Prof. Dr. Christian Maier

Professor of Information Systems, University of Bamberg

Prof. Dr. Christian Maier is a Professor and holds the Chair of Information Systems, esp. Health and Society in the Digital Age.

Academic career:

Christian studied information systems (Diplom) at the University of Bamberg. He then received a three-year doctoral scholarship from the Bavarian Elite Promotion (BayEFG) through the University of Bavaria e.V. before working as an assistant professor at the Chair of Information Systems, especially Information Systems Service. During this time, he was a visiting scholar at Clemson University (USA) and the University of Lancaster (UK). He then was Associate Professor (Information Privacy in the Digital Economy) at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München. After rejecting further appointments at other universities, he has held a chair at his alma mater, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, since October 2023.

Transfer and research funding:

Christian regularly appears in various television formats (e.g., ZDF heute, ZDF Zoom, RTL Aktuell, RTL Nachtjournal, 3SAT Nano, BR) and on radio stations (e.g., Bayern 1-3, Deutschlandfunk). At the same time, he is interviewed and quoted by various magazines and daily newspapers (e.g., Handelsblatt, Süddeutsche Zeitung).

He leads projects with companies. Examples include cooperations with SAP, Samsung, Bayer, Siemens Healthineers, s.Oliver, baur, Otto and MediLedger. He finances research through grants from the German Research Foundation and joint research projects (ForDigitHealth), among others.


His research focuses on digital transformation and its impact on people and companies. One of his current research streams focuses on how digital technologies affect individual well-being (e.g., burnout, technostress, eustress). In another research stream, he explains that shocks (e.g., data breaches, a new job) cause people to stop using digital services such as Netflix or Spotify. Another research stream addresses specific questions around current contexts such as Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI), Blockchain/Bitcoin, and social networking sites. The research methods used are quantitative and qualitative, with different data collection forms such as interviews, case studies, diaries, (cross-sectional and longitudinal) questionnaires, and experiments.


His courses are aimed at Bachelor’s and Master’s students. His current teaching portfolio at the University of Bamberg includes Digital Privacy, Digital Change Management, and Digital Health. Further courses are currently being developed. In addition, he offers the following courses as part of a continuing education program: Electronic FinanceData Analytics with Python, and Data Science and Machine Learning.


Christian is one of the top BWL professors, according to Wirtschaftswoche. For example, he has repeatedly ranked among the ten best business administration-related researchers under the age of 40 in the German-speaking world and among the top 10 percent in the age-independent ranking. The AIS Research Ranking, authoritative for the international information systems community, lists him several times among the top 10 of approx. 15,000 scientists according to publications in the most important eight journals and even several times in first place in terms of first authorships.

He publishes regularly in the most influential journals. For example, over 35 papers have appeared in A+ and A publications (according to VHB Jourqual 3). These include several publications in MIS Quarterly (MISQ), Information Systems Research (ISR), and Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS). He also publishes in the AIS flagship journal Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), and all other journals in the Senior Scholar Basket of Eights (e.g., EJIS, ISJ, JSIS, JIT).

His research achievements are recognised externally. In recognition of his outstanding achievements, he was the first business/information systems researcher in the current millennium to receive the DFG's prestigious Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize. Previously, his doctorate „Technostress: theoretical foundations and empirical evidence“ was awarded the Schmalenbach-Preis and the Hans-Löwel Wissenschaftspreis, among others, and his habilitation "Digital work and digital life: theoretical evidence and empirical studies on the discovery, development, diffusion, and impact of digital technologies" the Habilitation Prize of the University of Bamberg. In addition, he received several Best Paper Awards (e.g. ICIS, WI, AIS Transactions on HCI, SIGMIS CPR) and Best Reviewer Awards. He also received the prestigious Early Career Awards from the AIS and the ACM SIGMIS, and a Schöller Fellowship.

He was also awarded the Faculty Award for Good Teaching and the University-wide Award for Good Teaching based on his teaching concept and the teaching evaluations of his students.

