Prof. Dr. Katja Möhring

I lead the Chair of Sociology, especially Family and Work at the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg and am project leader at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research. Before, I was Assistant Professor of Sociology of the Welfare State and from 2018 to 2021 Interim Chair of Macrosociology at the University of Mannheim. I studied Social Sciences at the Humboldt University of Berlin and received my PhD from the University of Cologne in November 2013. I was then a postdoctoral fellow at the SOCIUM Research Center at the University of Bremen, and in 2017 a Visiting Scholar at the Center for European Studies at Harvard University.

What factors influence gender inequality in employment histories and retirement incomes across Europe? How does caregiving affect women’s labour force participation? Did the Corona crisis increase inequality in work and care? How do migrants in Europe age well? Which quotas for leadership positions are accepted by citizens and why? These and related questions are the focus of my research agenda.

Currently, I lead the international research project “Do migrants in Europe age well? A mixed methods and intervention study in four countries (MIG-AGE)” (funded by the Volkswagen Foundation) and the project "Life Course, Wealth and Retirement Income in East and West Germany: A Cohort and Gender Comparison" (funded by the German Pension Insurance "Forschungsnetzwerk Alterssicherung"). Since 2019, I have been co-project leader of the interdisciplinary junior research group “Integration of Migrants and Attitudes towards the Welfare State (IMES)” (in in cooperation with the ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs).

I am co-editor of the Journal of Social Policy Research, member of the editorial board of the journal Work, Aging and Retirement, and board member of the Section Social Policy of the German Sociological Association, and active in the ESPAnet Germany network.

Dear students 

Check out the chair's course program in BA and MA Sociology. We emphasize the combination of learning theoretical knowledge and practical (research) skills.

I and the team are happy to take on the supervision of Bachelor's and Master's theses. Please contact me personally or at sfa(at)


Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Feldkirchenstraße 21 / Room 00.19c
96052 Bamberg

phone. +49 (0)951/863-3148  / -3122

e-mail: katja.moehring(at)

Research interests

  • Life course sociology
  • Age and retirement
  • Gender inequality and attitudes
  • Comparative welfare state research
  • Multi-level and panel analyses


Riekhoff, A.-J., Kuitto, K., Möhring, K., & Palomäki, L.-M. (2025). A long arm of adversity?: Financial hardship during the life course and income in retirement. European Societies, Online First, 1–43.

Bamberg-Reinwand, J., Lenhart, J. N. P., Burghardt, L., Möhring, K., Lehe, M., Steins-Löber, S., Weichlein, S., Carbon, C.-C., Schoemann, N., Henning, C., Kleinert, C., Freuding, J., Lindner, K., Lorenzen, S., Andresen, M., Röhner, J., & Schütz, A. (2024). uni.vers Forschung: das Magazin der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg. In Uni.vers (Issue Mai 2024, Vielfalt verstehen – Bamberger Perspektiven auf geschlechtliche Identität & soziale Herkunft = Understanding Diversity Bamberg Perspectives on Gender Identity & Social Background, pp. 1–52). Otto-Friedrich-Universität.

Ehrlich, U., Kelle, N., Klaus, D., & Möhring, K. (2024). How did the COVID-19 pandemic impact the wellbeing of family care-givers?: A longitudinal study of older adults in Germany. Ageing and Society, 44(7), 1533–1550.

Möhring, K., & Teney, C. (2024). Public support for affirmative action policies favouring women and migrants in recruitment processes: an international survey experiment. Acta Sociologica, 67(2), 215–231.

Naumann, E., Brinkmann, M. M., & Möhring, K. (2024). The ethnic penalty in welfare deservingness: A factorial survey experiment on welfare chauvinism in pension attitudes in Germany. Journal of European Social Policy, 34(2), 190–202.

Möhring, K., Reifenscheid, M., Weiland, A., & Kuhn, K. (2023). Is the Recession a ‘Shecession’?: Gender Inequality in the Employment Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany. In S. Börner & M. Seeleib-Kaiser (Eds.), European Social Policy and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges to National Welfare and EU Policy (pp. 185–212). Oxford University Press.

Möhring, K., Zinn, S., & Ehrlich, U. (2023). Family care during the first COVID-19 lockdown in Germany: longitudinal evidence on consequences for the well-being of caregivers. European Journal of Ageing, 20(1), 1–11.

Reifenscheid, M., & Möhring, K. (2023). Towards a new working time paradigm?: public support for trade union demands for working time reduction. Industrielle Beziehungen, 29(3+4), 186–210.

