or an interruption of studies, it is advisable to always request de-registration/withdrawal at the end of the current semester, as this will not result in any interruptions with regard to insurance coverage.

You can request de-registration in writing at the Registrar's Office.

In the course of de-registration, you should check the possibility of a refund of any re-registration fees you have already paid for the next semester.

The refund of semester fees is governed by the provisions of the statutes of the Studierendenwerk Würzburg concerning an additional contribution for the transportation of students at the Bamberg university location on public transport (semester pubic transport pass(97.1 KB, 2 pages)) dated 28 November 2019, and the statutes of the Studierendenwerk Würzburg on the levying of the basic contribution (Grundbeitragssatzung(115.1 KB, 2 pages)) dated 4 April 2019.

Request for refund of semester fees(126.1 KB)



The following documents must be submitted at the time of de-registration