Partners & Links
Official Partners
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) e.V.
Kennedyallee 40
53175 Bonn
Links to Sources
Official UN News
- UN News Centre - news and press releases from within the UN system, including Section on "Peace and Security"
- UN Daily Journal - allows to review upcoming and past UN meeting schedules, including listings of relevant UN press resleases on activities of UN organs
Official Webpages of the UN Security Council
- UN Security Council - main page of the Security Council
- background information: inclduing Charter und Rules of Procedure, Repertoire of the Practice of the Security Council, current and former Council members, reports (e.g. annual resport to the General Assembly, reports of the Secretary-General, etc. - also see UN documents below);
- specific information: including meeting schedules and documents, resolutions and other decisions (also see UN documents below), voting records, the webpages of suborgans (e.g. sanction committees), and press releases.
Official UN Documents
- Official Document Systems Search (ODS)
- UN Documentation Centre - including
- Resolutions of the Security Council
- Presidential Statements of the Security Council
- Meeting Records of the Security Council
- Notes of the President of the Security Council
- Reports of the Secretary-General to the Security Council.
- Deutscher Übersetzungsdienst - official German translations of UN documents, including important Security Council documents
- UNRIC Westeuropa (Brüssel) - Regional Information Centre of the United Nations fpr Western Europe (webpage also available in German)
Further Official Webpages of the UN Secretariat
- UN Secretary-General - including official priorities
- UN Reform - now running under the title "Strengthening the United Nations"
- Department of Political Affairs (UNDPA) - including the Security Council Affairs Division (SCAD)
- Peace and Security - overview of UN activities and organs in this issue area
- Peacekeeping - overview of UN activities and organs involved in peacekeeping
Other relevant (research) facilities:
- Center on International Cooperation (CIC) at New York University, especially on the evolution of multilateral security institutions, managing global insecurity, global peace operations,
- Forschungskreis Vereinte Nationen, informal working group of German UN researchers, coordinated at the University of Potsdam:
Global Policy Forum (GPF), NGO, New York, extensive collections of data and articles on UN issues: Henry L. Stimson Center, Washington, DC, a nonprofit, nonpartisan institution devoted to enhancing international peace and security through a unique combination of rigorous analysis and outreach, including relevant topics: International Peace Institute (IPI), formerly International Peace Academy (IPA), an independent, international not-for-profit think tank, New York:, New York, a project of the World Federalist Movement - Institute for Global Policy (WFM-IGP), including monitoring negotiations, commenting processes and decisions, collecting official and informal documents on relevant topics, e.g. (Human Security, R2P, PBC, SC reform, terrorism, system-wide coherence):
Security Council Report, New York, an independent not-for-profit organisation in affiliation with Columbia University's Center on International Organization, including monitoring negotiations, commenting processes and decisions, collecting official and informal documents UN SC topics:
UN Forum (UNforum), blog of (former) UN staffers:
United Nations Foundation (UNF), NGO established by Ted Turner to support the work of the United Nations:
United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), especially Peace, Security and Diplomacy Unit (PSDU), Geneva: und
United Nations University (UNU), Tokyo, especially Institute for Sustainability and Peace: