New Student Orientation events (EET for short)

Dear Students,

welcome to the University of Bamberg.

On this page you will find information and links for a successful start to your studies.

The New Student Orientation events (EET) will take place in person at the University of Bamberg from April 14 to April 17, 2025. There you will gain an overview of your degree programme in subject introductions and tutorials, get important tips for planning your studies, and receive answers to your questions about creating a course schedule and registering for examinations.

The majority of courses are offered in German. The New Studient Orientation events (EET) is largely held in German. The introductions for the englisch-language degree programmes are also in Englisch. To see the complete programme of the introductory week, please change the language of the website to German. The dates of the English-language degree programmes can be found here:

Faculty of Humanities

Master: English an American Studies 


Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration

Master: European Economic Studies


Faculty of Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences

Master: International Software Systems Science