First Semester Introductory Days
Faculties of Humanities & Human Sciences and Education (Master)


This is where we publish short-term announcements, changes and cancellations during the EET.

Welcome to the first semester introductory days at the University of Bamberg!

Dear first semester students,

During the first semester introductory days (EET), a variety of events are offered to make your start into your studies at the University of Bamberg as easy as possible. The most important event is the subject introduction with the subject tutorial, which is offered for every degree program. This tutorial should be attended and helps to start the first weeks of your studies in an organised and stress-free way. It is recommended to attend as many on-site events as possible in order to get the best possible start to your studies.


To have the schedule always at hand, it can easily be downloaded (by clicking on the image).

Details on these events as well as information on other informative events (such as IT-introductions, library tours,...) and social events (such as pub crawls, city rallies,...) can be found further down on this page.

Throughout the EET, we will upload additional event information, PowerPoint slides, and materials for further reading on the EET pages.

to the EET documents for download 

to the additional events

Information on events

Here you will find a more detailed description of the individual events offered during the EET. Events marked with necessary are essential for you to attend. For events labeled helpful content, you can decide whether you already have the required prior knowledge or if you can learn something new here. Social events do not provide new content, but help you get to know the university, the city, and your fellow students better.

Each event includes a description, category, prerequisites, purpose/goals, and registration details. Information about location and time is only partially provided in the event details, as some events take place multiple times for different target groups.


Welcome at your faculty

DescriptionNumerous people at the faculty are eager to finally meet the new students. The Dean of Studies, the student council, and other university contact points will officially welcome you to Bamberg.
Location/TimeSee schedule; separate events per faculty
Target Groupall
LanguageGuK, Huwi, SoWi: German
WIAI: German language, with English subtitles and English slides
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites
  • Welcome to Bamberg
  • Introduction to important people and contact points
  • Explanation of the EET week
RegistrationNo registration required

Welcome to the Master's degree program

DescriptionThis event provides a general overview of starting your studies. Topics such as study structure, central contact points and organizational procedures are presented to make it easier to start your studies.
Location/TimeThursday, 17.04.2025, 09:00 - 09:30 in U7/01.05 (An der Universität 7)
Target GroupMaster students of GuK and Huwi
Prerequisitesno prerequisites
  • Basic overview of the study program
  • Get to know contact points
  • Come into contact with fellow students
RegistrationNo registration required

Subject introduction

DescriptionHow does studying work, and specifically your degree program? Which modules do I need to take, and when? What deadlines should I be aware of? In this event, your academic advisor will explain all the formal information about your degree program, including the examination regulations, module handbook, and more.  
Location/TimeSee schedule; separate events per degree program
Target Groupall
LanguageLanguage of the respective degree program
  • Must bring a laptop
  • No prior knowledge or timetable required!
  • Explanation of study content, examination regulations, and module handbook
RegistrationNo registration required

Subject tutorial

DescriptionHow does studying work? Which modules are mandatory, which are optional? What deadlines should I be aware of? And how does the timetable work? In this timeslot, you will receive all the relevant information, building on the previous subject introduction and conducted by students from higher semesters.
Location/TimeSee schedule; separate events per degree program
Target Groupall
LanguageLanguage of the respective degree program
  • Ideally, the technical introduction should have been attended
  • Must bring a laptop
  • Subject knowledge from the subject introduction; no timetable needed!
  • Creating the timetable with guidance
  • Information about university life ("How to study")
RegistrationNo registration required

Placement tests

DescriptionPlacement tests are required for some degree programs and subjects in order to determine the appropriate level for certain courses. These tests help to determine prior knowledge and assign appropriate courses or check basic suitability.
Location/TimeEnglish: Monday, 14.04.2025, 18:00 - 20:00 in MG1/00.04 (Markusstraße 8a)
Target GroupStudents of English (all teaching degrees)
Students of English/American Studies (major and minor subject)
Prerequisitesno prerequisites
  • Check prior knowledge
  • Ensure basic suitability
Registrationno rerequisites

helpful content

Information afternoon Language Center

DescriptionYou don't know exactly what content is hidden behind a certain course name? Or whether you have the right level for your desired course? Would you like to find out more about what the Language Center has to offer? The Language Center offers an open information and advice morning for all interested students. Our lecturers will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the Language Center's courses and you will also find out how and when you can register for courses and exams.
Location/TimeFriday, 25.04.2025, 10:00 to 12:00 in WE5 on the 5th floor (An der Weberei 5)
Target Groupall
LanguageGerman and English
CategoryHelpful content
Prerequisitesno prerequisites
  • get to know lecturers
  • find out about language courses
  • get to know examination forms and registration
RegistrationNo registration required