Bühler, B., Möhring, K., & Weiland, A. (2022). Assessing dissimilarity of employment history information from survey and administrative data using sequence analysis techniques. Quality & Quantity, 56(6), 4747–4774.

Cornesse, C., Krieger, U., Sohnius, M.-L., Fikel, M., Friedel, S., Rettig, T., Wenz, A., Juhl, S., Lehrer, R., & Möhring, K. (2022). From German Internet Panel to Mannheim Corona Study: Adaptable probability-based online panel infrastructures during the pandemic. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, Statistics in Society, 185(3), 773–797.

Ebbinghaus, B., & Möhring, K. (2022). Studying the politics of pension reforms and their social consequences. In K. Nelson, R. Nieuwenhuis, & M. Yerkes (Eds.), Social Policy in Changing European Societies: research agendas for the 21st century (pp. 85–100). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Juhl, S., Lehrer, R., Blom, A. G., Wenz, A., Rettig, T., Krieger, U., Fikel, M., Cornesse, C., Naumann, E., Möhring, K., & Reifenscheid, M. (2022). Preferences for centralized decision-making in times of crisis: the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. Jahrbuch Für Handlungs- Und Entscheidungstheorie, 12, 1–27.

Möhring, K., & Weiland, A. (2022). Couples’ Life Courses and Women’s Income in Later Life: A Multichannel Sequence Analysis of Linked Lives in Germany. European Sociological Review, 38(3), 371–388.

Teney, C., Pietrantuono, G., & Möhring, K. (2022). Who supports whom?: Citizens’ support for affirmative action policies in recruitment processes towards four underrepresented groups. Journal of European Public Policy, 30(12), 2832–2853.

Ko, P.-C., & Möhring, K. (2021). Chipping In or Crowding-Out?: The Impact of Pension Receipt on Older Adults’ Intergenerational Support and Subjective Well-Being in Rural China. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 36, 139–154.

Kuitto, K., Kuivalainen, S., & Möhring, K. (2021). Inequalities in pensions and retirement from a life course perspective: An introduction. Social Policy & Administration, 55(3), 403–408.

Mata, J., Wenz, A., Rettig, T., Reifenscheid, M., Möhring, K., Krieger, U., Friedel, S., Fikel, M., Cornesse, C., Blom, A. G., & Naumann, E. (2021). Health behaviors and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal population-based survey in Germany. Social Science & Medicine, 287, 1–9.

Möhring, K. (2021). The consequences of non-standard working and marital biographies for old age income in Europe: Contrasting the individual and the household perspective. Social Policy & Administration, 55(3), 456–484.

Möhring, K., Naumann, E., Reifenscheid, M., Wenz, A., Rettig, T., Krieger, U., Friedel, S., Finkel, M., Cornesse, C., & Blom, A. G. (2021). The COVID-19 pandemic and subjective well-being: longitudinal evidence on satisfaction with work and family. European Societies, 23(S1), 601–617.

Möhring, K., Weiland, A., Reifenscheid, M., Naumann, E., Wenz, A., Rettig, T., Krieger, U., Fikel, M., Cornesse, C., & Blom, A. (2021). Inequality in employment trajectories and their socio-economic consequences during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany (pp. 1–39). Center for Open Science.

Reifenscheid, M., & Möhring, K. (2021). Sorgen vor einer Ansteckung mit dem Coronavirus in Alltagssituationen: Welche Unterschiede gibt es in der Bevölkerung?. Sozialer Fortschritt, 70(7–8), 473–485.

Möhring, K., Naumann, E., Reifenscheid, M., Weiland, A., Blom, A., Wenz, A., Rettig, T., Lehrer, R., Krieger, U., Juhl, S., Friedel, S., Fikel, M., & Cornesse, C. (2020). Die Mannheimer Corona-Studie: Schwerpunktbericht zur Nutzung und Akzeptanz von Homeoffice in Deutschland während des Corona-Lockdowns (pp. 1–12). Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim.

Möhring, K., Weiland, A., Kuhn, K., & Bühler, B. (2020). Lebensläufe und Alterseinkommen von Frauen nach Familienstand?: Ergebnisse aus SHARE-RV. Deutsche Rentenversicherung, 75(2), 198–210.

Weiland, A., & Möhring, K. (2020). Erwerbsverläufe von Paaren und Armutsrisiken in der Nacherwerbsphase in Europa. Sozialer Fortschritt, 69(10), 645–666.

Möhring, K., & Weiland, A. (2018). Ausgleich oder Verschärfung von Einkommensrisiken?: Lebensläufe und Alterseinkommen in Deutschland aus der Paarperspektive. Zeitschrift für Sozialreform = Journal of social policy research, 64(4), 463–493.