Study Strategy & Sustainability today! Shape the world tomorrow!
A company, an NGO, a government agency - any organisation needs a strategy how to achieve its objectives succesfully and make a lasting impact.
At the same time, today, no organisation can succeed without a clear and strong focus on sustainability. Sustainability is not a trend. It is a fundamental challenge. This challenge won't disappear in the near future, nor will sustainable development lose its relevance in the long run. However, for organisations it offers both opportunities and threats. It must be a strategic objective for any organisation, for any manager, for any employee.
The M.Sc. SAS integrates both of these perspectives into one program. An English language master degree that sees sustainability as a strategic priority for modern organisations and strategy as the essential element for ecologically and socially sustainable management.
Short profile
- Exam type Master-level exams (accompanying your studies)
- Degree Master of Science (M.Sc.)
- ECTS credit points 120
- Duration 4 semesters
- Program start Each year, either with the beginning of the winter term or of the summer term
- Form of studies Full time or part time schemes available
- Admission Application required
- Language English in all compulsory modules // Optional modules in English and German possible // BUT: the required number of 120 ECTS can always be achieved in full through modules taught in English
- Studying abroad A semester or year abroad is possible and encouraged, but not compulsary
- Internships Integrating internship periods in your studies is highly recommended but not compulsary
Program accreditation
The University of Bamberg has been accredited by the ACQUIN accreditation commission in June 2019. Quality management for all degree courses is ensured by the university following the rules of the German system accreditation process.
The M.Sc. SAS is a new programme and will be accredited for the first time in 2025/26. However, it fulfills all legal requirements from its start in October 2024 on since it has been evaluated and approved by the competent university institutions and administrations.