
Publishing a dissertation is a prerequisite for the conferral of a doctorate degree and regulated in the faculties' doctoral degree regulations. The University Library is happy to provide advice and support around the publication of your dissertation.
Please note:
- Publication is only possible after submission of the written print permission from the PhD board.
- The form of your thesis has to be agreed on by your supervisor and the PhD board.
- Your thesis must be declared as dissertation either on the title leaf, the back of the title leaf or in the imprint. The place of the dissertation, the names of the reviewers and the date of the oral exam must be stated.
- Concerning copyright: should your thesis include someone else's copyrighted material it must be either covered by the right to quote or you must obtain the rights of use that are necessary for publication.
The doctoral degree regulations prescribe exactly which prerequisites have to be met (number of mandatory copies etc).
Online publication of dissertations
Your thesis will be published online in FIS, the Research Information System of the university, thus making your work available worldwide for free in accordance with open access principles. It will be accessible and archived permanently thanks to our cooperation with the German National Library. Your dissertation will be listed in library catalogues, databases, and search machines and can be found and cited with a permanent URN or DOI.
In order to publish a dissertation, the University Library requires the signing of a publishing agreement(113.5 KB), in which you declare to:
- grant the University Library the non-exclusive, permanent licence for uitilisation of the thesis, without obligation for utilisation
- grant the University Library Bamberg the right to save the file, make it accessible in data networks and, if necessary, convert it into other data formats
- insure that you are the sole holder of all rights and that no rights of third parties are being violated by the publication of the document
Advisors of the thesis confirm with the publishing agreement, that the online publication of the dissertation have been co-ordinated with them.
Please format your document into an unprotected pdf that is neither encrypted nor password protected. Please make sure the used fonts are embedded in Unicode.
The digital version must be identical to the to-be-submitted print version. For this reason, you should use the pdf-document as master for the print copies you will need. This ensures that the formatting of both digital and printed version will be identical.
The to-be-published dissertation should not contain a curriculum vitae or a declaration.
Please upload the digital version of your dissertation to the Research Information System (FIS)under "My FIS" and "Submit Publication". A login with the BA number is required. External doctoral students without a BA number can apply here for a user account for doctoral candidates.
Additionally to the submission of a digital copy, a submission of six printed versions to the university library (for faculties Human Sciences and Education as well as in the Humanities) or to the dean's office (for faculties Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration, as well as publication in Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences) is obligatory.
Please submit the signed publishing agreement along with the printed copies.
The electronic version of your dissertation will be checked with your submitted print copies and metadata supplemented if necessary.
Dissertations can only be published after the oral exam has been passed and the printing permission resp. interim notice is present. When all requierements are met, the dissertation will be published in FIS and is accessible online. A notification will be sent to the German National Library in Frankfurt/Main with the online release, where the publication and its metadata will be indexed and archived long-term. Your dissertation will be indexed in the Bamberg Catalogue, the Bavarian Library Network Catalogue and the university's bibliography.
Cumulative dissertation
A cumulative dissertation is published in FIS. The faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration allows a submission in form of printed copies.
Parts of the dissertation that have not yet been published must be included as preprint resp. postprint.
Articles that have already been published and are excluded from secondary publication rights due to legal circumstances are to be included with their bibliographic description, synopsis and if possible a link to the digitally accessible original publication (DOI, URN, URL to a "secure" server).
1. Copyright and publishing agreement
In order to publish a dissertation, the University Library requires the signing of a publishing agreement(113.5 KB), in which you declare to:
- grant the University Library the non-exclusive, permanent licence for uitilisation of the thesis, without obligation for utilisation
- grant the University Library Bamberg the right to save the file, make it accessible in data networks and, if necessary, convert it into other data formats
- insure that you are the sole holder of all rights and that no rights of third parties are being violated by the publication of the document
Advisors of the thesis confirm with the publishing agreement, that the online publication of the dissertation have been co-ordinated with them.
§ Copyright
§§ Co-authors
There are often co-authors involved with articles. Co-authors have to agree with secondary publication according to coypright law. We suggest that you obtain the written approval of all co-authors - if possbile - for publishing in your dissertation. An agreement by e-mail is sufficient.