Study abroad information evening

DescriptionAt these information evenings, you will find out everything about the current application process, application deadlines, the various programs, funding options and much more. The information evenings always take place in the summer semester and at the beginning of the winter semester.
Location/TimeThursday, 26.06.2025 at 20:00 s.t. in MG1/00.04, Markusstraße 8a and
Thursday, 03.07.2025 at 20:00 s.t. in F21/01.57, Feldkirchenstraße 21
both events are identical in content
Target Groupall
CategoryHelpful content
Prerequisitesno prerequisites
  • Understanding the path to studying abroad
  • Get to know contact persons
  • Gain an overview of partner universities 
RegistrationNo registration required

social events

Campus Fair

DescriptionExhibition of university-related groups: Studying is more than just learning and attending lectures. Many students join one of the many groups in the university's orbit. From sports clubs to student magazines, politically active groups to subject-specific societies, everything is included.
Location/TimeWednesday, 16.04.2025, 16:00 - 18:00 in DO2A/AULA (Dominikanerstraße 2a)
Target Groupall
LanguageGerman and English
Categoryhelpful content/social event
Requirementsno prerequisites
  • Getting to know the recreational/social opportunities beyond the university
  • Introduction of university-related groups
Registrationno registration required

Pub crawl

DescriptionArriving in Bamberg also means exploring the many pubs in the historic old town. There is plenty on offer here, and not just for fans of alcoholic drinks. Two pubs will be visited this evening. Afterwards, you can end the evening on your own at one of the semester start parties or similar.
Location/TimeWIAI: Wednesday, 16.04.2025, from 19:30, meeting point “Am Kranen”
SoWi: Details will follow soon
GuK: Details to follow soon
Huwi: Details to follow soon
Teaching degree: Details to follow soon
Target Groupall
LanguageGerman and English
Categorysocial event
Requirementsno prerequisites
  • Get to know Bamberg's pub culture and nightlife
  • make contacts with other first-year students
  • just as suitable for non-drinkers!
RegistrationFaculty WIAI: registration required (see end of schedule website)
GuK/Huwi/SoWi/Lehramt: without registration

Pub quiz

DescriptionTest your knowledge in a sociable group and discover one of Bamberg's pubs! At the pub quiz, you can not only put your general knowledge to the test, but also meet new people and solve puzzles together. Perfect for an entertaining evening with a good atmosphere, exciting questions and maybe even a small prize.
Location/Timedetails follow soon
Target GroupFaculty GuK (Bachelor/Master/Teaching degree)
Categorysocial event
Requirementsno prerequisites
  • get to know new people
  • test your knowledge
  • get to know Bamberg pubs
RegistrationRegistration modalities will follow soon


DescriptionStudying doesn't just take place at university. To help you find your way around Bamberg, there is the Ersti-Rallye. Together with other first-year students, you will explore the city center in various tasks.
Location/TimeWIAI: Thursday, 17.04.2025, 15:00 - 16:30 at the ZOB (central bus station Bamberg)
SoWi: Details will follow soon
GuK: Details will follow soon
Huwi: Details will follow soon
Teaching profession: Details will follow soon
Target Groupall
LanguageGerman and English
Categorysocial event
Requirementsno prerequisites
  • Getting to know the city of Bamberg
  • Making contacts with fellow students
RegistrationWithout registration, but with a free drink!

Guided City tour

DescriptionTogether as a group, you can explore Bamberg's old town and learn more about its history. Join us on a tour of the cathedral, the old town hall and much more!
Location/Timedetails will follow soon
Target GroupFaculty Huwi and teaching profession
CategoryHelpful content/social event
Requirementsno prerequisites
  • Get to know the history of the city of Bamberg
  • Finding your way around Bamberg better
  • Exchange with other first semester students
Registrationwithout registration

First-year breakfast

DescriptionStart the day hungry? Not with us! Snacks, drinks and much more are available. And best of all, you can make your first contacts with other students at the Freshers' Breakfast.
Location/TimeWIAI: Monday, 14.04.2025, 09:00 - 10:30 in WE5/00.043
Huwi: Details will follow soon
Target GroupFaculties WIAI and Huwi (without teaching degree)
LanguageGerman and English
Categorysocial event
Requirementsno requirements other than a good mood :D
Purpose/GoalsRelaxed start to your studies
First contact with fellow students
Registrationno registration

Meet your student council

DescriptionIf you are wondering what the student council actually does, or would simply like to take a look behind the scenes of the student council, you are in the right place at your student council's introductory session.
Location/Timedetails follow soon
Target Groupall
LanguageGerman; English on demand
CategoryHelpful content/social event
Requirementsno prerequisites
  • get to know your student representatives
  • actively contribute to student life
  • be better informed about the university
Registrationno registration