
The chair offers a number of lectures with practical exercises dedicated to various aspects of data management for all degree programs in the WIAI faculty.

The range of courses is supplemented by projects, which are usually carried out as group work, and seminars.

Registration for projects and seminars is coordinated via the following VC course:



The Research Group on Computer Science, Mobile Software Systems / Mobility offers for all students of the WIAI faculty several lectures with practical exercises, projects and seminars in the field of data management for sensor-based systems.

Registration for projects and seminars is coordinated via the following VC course:

Note: During SoSe 2024, Prof. Nicklas is on research sabbatical. This has the following effects on teaching:

  • The lecture MOBI-DBS-B will be offered by Prof. Dr. Maximilian Schüle.
  • The course MOBI-ADM-M will have no lecture, but you can prepare with provided self-learning material and a supervised assignment programme for the exam.
  • A Master seminar will be offered in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Thomas Foken (as guest lecturer).
  • Capacity for projects is limited. Please refer to the central VC course for seminar and project registration information.


MOBI-ADM-M: Advanced Data Management
2,00 SWS
Daniela Nicklas
MOBI-DBS-B: Datenbanksysteme
2,00 SWS
Daniela Nicklas


MOBI-ADM-M: Advanced Data Management
2,00 SWS
Aboubakr Benabbas
MOBI-DBS-B: Datenbanksysteme-Gruppe 1
2,00 SWS
Leonie Ackermann
MOBI-DBS-B: Datenbanksysteme-Gruppe 2
2,00 SWS
MOBI-DBS-B: Datenbanksysteme-Gruppe 3
2,00 SWS
MOBI-DBS-B: Datenbanksysteme-Gruppe 4
2,00 SWS
MOBI-DBS-B: Datenbanksysteme-Gruppe 5
2,00 SWS
MOBI-DBS-B: Datenbanksysteme-Gruppe 6
2,00 SWS


MOBI-SEM-M: Master Seminar Mobile Software Systems
2,00 SWS


MOBI-Proj-M: Master Project Mobile Software Systems
4,00 SWS
Daniela Nicklas