Social Media:

Profile on Google Scholar

Profile on LinkedIn

Selected Publications

Maier, C., Laumer, S., Joseph, D., Mattke, J., and Weitzel, T. (2021)
Turnback Intention: An Analysis of the Drivers of IT Professionals’ Intentions to Return to a Former Employer
Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ) (45:4), p.1777-1806 (VHB-Rating: A+)

Maier, C., Laumer, S., Tarafdar, M., Mattke, J., Reis, L., and Weitzel, T. (2021)
Challenge and hindrance IS use stressors and appraisals: Explaining contrarian associations in post-acceptance IS use behavior
Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) (22:6) , p.1590-1624, (VHB-Rating: A)

Reis, L., Maier, C., Mattke, J., Creutzenberg, M., and Weitzel, T. (2020)
Addressing User Resistance Would Have Prevented a Healthcare AI Project Failure
MIS Quarterly Executive (19:4), p. 279-296, (VHB-Rating: B)

Maier, C., Laumer, S., Thatcher, J.B., Sun, H., Weinert, C., and Weitzel, T. (2021)
Social Networking Site Use Resumption: A Model of Return Migration
Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) (22:4), p.1037-1075, (VHB-Rating: A)

Maier, C., Laumer, S., Wirth, J., and Weitzel, T. (2019)
Technostress and the hierarchical levels of personality: a two-wave study with multiple data samples
European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS) 28:5, p.496-522, (VHB-Rating: A)

Pflügner, K., Maier, C., Thatcher, J.B., Mattke, J., and Weitzel, T. (2023)
Deconstructing technostress: A configurational approach to explaining job burnout and job performance
Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), (48:2), p.679-698, (VHB-Rating: A+)


  • Heinz-Maier-Leibnitz Preis (DFG) (2022)
  • Research Funding der Dr. Hans Riegel-Stiftung (2021)
  • Schöller Fellowship (2021)
  • Habilitationspreis der Universität Bamberg (2021)
  • ACM SIGMIS Early Career Award (2020)
  • Research Funding der ACM SIGMIS (2020)
  • AIS Early Career Award (2019)
  • Preis für gute Lehre an den staatlichen Universitäten in Bayern (2019)
  • Preis für gute Lehre der Fakultät Wirtschaftsinformatik und Angewandte Informatik (2018)
  • Nominiert für den Preis für gute Lehre der Fakultät Wirtschaftsinformatik und Angewandte Informatik (2017)
  • Hans-Löwel Wissenschaftspreis (2016)
  • Ausgezeichnet mit dem Schmalenbach-Preis 2015 (2015)
  • Ausgezeichnet mit dem Robert W. Zmund Best Reviewer Award von SIGADIT (Pre-ICIS Workshop) 2015 in Fort Worth (2015)
  • Runner-up Dissertationspreis der Fachgruppe CSCW der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI-CSCW) und des Internationalen Instituts für Sozio-Informatik (IISI) (2015)
  • Runner-up MINT Excellence Promotionspreis (2015)
  • Ausgezeichnet mit AIS Special Interest Group - Adoption and Diffusion of IT DIGIT 2013 Doctoral Award in Mailand (2013)
  • Promotionsstipendium bei der Bayerischen Eliteförderung (EFG-Stipendium) (2010 - 2013) (2010)

Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen

Maier, C., Laumer, S., Joseph, D., Mattke, J., and Weitzel, T. (2021)
Turnback Intention: An Analysis of the Drivers of IT Professionals’ Intentions to Return to a Former Employer
Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ) (45:4), p.1777-1806 (VHB-Rating: A+)

Maier, C., Laumer, S., Tarafdar, M., Mattke, J., Reis, L., and Weitzel, T. (2021)
Challenge and hindrance IS use stressors and appraisals: Explaining contrarian associations in post-acceptance IS use behavior
Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) (22:6) , p.1590-1624, (VHB-Rating: A)

Reis, L., Maier, C., Mattke, J., Creutzenberg, M., and Weitzel, T. (2020)
Addressing User Resistance Would Have Prevented a Healthcare AI Project Failure
MIS Quarterly Executive (19:4), p. 279-296, (VHB-Rating: B)

Maier, C., Laumer, S., Thatcher, J.B., Sun, H., Weinert, C., and Weitzel, T. (2021)
Social Networking Site Use Resumption: A Model of Return Migration
Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) (22:4), p.1037-1075, (VHB-Rating: A)

Maier, C., Laumer, S., Wirth, J., and Weitzel, T. (2019)
Technostress and the hierarchical levels of personality: a two-wave study with multiple data samples
European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS) 28:5, p.496-522, (VHB-Rating: A)

Pflügner, K., Maier, C., Thatcher, J.B., Mattke, J., and Weitzel, T. (2023)
Deconstructing technostress: A configurational approach to explaining job burnout and job performance
Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), (48:2), p.679-698, (VHB-Rating: A+)