Courses and tutorials of the University Library

Library Lunch ("Bib um 12")
A little informative snack during lunch break with different topics around the library, covering various topics related to the library. Library Lunch takes place every Wednesday at twelve, virtually on Zoom and without registration. At the beginning of the winter semester, we will kick off with a special session for Open Access Week, followed by a focus on the topic of 'LLM-Prompting

Welcome to the Library
You've never been here before? Come and visit us! As part of the first semester introductory days, we offer guided tours of the branch libraries and answer the most important questions about using the library. For employees of the University of Bamberg, we offer our own introductory events in which we address many organisational and chair-specific questions. A brief presentation of our digital services is integrated into the IT Service welcome event.

Finding information is our core competence - and we are happy to pass on our knowledge to you. The basic library course gives you the fundamentals, and you should familiarise yourself with database research for your BA thesis at the latest.
Our offer is not only aimed at university members: we also offer courses for pupils and teachers. We have also been to the Federal Police, and we are happy to customise our services for other target groups.
Do you only have a short time or very specific questions? We also offer online tutorials on many search topics: the Bamberg Catalogue, interlibrary loans, search engines and thematic literature searches. We take the time to answer your individual research questions at 'Book a Librarian'.

Working with information
When writing academic texts, it is important to keep your sources in order. Reference management programmes can help you with this. In our courses you can learn about the reference management programme Zotero - from the basic functions of collecting and citing literature to knowledge management and working with PDF documents. We take the time to answer your individual questions about reference management at 'Book a Librarian'.

Academic Writing
It is a long (and sometimes difficult) road from the topic to the final paper. We are happy to support you with individual writing consultations, training on avoiding plagiarism (we have an online tutorial on this) and other services such as workshops and group writing time.

Research and Publishing
When you want to publish your research results, you are often faced with a mountain of organisational, legal and technical questions. We will introduce you to the University of Bamberg's Current Research Information System (FIS) and provide you with concise information on everything you need to know about publishing your dissertation. We are also happy to help you with funding opportunities for Open Access publications and all other publishing issues.
Research data management is relevant for research projects right from the start: We also offer courses and individual consultations on this topic.

You didn't find what you were looking for?
You are missing a specific topic or would like to see a library session added for your class? Please let us know about it. We'll be happy to offer additional sessions, if needed.
Our courses are held in German. English courses are available on request. Please contact the person responsible for the course you are interested in.