Welcome to the website of the Equal Opportunities Officer of the University of Bamberg
Contact persons
If you have questions, suggestions or need advice, you can contact us at any time by email or telephone - even anonymously.
It is our concern to stand up for an equal coexistence of women and men and to work towards reducing existing disadvantages. You can also contact us if you have questions, suggestions or need advice regarding transgender or transidentities.
The Bavarian Equal Opportunities Act (Bayerisches Gleichstellungsgesetz) applies at the university and with it the responsibility of the Equal Opportunities Officer for all persons who belong to the university's academic support staff. For persons in the academic field and for students, on the other hand, the Women's Representative and the Women's Office are responsible.
[Please note that English translations of German laws are not legally binding and only the original German version is relevant for official concerns.]

Equal Opportunities Officer
Dr. Katharina Kanitz
Head of Central Student Advisory Service
Kapuzinerstraße 25
96047 Bamberg
Phone: +49 (0) 951 863 - 1410
E-Mail: gleichstellungsbeauftragte(at)uni-bamberg.de

Equal Opportunities Officer
Dipl.-Päd. Romy Schatzschneider
Assistant to the Dean's Office at the Faculty of Information Systems and Applied Computer Science
Room 01.018
An der Weberei 5 (ERBA)
96047 Bamberg
Phone: +49 (0) 951) 863 - 2806
E-Mail: gleichstellungsbeauftragte@uni-bamberg.de

Anti-Discrimination Office
The Anti-Discrimination Office is open to all university members.
Cindy Strömel-Scheder
Anti-Discrimination Office
An der Weberei 5 (WE5/03.083)
96047 Bamberg
Tel.: +49 (0)951 - 863 1531
E-Mail: antidiskriminierung(at)uni-bamberg.de