Research Seminar
Our research seminar takes place on Wednesdays at 10:00 am, usually in hybrid mode (online and on site in GU13), but not every week. It consists of presentations by invited researchers, presentations by researchers from our group and students presenting their Bachelor and Master theses. If you are interested in being invited to these presentations, please send an e-mail to roman.klinger(at) or register on the IAM portal for the mailing list bamnlp-research-seminar.nlproc. This applies to students from the various degree programs at the University of Bamberg as well as to researchers from the WIAI and other faculties. We expect students who are writing their final thesis at our chair to participate in lectures by other students and external guests.
Winter Term 2024/2025
Date | Name | Title | Type |
2024-10-30 | Aswathy Velutharambath | How entangled is factuality and deception in German | Internal |
2024-11-06 | Ulrich Heid (University of Hildesheim) | NLP applications and development in interdisciplinary projects: an overview of research at University of Hildesheim | Invited Talk |
2024-12-04 | Jiahui Li Nadine Probol | Interactive Prompt Optimization with Human in the Loop Autism Markers in Spoken Language | Internal |
2024–12–18 | Aidan Combs | The Vibe Shifts of the U.S. Presidential Race: Measuring the Affective Cultural Meaning of Actors at the Sentence Level | Internal |
2025–01–08 | Esra Dönmez (IMS, Uni Stuttgart) | How well do LLMs capture the dynamics of persuasion? | Invited Talk |
2025–01–29 | CANCELED: Diego Frassinelli (MaiNLP, LMU München) | CANCELED: Exploring the Multimodal Nature of Concrete and Abstract Concepts | Invited Talk |
2025–02–12 | Michael Franke (Uni Tübingen) | Pragmatic reasoning about indirect answers to polar questions: humans, probabilistic pragmatics, and LMs. | Invited Talk |
Summer Term 2024
Date | Name | Title | Type |
2024–04–15 | Christopher Bagdon | “You are an expert annotator”: Automatic Best–Worst-Scaling Annotations for Emotion Intensity Modeling | Internal |
2024–06–05 | Christopher Bagdon Lynn Greschner | User’s Choice of Images and Text to Express Emotions in Twitter and Reddit The Interplay of Emotions and Convincingness in Argument Mining for NLP | Internal |