Guest Card
Topping-up the card
In order to use the above-mentioned services, the card must be topped-up at a cash or EC top-up machine. These are located at the following locations and can be accessed during opening hours:
Cash top-up machines:
- Entrance area Mensa Austraße
- Entrance area Mensa Feldkirchenstraße
EC top-up machines:
- Entrance area Mensa Austraße
- Entrance area Mensa Feldkirchenstraße
- near TB2 (Teilbibliothek 2, branch library 2) in the large stairwell at Markusplatz 3
- Entrance area of TB3 (Teilbibliothek 3; branch library 3) at Feldkirchenstraße 21
- Entrance area of TB4 (Teilbibliothek 4; branch library 4) at Heumarkt 2
- An der Weberei 5 (ERBA campus), in the entrance hall, next to the elevator
Please note: There is no charge for topping-up. The maximum card balance is currently 70 euros. The University of Bamberg isnot liable for the stored funds. It is not possible for the University to transfer the credit, for example if the card is lost or replaced due to a technical defect; the Studierendenwerk Würzburg is solely rensponsible for handling this.
You can simply request the Guest Card without an application in one of the 5 branch libraries or in the ERBA library (information desk) of the University of Bamberg.
Error 218 Input Direction (Fehler 218 Eingaberichtung)
When using the card, the error message Error 218 input direction (Fehler 218 Eingaberichtung) appears on the terminal screen.
Unfortunately, the card is damaged and needs to be replaced. To determine wether there is a technical malfunction, please send der card to Z/IS - ServiceaCard Team by internal mail with a brief note or come by - after contacting us by e-mail.
Error 448 Deletion Card (Fehler 448 Löschkarte)
If the error message Error 448 Deletion Card (Fehler 448 Löschkarte) appears when using the card, this means that a transaction between your card and a terminal (e.g. photocopier, EC top-up machine, cash top-up machine, ec.) was not completed correctly. This may happen if the card was removed from the card slot too early. The card will be blocked and all payment funtions will no longer be available.
To unblock the card, it must be reinserted into the last terminal where it was still working. First, insert your card into any copy terminal. The terminal will then display an error message in the form of a sequence of numbers. This shows you the locations of the terminal you need to go to. You can find a list of terminal numbers here(254.5 KB). The chip card should be unblocked by inserting the card into this terminal again.
If the unblocking does not work or if the terminal was removec (i.e. is inactie), the Studierendenwerk Würzburg can help. The card can also be unblocke dat the cash desks of the canteens and cafererias in Bamberg.
Functions of the Guest Card
The Guest Card is issued to enable you to take advantage of the following chargeable services:
- payment in the canteens and cafeterias,
- copying, printing and scanning on the devices set up in the university,
- closing chip card lockers in all branch libraries,
- access to the ERBA library outside opening hours. Note: The card must first be activated and validated. To activate the card, please contact the user department of the University Library by e-mail.
Return and remaining credit
The Guest Card can be returned at the library (information desk). A deposit of € 15 was charged for the chip card until the beginning of October 2023. In order for the deposit to be refunded (transfer to your bank account, cash payments are nt possible fpr budgetary reasons), you must complete and sign a return slip. You can obtain this form from the library (information desk), The deposit can only be refunded if the card is returned correctly.
You should use up remaining credit beforehand or have i paid out by the Studierendenwerk Würzburg:
Bamberg (Studierendenwerk)
Studierendenwerk Würzburg, Geschäftsstelle Bamberg
Austraße 37, 2.OG, Zi. 2.015, 96047 Bamberg
phone +49 931 8005-811
By appointment only!
Card Validation
Please note: If you would like to use the card to access the ERBA library, you must first have the card activated and then validated. To activate the card, please contact the user deparment of the Univerity Libray by e-mail.
Insert the card into the slot of the validation printer. The validation process will start. After completion, please remove the card.
Validation stations are permanently located:
- at Markusplatz 3 in front of TB2 (Teilbibliothek 2; library branch 2) in the larg staircase
- at Heumarkt 2, TB4 (Teilbibliothe 4; branch library 4) in the entrance area on th right
- at Feldkirchenstraße 21, TB3 (Teilbibliothek 3; library branch 3) in the entrance area
- at An der Weberei 5 (ERBA campus), in the entrance hall, next to the elevator