Regulations and important documents

Regulations for the SAS study program

Available soon - - - available soon - - - available soon


The formal framework for the Master's program in Strategy & Sustainability (SAS) is provided by the examination and study regulations (official document, in German = Studien- und Fachprüfungsordnung, available from June 2024).

non-official translation of the study and examination regulations into English will be made available here by September 2024.

These regulations define, among other things, the modules to be taken in the different module groups (incl. ECTS information) that structure the SAS program.

Detailed descriptions of the individual modules can be found in the module manual (German: Modulhandbuch) for the program (see below). 

Module handbook

The module handbook (MHB or in German: Modulhandbuch) contains detailed descriptions of each individual module you as a student can chose. The descriptions encompass the kind of course (e.g., seminar, lecture, or exercise), learning objectives, prerequisites, terms the module is offered in, etc.

  • Current version: coming soon (expected August 2024)

Further documents

  • The following documents and forms can be found on the pages of the exam board (in German: Prüfungsausschuss)
    • Formular zur Anrechnung von Prüfungsleistungen
    • Mitteilung zur Umrechnung ausländischer Noten in das deutsche Notensystem
    • Mitteilung bez. BaföG-Bescheinigungen