First Semester Introductory Days (EET)

Have you decided on a degree program at the University of Bamberg and enrolled? You can use the following tiles to prepare for the start of your degree program.
Schedule of the EET
The first semester introductory days (EET for short) include the most important events at the start of your studies. These include timetabling, getting to know your fellow students and tips and tricks for student life.
Checklist for the start of your studies
Are you confused by your flat, timetable, student office and so on? We give you a simple checklist with your to-dos and a schedule.
When creating a timetable, we clarify what modules are, which registration deadlines are important, how many courses should be taken per semester and which modules we recommend and when.
Overview over your degree program
Each degree program offered is based on different regulations that govern the course of study, offers various compulsory and elective modules and has special features such as specialisations, progress checks or stays abroad.
Information and documents on the subjects/degree programs
Here you will find more and more presentations, documents and further information to read over the course of the EET week.
IT services
In order to be able to access lecture documents, the WiFi works and important emails arrive, the necessary IT must be set up at the beginning of your studies.
Further events
In addition to the official events organised by the University of Bamberg during the EET, other university-related groups offer numerous other events for first-year students at the start of their studies.
Survival Guide
Student life doesn't just take place in the lecture theatre and the library. Here you'll find useful tips and tricks for parties & pubs, bus & train, sport & culture, work & accommodation and more - from students, for students.
You've got the basics - now it's time to fine-tune! Here you can find further information to make your everyday life at university easier.
If you get stuck or have any questions - just send a short email to your student council or the Central Student Advisory Service. You can find the contact details below. We will be happy to help you!
Which faculty do I belong to?
GuK, Sowi, WIAI, or Huwi? Find out which faculty you belong to.
The University of Bamberg has over 60 locations. Find out which ones are relevant for you.
Important facilities and contact points
Library, canteen, student council, student representatives and international office - here is an overview of the most important contact points and facilities and what they are important for.
In the glossary you will find explanations of many terms relevant to your studies, from A for ‘General Examination Regulations’ to Z for ‘Central Student Advisory Service’.
The University of Bamberg offers many counselling options to help its students in any situation.
University of Bamberg
How are the University of Bamberg and its faculties organised? Here you will find an overview of its history, structure, different locations and student representation.
Student Council
Contact point for general questions about the start of studies and the first semester introductory days.
Student Council GuK: fachschaft-guk.stuve(at)
Student Council Huwi: fachschaft-huwi.stuve(at)
Student Council Sowi: fachschaft-sowi.stuve(at)
Student Council WIAI: fachschaft-wiai.stuve(at)
Academic advising
Contact point for program-specific questions.
Central Student Advisory Service
Contact point for general questions, e.g. about choosing a degree program.
The Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB), the subject representatives and the student councils wish you a good start to your studies at the University of Bamberg!
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
I have technical questions about admission requirements, recognitions, examinations,...
For technical questions on topics such as admission requirements, recognitions, examinations and more, we recommend reading the detailed FAQs of the examination boards.
❯ FAQs of the examination board AI/I
❯ FAQs of the examination board WI/IISM
❯ Examination Board GuK
❯ Examination Board Huwi
❯ Examination Board SoWi
What do I have to do before the EET start?
Not much really. The priority should be to complete the move, get used to the new city or simply enjoy the time off.
If you take part in the on-site events, you will get almost all the relevant information there. However, it is a good idea to read through the contents of this website.
In particular, you don't need to have created a timetable yet and you don't need to be a pro at using the IT systems. During the first semester introductory days, we will help you to understand, create and set everything up.
You should also follow us on social media now (see links in the left navigation bar or at the bottom of this page on smartphones) and check your university email address regularly so that you don't miss any updates.
See you soon!
I don't have any university access data yet.
You can access the university's online services via the so-called “ba-number”. You will receive this together with your initial password in a letter sent to your home address when you enrol. Make sure you change your password as soon as you receive the letter, otherwise you may not be able to access your account later.
If you have not yet received this letter and have already waited some time, you can call the Studierendenkanzlei to be on the safe side.
Even if this does not work before the EETs, you can still take part in tutorials and other events on site.
I have detailed questions about creating my timetable or about individual modules.
During the timetable tutorial, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have to experienced tutors. If you still have questions afterwards, the WIAI student council, the student advisory service and the central student advisory service will be happy to help.
Unfortunately, I cannot be on site during the first semester introductory days.
This is a pity, but not hopeless. In this case, you should take a close look at the information material on this website. In addition, all enrollment documents should be carefully read. Unfortunately, we cannot offer a timetable tutorial for individuals. However, if you have specific questions, you can contact the WIAI Student Council, the Student Advisory Service or the Central Student Advisory Service (see the contact details below).
I have already studied in Bamberg before. How important are the EET for me?
Much of the content is already familiar: the online services and timetabling are nothing new, and the city of Bamberg is also familiar. Nevertheless, participation in some events is recommended: In the subject introduction, the formal requirements of the degree course are clearly explained again and information is given on finding your way around the study and examination regulations. The social events are particularly important for making contact with students on the new degree course.
Where can I find my ba number?
You will receive the ba number with your initial password by letter to your home address when you enrol. Make sure you change your password as soon as you receive the letter, otherwise you may not be able to access your account later.
If you have not yet received this letter and have already waited some time, you can call the Studierendenkanzlei to check.
I am studying Applied Computer Science as a minor subject and cannot find an introduction to the subject.
Since the minor in Applied Computer Science is always studied in combination with a multiple Bachelor's degree and these are usually located in the city center, the corresponding information event is also held in the city center. Please note the separate schedule for the city center EETs.