FAQs for new international master students

Below you can find answers to your most asked questions. You can, of course, always contact us in case you have additional questions.

Before your studies

You can find information about your specific entry requirements on the website of the Federal Foreign Office and its Navigator (it can check which entry requirements apply to you). You can find more information here.

General information about Germany can be found on the website of the Federal Foereign Office.

In case you will receive your visa after the lecture period has started, you have to get in touch with the corresponding contact person here at the university. Then the next steps can be discussed. Depending when you will be able to come to Bamberg the following process can be quite individual. Keep in mind that for most master students four semesters is the standard programme duration.

Consequently, please only enrol at the university once you know when you will receive your visa.

If you are already enroled at the university, but are not yet in Bamberg, the semesters will be counted towards your standard programme duration. Thus, it is highly advisable that you only enrol then.


Information on everything to do with your visa can be found here. And here.

You can find the contact details for the Bamberg Foreigners' Registration Office here

If you know early on that you will receive your visa late, and want to delay your admission for a semester, please get in touch with the academic registrar's office to ask about the next steps and if this is possible.

If you can't get a room in one of the student residences and have not found a room via the usual sites such as WG-Gesucht, Kleinanzeigen or Immoscout, you can contact the Welcome Center at master.welcome-center(at)uni-bamberg.de. We can't promise you a room (!), but will be happy to help you with any queries.


You can open a basic account for which you only need a German postal address (family, friends). You can find more details here


BAföG, the Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz, is a social benefit law that regulates state support for the education of pupils and students in Germany. You can finde more details here

Information on health insurance can be found here. In specific cases, please contact the counseling service of the respective health insurance company.


Liability insurance is generally highly recommended in Germany, as it means you are not liable with your own assets in the event of damage. If you accidentally cause minor or major damage and are unable to pay for it, liability insurance can be useful for coverage.

You can find information on insurance cover during your studies here.

You can get a liability insurance at standard insurance companies. We recommend that you compare prices and benefits beforehand. 


If you are a refugee, you can contact the International Office at refugees.international(at)uni-bamberg.de

You can also find information on enrolment and studying in Bamberg here.


This is more difficult before you arrive, but you will meet fellow students during the orientation days. However, it can be very helpful to contact groups such as student councils, university radio, university newspaper, etc. in advance. Here you can finde the online presences of the student councils of the four faculties GuK, SoWi, WIAI and HuWi.

During your studies

Within the university

If you have any questions, you can contact the Welcome Center using the contact details or during office hours (see yellow contact box to the right). 

There are several contact persons for questions about disadvantage and discrimination. You can address cases of discrimination of any kind here

Prof. Dr. Jörg Wolstein is the university's representative for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses. You can find his contact details here. Further information can be found on the website Representative for students with disabilities.

Students with children can contact the Family Office. This is the central point of contact for students and employees of the university with children. Questions about organization, childcare, maternity protection and interesting information are shared here. 

You can make up exams. You have three attempts for most of your exams until you are de-registered. Please ask your professor for further information or if/when a repition of your exam is possible. You can also ask the examination office for further information. 


Whether an additional stay abroad is an option for you depends on your right of residence. You can find information on this on the website of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.

Erasmus+ is a scholarship that supports students on a project abroad in the EU. 

As an enrolled student, you can attend courses from other faculties as a guest student. Whether these can be credited depends on your examination regulations and the examination office.

The Academic Registrar's Office takes care of changes of subject. Please remember to notify the Foreigners' Registration Office of any change of subject!

The Academic Registrar's Office is also responsible for leave of absence. Please also report any leave of absence to the Foreigners' Registration Office

Outside of the university

You can either do your own research and find a suitable place according to your residence title or contact your respective department / look at its website. 

During your studies and if you have a work permit, you may work up to 20 hours a week during the lecture period. During the lecture free period, you can work more than 20 hours a week. You can find more information, including on topics such as self-employment, on the website of the consumer advice center

You can make contacts via the university radio, student news papers, university sports and many other OFU Bamberg offers. Also, don't hesitate to take part in events for students!

If you have any further questions, please contact the Welcome Center directly (see yellow contact box to the right). 

Post graduation

Ask the contact persons in your respective department, fellow students and start getting involved during your studies! You can also take advantage of offers from the Career and International Center or get advice from the Employment Agency. 

Answers to these and other questions about the right of residence must be found individually for each case. The most frequently asked questions about the right of residence are answered on this page of the BMI.

As alumni, you can always stay in contact with OFU Bamberg and you can be invited to alumni events