Sociology Mailing List

The mailing list is a special form of an e-mail distributor. If an e-mail is sent to the e-mail address of the list (recipient = liste.soziologie(at), it is automatically distributed to all "subscribers".
Since October 1999 a mailing list for the subject Sociology exists. The target groups are students, alumni and lecturers, who can exchange information quickly and easily via this list. What happens on this list depends entirely on its participants. Conceivable are event announcements, regulars' table dates, answers to technical or organizational questions from students by students, announcement of job offers and internships by chairs and former students.
Registration / Deregistration information (268.6 KB, 2 pages)(268.6 KB, 2 pages) - only available in German
Alumni of Bamberg Sociology and Survey Statistics e.V.

The association, which was founded on July 7, 2001, aims to promote the contact of Bamberg's sociology and survey statistics graduates with each other and with the university, as well as to improve the quality of the sociology and survey statistics courses.
Homepage of the association (only available in German)
Student Council SoWi

The Student Council is an important contact for university-specific problems for students of Social Sciences, Economics, and Business Administration.
Among other things, exams from previous semesters are also available here. "The task of the student council is to take care of the professional, economic and social interests of the students of the faculty, to stand up for their intellectual, artistic and sporting interests, as well as to maintain relations with German and foreign students. In concrete terms, this includes the organization of lectures and seminars, support in questions of housing, arranging internships, assistance in exchanging study places, and advice on formal questions (for example, BAföG) as well as in study planning." (Study Handbook, page 12)
The office of the student council is located in the
Feldkirchenstraße 21
96052 Bamberg
Student Council room in the music wing (F21/00.18)
Telefon: (0951) 863-1212
eMail: fachschaft.sowi(at)
Homepage: is an "association for the promotion of electronic communication and information exchange between students of the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg e.V.". At a lot of information and important links about studying and life in Bamberg can be accessed. The latest party photos can also be viewed here.