Suggested phrasing of an agreement by co-authors (German and English)(12.5 KB, 1 page)(12.5 KB)
§§ (Secondary) publication rights
For articles already published or accepted for publishing, you will likely have granted the journal publisher resp. conference organiser rights of use. In many cases these rights constitute a bar to the declaration within the publishing agreement ("third-party rights"). To be able to include the article fully in your dissertation, you have to holt (secondary) publication rights. The list in SherpaRomeo offers you a quick overview over the rights allowed by journal publishers to authors within their standart contracts. However, the list not legally binding and in case of doubt, the contract of publication is always in force.
Within the SherpaRomeo list "preprint" is defined as the version of a text pre peer-review. Postprint is defined as the edited version after peer-review. Postprint differs from the published article only in layout, not in content. This means de facto that the author is not allowed to use the pdf-file with the layout of the publishing house.
It is possible to obtain (secondary) publishing rights retroactively.
Suggested phrasing of a request for secondary publishing rights to the publisher (German and English)(13.1 KB, 1 page)(13.1 KB)
2. Form and formatting
General Information:
Please format your document into an unprotected pdf that is neither encrypted nor password protected. Please make sure the used fonts are embedded in Unicode.
The digital version must be identical to the to-be-submitted print version. For this reason you should use the pdf-document as master for the print copies you will need. This ensures that the formatting of both digital and printed version will be identical. The to-be-published dissertation should not contain a curriculum vitae or a declaration for reasons of data protection.
The doctoral committee of the faculty Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration put together guidelines for cumulative dissertations. They include criteria that are to be specified, interpreted an applied during the doctoral degree proceedings if necessary.
Good-practice examples:
Faculty of Human Sciences
Psychosoziale und neurobiologische Determinanten der Inhibition von Schmerzmimik/ Karmann, Anna Julia; Universität Bamberg : Bamberg, 2015
The dissertation consists of one overarching text and three studies as full-text.
Studies I (S. 42 ff.) and III (S. 81 ff.) have been already published at the time of the dissertation, study II (S. 51 ff.) was yet unpublished. All studies have been provided with bibliographic descriptions and legal information, study I with a DOI.
Faculty of Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences Faculty
Operational business-IT alignment in healthcare : theoretical foundation and empirical evidence/ Weeger, Andy; Universität Bamberg : Bamberg, 2017
The dissertation consists of one overarching text ("Introductory Paper") as well as nine studies, three of which are included as full-text (Paper III, Paper VII and Paper VIII). All studies have been already published and are provided with bibliographic description, some with DOI, URN or URL.
Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration
A life course perspective on women's reconciliation of family and employment/ Brehm, Uta ; Universität Bamberg : Bamberg, 2017
The dissertation consists of one overarching text ("Introduction") as well as three studies as full-text. Studies I (S. 39 ff.) and III (S. 125 ff.) have been already published at the time of the dissertation, Studie II (S. 75 ff.) is submitted for publication. All studies are provided with bibliographic data.
Full-texts can be included in the dissertation, if a secondary publication of your already published papers is legal. It is also possible to secondarily publish individual papers to increase reception.
3. Submitting and publishing
Please upload the digital version of your dissertation to the Research Information System (FIS)under "My FIS" and "Submit Publication". A login with the BA number is required. External doctoral students without a BA number can apply here for a User Account for Doctoral Candidates.
Additionally to the submission of a digital copy, a submission of six printed versions to the university library (for faculties Human Sciences and Education as well as in the Humanities) or to the dean's office (for faculties Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration, as well as publication in Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences) is obligatory.
Please submit the signed publishing agreement along with the printed copies.
The electronic version of your dissertation will be checked with your submitted print copies and metadata supplemented if necessary.
Dissertations can only be published after the oral exam has been passed and the printing permission resp. interim notice is present. When all requierements are met, the dissertation will be published in FIS and is accessible online. A notification will be sent to the German National Library in Frankfurt/Main with the online release, where the publication and its metadata will be indexed and archived long-term. Your dissertation will be indexed in the Bamberg Catalogue, the Bavarian Library Network Catalogue and the university's bibliography.
Publishing with the University of Bamberg Press (UBP)
If you wish to publish your dissertation online as well as in printed form, the University's publisher, the UBP, is a good choice. All publications of the University of Bamberg Press are published in monograph serieses which have different standards.
