Funding of Open Access Monographs and Open Access Contributions to Collective Editions

In the Open Access Declaration of the university, the university management calls on academics to make their publications and research results Open Access. The financing of publication fees for quality-assessed books is supported by the Open Access Fund.

Additional funds are available to finance books resulting from DFG projects.

We kindly ask you to check whether free open access publication with University of Bamberg Press is possible.


The following criteria must be met for funding:

  • The author or the editor is a member of the University of Bamberg and is responsible for paying the publication fees.
  • Only previously unpublished and original Open Access monographs ("Golden Route") that have undergone the usual quality assurance procedures in the respective discipline (peer review, academic editing) can be funded.
  • Contributions in so-called hybrid edited volumes can't be funded: i.e. if the edited volume is not published Open Access, but individual contributions are published Open Access for a fee.
  • The publication of dissertations, theses and other works that have been produced within the framework of third party funded projects and for which publication funds are available cannot be funded.
  • The publication must be provided with a free licence (preferably Creative Commons Attribution CC BY).
  • The publisher should provide a transparent calculation demonstrating the share of Open Access costs and be listed in the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) or as a member of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA).
  • All funded publications must be permanently archived in the Research Information System (FIS) and made accessible online.
  • Funding by the DFG or the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg must be clearly indicated in the publication, for example:

"Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - project number(s)" or "Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) - project number(s)", respectively.
"We acknowledge support by the Open Access Publication Fund of the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg" or "We acknowledge support by the Open Access Publication Fund of the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg".

Funding per publication is limited:

  • Contributions from collective works can be funded with a maximum of 2,000 €. A maximum of two contributions per collective work or the collective work as a whole will be funded.
  • Monographs and collective works can be supported with a maximum of 4,000 €. Proportional funding is possible.
  • Monographs and collective works resulting from DFG projects can be supported with a maximum of 5,000 €. Proportional funding is possible.

Not eligible for funding are:

  • Printing costs or costs associated with printing, e.g. surcharges for colour, size, format, etc.

Application for funding from the Open Access Fund Books

If you have any questions, please contact Research and publishing services, tel. 0951 863-1595, your subject librarian, or make an appointment via the Book-A-Librarian.