University Bibliography

The Research Information System (FIS) also serves as the university bibliography of the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg. The publications of scholars at the University of Bamberg since 1981 are recorded here permanently and as completely as possible. Since 2022, bibliographic information on research data has also been recorded.
In addition to the bibliographic data of publications, the digital full texts are also to be made publicly available in the Research Information System. In the University of Bamberg's Open Access Declaration, the university management calls on the university's academics to publish their publications and research results on the university's institutional repository as original work or as pre- or postprints.
Research data should be stored in subject-specific repositories. If such a repository does not exist for your own discipline, the data can be stored in the university's research data repository. They are automatically linked to the university bibliography in the FIS.

Examples of documents in the research information system are:
- Monographs (complete or in parts), individual volumes of Bamberg series, publication series, conference proceedings and online versions of publisher's publications, e.g. the University of Bamberg Press.
- Journal articles, articles from collected editions, complete journal issues, congress reports, reports, preprints, discussion papers, working papers, reviews, images, films, audio documents.
- Dissertations, post-doctoral theses and particularly good examination papers leading to a degree, e.g. Bachelor's, Master's and admission theses, but not term papers or student research projects. The publication of a thesis requires the recommendation of the supervisor.
Criteria for the inclusion of publications
The University Bibliography lists publications by academics at the university, i.e. a member of the university must be involved in a publication in the sense of (co-)copyright, e.g. as author, editor, illustrator, translator.
Only bibliographic data of published documents are included in the university bibliography, i.e. the document must have been made permanently accessible to the public in full text. A document
- Reference of the work or the parent work in a library catalogue, in a book trade directory or in a corresponding e-book portal,
- Reference of the parent work in the journals database,
- Evidence of an URN or DOI
- Publication of the full text in the Research Information System
Criteria for exclusion

The following documents are not recorded in the research information system:
- Documents with more short-term significance such as lecture timetables, announcements, invitations etc.,
- Preannouncements of publications that have not yet been published.
Publications that originated before the affiliation to the University of Bamberg can be included in the FIS, but are not used for the university bibliography.
How to report new publications for the university bibliography
Criteria for the inclusion of research data
Only bibliographic data of published research data are included in the university bibliography, i.e. the data must have been made permanently available to the public. Research data are considered to be permanently published if one of the following criteria applies:
- Publication of research data in a research data repository listed by the Registry of Research Data Repositories (re3data),
- Publication in the university's research data repository,
- Evidence of a persistent identifier.