
Prof. Dr. Michael Gebel
Chair of Methods of Empirical Social Research
Institute for Sociology
University of Bamberg
Feldkirchenstraße 21
96045 Bamberg

phone: +49-951-863-2629
email: michael.gebel(at)

office hours: Tuesday, 12-1pm. Please make first an appointment via email.

room: 01.16A


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Academic positions

A detailed CV is available for download here

Prof. Dr. Michael Gebel graduated from the University of Mannheim with Diplomas in Economics (2005) and Social Sciences (2006). He also completed a post-graduate research MA in Economics (Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies) at UCL Louvain-la-Neuve. He worked as a research associate at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES) (2006-10) and as an assistant lecturer for the Chair of Sociology (Societal Comparison) at the University of Mannheim (2009-11). His doctoral degree in Sociology was earned in 2010. In 2011 he was appointed as a Junior Professor of Labour Market Sociology at the University of Mannheim and was appointed Full Professor of Methods of Empirical Social Research at the University of Oldenburg in 2014. The University of Bamberg welcomed him in 2014 with an appointment as a Full Professor of Methods of Empirical Social Research. Since September 2023, he has been the director of the newly founded Institute for Sociology at the University of Bamberg.

In 2015-18 he was co-coordinator of the EU-Horizon2020 project "Social Exclusion of Youth in Europe: Cumulative Disadvantage, Coping Strategies, Effective Policies and Transfer“ (EXCEPT), which was funded with 2.5 Mio Euro and involved 58 researchers from 9 countries. In 2015-19 he was coordinator of the VolkswagenStiftung research project "Opportunities and Barriers at the Transition from Education to Work. A Comparative Youth Study in Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Tajikistan" (TEW-CCA) (2015-19), which was funded with 0.4 Mio Euro and involved 20 researchers from 4 countries. In 2018-22  he was Member of the Management Committee and Co-Leader of the Working Group 1 “Disadvantages in youth employment” of the EU-Horizon2020 COST Action CA17114 YOUNG-IN. In 2018 he became member of the "Young Elite" - "Top40 under 40" in the category Society and Science in Germany. In 2018-23 he held a 1.4 Mio Euro European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant for the project "The socio-economic consequences of temporary employment: A comparative panel data analysis" (SECCOPA) (2018-23).

He is scientific co-head of pillar 5 ‘Returns to education in the life course’ of the National Education Panel Study (NEPS) (since 2015) and Research Affiliate (since 2019) at the Leibniz-Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi). Since 2020 he has been the leading liason professor of the German National Academic Foundation at the University of Bamberg. Since 2021 he has been Board Member and Treasurer of the European Consortium for Sociological Research (ECSR). Since 2022 he has beenAssociate Editor of the SSCI-listed journal European Sociological Review.

In addition to teaching introductory methods courses, he specializes in methods of causal inference. He also regularly offers courses in multilevel analysis with comparative microdata, panel data analysis, and advanced regression analysis.

Research interests

Research topics:

  • Life course research, esp. transition to adulthood (school-to-work transition, family formation)
  • Unemployment and non-standard employment
  • returns to education
  • Effects of education and work on subjective well-being and health

Research methods:

  • Longitudinal data analysis
  • Methods of modern causal analysis
  • Multilevel analysis of comparative micro data

Research on countries in:

  • Western/Eastern Europe
  • Middle East
  • Caucasus and Central Asia
  • East Asia


A detailed list of publications is available for download here

Recent Publications:

SSCI-listed journal publications marked with (*)

Ortiz-Gervasi, L. and M. Gebel (2025). The role of labour market institutions for the transition from education to work. In M. Wolbers and D. Verhaest (eds.) Handbook of Education and Work. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 204–227. Download

(*) Manzoni, A. and M. Gebel (2024). Young adults’ labour market transitions and intergenerational support in Germany.  European Sociological Review, 40(1), 99–115. Download (open access!)

Gebel, M. (2023). Globalization and the transition from education to employment in the MENA region. In D. Hofäcker and C. Karner (eds.). Research handbook on the sociology of globalization. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 287-296. Download

(*) Gebel M. and S. Gundert (2023). Changes in income poverty risks at the transition from unemployment to employment: Comparing the short-term and medium-term effects of fixed-term and permanent jobs. Social Indicators Research, 167(1-3), 507–533.  Download (open access!)

Gebel, M. (2023). Causal inference based on non-experimental data in health inequality research. In R. Hoffmann (ed.). Handbook of health inequalities across the life course. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 93-111. Download

Gebel, M. (2023). Education-to-work transitions and youth’s psychological well-being in Taiwan. In C.-C. Yi and M.-C. Tsai (eds). Journey to adulthood. East Asian perspectives. SAGE Studies in International Sociology. London: SAGE, 99-125. Download

(*) Kleinert, C. and M. Gebel (2023). Editorial: Consequences of the corona crisis for social inequalities in Germany. Soziale Welt, 74(1), 3-13. Download

(*) Kleinert, C. and M. Gebel (eds.) (2023). Consequences of the corona crisis for social inequalities in Germany. Soziale Welt. 74(1). Download

(*) Fauser, S. and M. Gebel (2023). Labour market dualism and the heterogeneous wage gap for temporary employment: A multilevel study across 30 countries. Socio-Economic Review, 21(4), 2069–2091.Download (open access!)


A detailed list of presentations is available for download here

Events from the past 12 months:

[Jun 26, 2024] Prof. Dr. Michael Gebel  held a presentation on "Unemployment and subjective well-being across the globe: The moderating role of the economic and institutional context" at the 22nd Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS) in Kota Kinabalu.

[Jan 16-17, 2024] Prof. Dr. Michael Gebel acted a a discussant at the  workshop on "Reflections of the YOUTHShare Project" at the Department of Geography at the School of Social Sciences of  the University of the Aegean in Mytilene.

[Nov 22, 2023] Prof. Dr. Michael Gebel held a presentation on "Education effects on education-to-work transition: Evidence from 23 low and middle income countries" at the ERAS International Conference and WERA Focal Meeting at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore.

[Nov 7, 2023] Prof. Dr. Michael Gebel contributed to the discussion round on "Future directions in intergroup relations research" at UAEU/NYUAD/LSE Joint Research Symposium on Identity & Tolerance in the Face of Global Challenges at New York University Abu Dhabi.

[Nov 6, 2023] Prof. Dr. Michael Gebel held a presentation on "Gender role attitudes among young people in Muslim-Majority Countries"  at UAEU/NYUAD/LSE Joint Research Symposium on Identity & Tolerance in the Face of Global Challenges at UAEU in Al Ain. 

[Nov 3, 2023] Prof. Dr. Michael Gebel acted a a discussant at the UAEU/DCD Research Symposium on Social Cohesion and Well-being of Youth and Elderly at UAEU in Al Ain.


Detailed overview on teaching

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