Publications of the Junior Professorship for Sociology of Europe and Globalization (WISNA)

Drewski, D., & Gerhards, J. (2025). Frames and arguments on the admission of refugees: an empirically grounded typology. Theory and Society, 54(1), 57–85.

Drewski, D., & Gerhards, J. (2024b). Framing Refugees: How the Admission of Refugees is Debated in Six Countries across the World (1st ed.). Oxford University Press.

Drewski, D. (2024). Language and symbolic boundaries among transnational elites: A qualitative case study of European Commission officials. Global Networks, 24(3, e12434), 1–16.

Drewski, D., & Gerhards, J. (2024a). Das liberale Skript und die Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen: Länderunterschiede in der Aufnahmepolitik und die Bedeutung nationaler kultureller Repertoires. Leviathan, 52(Sonderband 42, Zur Kritik des liberalen Skripts : Innere Spannungen, gebrochene Versprechen und die Notwendigkeit der Selbsttransformation), 163–187.

Drewski, D., & Gerhards, J. (2024c). Why do states discriminate between refugee groups?: understanding how Syrian and Ukrainian refugees were framed in Germany and Poland. American Journal of Cultural Sociology, 1–27.

Drewski, D. (2023). Lahusen, Christian / Schittenhelm, Karin / Schneider, Stephanie, Europäische Asylpolitik und lokales Verwaltungshandeln: Zur Behördenpraxis in Deutschland und Schweden: Bielefeld, 2022 [Review of Lahusen, Christian / Schittenhelm, Karin / Schneider, Stephanie, Europäische Asylpolitik und lokales Verwaltungshandeln: Zur Behördenpraxis in Deutschland und Schweden: Bielefeld, 2022]. Soziologische Revue, 46(3), 270–274. de Gruyter.

Barwick-Gross, C., Börner, S., Drewski, D., & Milewski, N. (2023). Forced migration to Germany: Bordering practices and lived experiences; Introduction to the special issue. Culture, Practice & Europeanization, 8(2), 153–165.

Drewski, D. (2022b). National and regional symbolic boundaries in the European commission: towards an ever-closer union?. Taylor & Francis Group.

Drewski, D. (2022a). National and regional symbolic boundaries in the European commission: towards an ever-closer union? (1st ed.). Routledge, Taylor & Francis.

Drewski, D. (2021). National and regional symbolic boundaries among EU elites: A qualitative interview study of the higher officials of the European Commission. Soziologie, 50(2), 187–197.

Drewski, D. (2015). Has there been a European public discourse on the Euro crisis?: A systematic content analysis of newspaper editorials on the Euro crisis in Germany and Spain (Berliner Studien Zur Soziologie Europas / Berlin Studies on the Sociology of Europe (BSSE) 33, p. 40). Freie Universität Berlin, FB Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften.