Professorship for migration research

Our Profile

In research and teaching, we focus on the examination of migration processes and the integration of various groups of immigrants into host societies. We strive to establish a close connection between new theoretical insights and empirical research from economics and sociology. Another key focus is on studying the impacts of trade, labor, and capital mobility in Europe on wages, employment, and income distribution. A particular emphasis of the chair's activities is on migration research. The professor also serves as the head of the research department at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) in Nuremberg.



Professorship holder: Prof. Dr. Yuliya Kosyakova

Address: Feldkirchenstraße 21, 96052 Bamberg
Room:      F21/02.19
e-mail:     yuliya.kosyakova[at]

Office-hour: by appointment, advance notification via e-mail required.


Secretary: Tatiana Dulap

Address: Feldkirchenstraße 21, 96052 Bamberg
Room:      F21/02.19
e-mail:     sekretariat.migfor[at]