Information on term papers

Aim of a term paper
The goal is to work on a question, developed and specified by you, that fits the subject area of the course in which the paper is written.

This means:

  • The literature given in the seminar plan serves as an introduction; further literature research is expected.
  • The topics of individual seminar sessions are not a suitable term paper topic; you will decide the exact topic yourself and then discuss it with the lecturer.


Choosing the topic
As soon as you have decided on an exact topic, please inform the lecturer by e-mail and ask for feedback or an appointment to discuss the proposed topic

Length (without cover sheet, table of contents, bibliography, etc.)
In the Bachelor's program: ca. 15 pages


Font size 12pt (e.g. Calibri, Times New Roman)
Line spacing 1.5; justification (with hyphenation)
Page margins ca. 2.5 cm


  • Cover sheet
  • Table of contents
  • Numbering of pages
  • Bibliography
  • Declaration of independent writing of the paper (see General Examination and Study Regulations of the Faculty, §6, para. 6)
  • Careful citation (direct and indirect)
  • Clear research question


In electronic and printed form, no later than the deadline announced in the course (timely receipt of the electronic version is sufficient to meet the deadline). Printed and electronic versions must be identical. International students who have left Bamberg before the deadline do not have to send a printed copy.
Hand in the printed copy at the secretary's office (F21/02.20a) or mail it to:
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Professur für Soziologie mit dem Schwerpunkt digitale Medien, Feldkirchenstraße 21, 96045 Bamberg