News 02/19/2025 Prof. Dr. Isabel Kusche appointed as a Fellow of the Bavarian Science Alliance for Peace, Conflict, and Security Research 12/12/2024 New Article on Artificial Intelligence and Safe Design of Socio-Technical Systems 12/10/2024 New Publication on the Topic of Deepfakes 05/13/2024 New Article on the Dangers of AI and the New EU Regulation 11/09/2023 New Publication on the Topic of Artificial Intelligence 01/19/2023 Prof. Dr. Isabel Kusche as Co-Editor of the "Zeitschrift für Soziologie" 12/01/2022 Multimedia report "Digitales Universum"
02/19/2025 Prof. Dr. Isabel Kusche appointed as a Fellow of the Bavarian Science Alliance for Peace, Conflict, and Security Research