Dr. Axel Hund

M.Sc. - International Business Administration

Dr. Axel Hund has been a research assistant at the Chair of Business Informatics, especially information systems in service areas, since September 2017. As part of his academic training at Otto Friedrich University, Axel spent two semesters abroad at the University of Wollongong in Australia. He also completed a six-month internship at the international automotive supplier Bosch in indirect purchasing and worked as a management consultant in Argentina at Scarpatti y Asociados. His interest in IT was sparked by his future work at the web agency Kalayourlife. At the chair, Axel is part of the Seneca research project, which deals with digital innovations in a corporate context. The focus is particularly on the influence of innovations on changes in the company. This aims to support companies in the identification, administration and implementation of digital innovations.