MA Islamwissenschaft
The MA Programme in Islamic Studies
The MA programme in Islamic Studies (Islamwissenschaft) is aimed at students who hold a BA degree in Middle Eastern Studies, Islamic Studies or an adjoining study field. It imparts profound knowledge of the historical development and the contemporary manifestations of Islam as well as the ability to read and understand textual sources written in Middle Eastern languages and also to analyse them by approved methods of textual philology and the cultural sciences.
The programme takes usually four half-year terms (semesters). Islamic Studies students must complete 120 credit points. Out of them, 60 are assigned to the core area (Kernbereich), 30 to the extension area (Erweiterungsbereich), and an additional 30 to the MA thesis. Please note, that applicants have to prove German language proficiency of C1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages – CEFR. The courses are predominantely held in German.
In the core area, students are required to complete six modules of 10 credit points. Five of them have to be related to Islamic Studies, one of them has to be formed by courses in Middle Eastern Studies offered by the other departments of the institute. The modules in Islamic Studies usually consist of a seminar course and a related Arabic reading course.
In the extension area, the students may complete modules offered either by other departments of our institute or departments of other institutes of our university or they may also complete additional modules in Islamic studies.
For further information on our study programme please have a look at our module guide(165.9 KB) and at the examination regulations (both in German).