Leonie Ackermann

Research Assistant


Research Topics

  • Data quality and citizen participation in the urban knowledge society
    • Conditions for the success of crowdsensing campaigns
    • Effects on data quality
    • Impact on citizens' acceptance and perception
  • Climate and mobility data


I have three places available for the summer semester 2025. Interested students can submit a supervision request to me by January 31. The request should contain one or more ideas for a thesis topic, the motivation for it and what previous experience you bring to the topic. The topic should fit in with my main areas of research.

After the deadline, I will review the requests and inform the interested students whether I can provide supervision.

How to's on the matter of the final thesis can be found here.

Completed thesis topics

  • Comparing Noise Mechanisms for Differential Privacy in Mobility Data Reports
  • Development of an Interactive Tool for Curating Environmental Data from a Citizen-initiated Campaign
  • Monitoring Tourist Groups in Smart Cities Through Mobile Device Signal Anlysis


  • 2023-present Research Assistant at the Chair of Mobile Sytems
  • 2017-2023 Master Computing in the Humanities / Universität Bamberg
  • 2012-2017 Bachelor Comparative Literature / Universität Augsburg