As part of a hybrid publication, your work will be published online as well as printed from a publishing house with institutional connection to your university. The online edition will be published on the FIS (Reserarch Information System) of the University Bamberg with all advantages of an online publication, the printed publication will have all advantages of a conventional publication. Your thesis will receive an ISBN and it will be obtainable by book shops and relevant online booksellers. It will be indexed in library catalogues, databases and search engines and conveniently searchable due to well-maintained metadata. The University of Bamberg Press provides help with layouting and marketing, ensures an inexpensive and quick publication and guarantees the citability of both online and print edition.
You may find further information here. If you plan on publishing your dissertation with UBP, we recommend to first contact us by phone or schedule a consultation.
Research data associated with your dissertation
If you have research data associated with your dissertation, such as audio files, data sets, software, images or video files, we recommend that you also publish these. The additional publication of your research data helps to make your research more transparent and comprehensible.
You can publish the research data belonging to your dissertation as an independent research data publication in a subject-specific repository or data center or in the FD-Repo of the University of Bamberg, regardless of the chosen form of publication.
In this way, your research data will receive a separate citable persistent identifier and thus represent an independent scientific publication.
We recommend publishing the research data first so that you can cite it directly with DOI in your dissertation document. In FIS, the dissertation and research data are then linked via the persistent identifiers. To do this, enter the identifier of your research data in the “HasPart” relation when submitting your dissertation in FIS.
Publishing with a commercial publisher
All faculties allow you to publish your thesis with a commercial publisher.
Publication in the Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration, as well as publication in Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences is bound to a minimum circulation of 150 copies. Six copies are to be submitted to the Deans' Offices free of charge.
In Human Sciences and Education as well as in the Humanities three copies are to be submitted to the university library.
In the Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration it is possible to publish by submitting 80 copies of your thesis to the faculty.
Premature delivery of the doctoral certificate
Under certain circumstances faculties allow for a premature delivery of the doctoral certificate. Those circumstances are regulated in the doctoral degree regulations.
Confirmation in advance (German: Vorabbestätigung lt. § 16(3) PromO HuWi + GuK)
According to § 16 (3) of the doctoral thesis regulations there is the possibilty to bear the doctoral degree before submitting print copies for students in the faculties of Human Sciences and Education and the Humanities. For this purpose the doctoral candidate has to submit the digital version of their thesis to the University Library Bamberg. They must also entitle the library to publish the doctoral thesis in case the doctoral candidate does not attend their duty to publish the thesis within the period stated in § 15 para. 3 of the doctoral thesis regulations. The submission of this digital version of the thesis should be done via the Research Information System (FIS) under "My FIS" and "Submit Publication". A BA-number is required to log in. External doctoral candidates without BA-numver can register a user account here.
If the formal terms have been met and the files are useable, the university library will notify the doctoral committee and the certificate can be delivered prematurely. The contract, the files (pdf-files and master file) together with their meta data will be deleted, as soon as the print copies have been submitted to the University Library by the doctoral candidate or the publisher in charge of the publication.
Confirmation of granting the right of publication in favour of the Bamberg University Library(134.8 KB)
Preliminary bearing of the doctoral degree
The preliminary bearing of the doctoral degree can be granted in the faculties Publication in the Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration and in Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences, if there is an attested, exceptional necessity and if a contract for the publication according to the doctoral degree regulations is presented (§ 12 (4) doctoral degree regulations Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration resp. § 15 (4) doctoral degree regulations Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences).
If the formal conditions are met, that is if the contract for publication is received and the data meets the formatting guidelines and are useable accordingly, the university library will notify the doctoral committee and the certificate can be delivered prematurely. The contract, the files (pdf-files and master file) together with their meta data will be deleted, as soon as the print copies have been submitted to the university library by the doctoral candidate or the publisher in charge of the publication.
If you are unsure about which publisher to choose or if you need help evaluating an offer, feel free to contact your subject librarian.
If you have further genral questions about the publication of your thesis or if you would like to publish with University of Bamberg Press (UBP), please contact the Research and Publishing Services team (phone (0951) 863-1568).
We will also gladly offer a consultation appointment.
If you have any questions about publishing your research data, please contact Janina Kühner.
Further information about copyright law and open access
- Laws concerning copyright and related property rights in Germany:
- FAQ about secondary publishing rights of the initiative „Digitale Information“ from the alliance of German science organisations:
- Info hub about open access in Germany: