Learning Agreements
Before going abroad, students are strongly advised to ensure they get full credit for completed courses abroad by signing a so-called Learning Agreement (LA) with the professor who is teaching the respective subject at Bamberg University.
The LA specifies the courses that will be recognized at Bamberg University, provided they have been successfully completed abroad. The past has shown that it is very much in the student's interest to sign the LA prior to going abroad, otherwise students often find out that the courses they have taken abroad without prior consultation cannot be transferred.
Before inquiring about potential LAs with us, please make sure you provide us with a detailed syllabus (including reading list and main textbook(s)!)
Once we have come to terms on a LA, please bring a filled-in LA form (provided by the examination board (Prüfungsausschuss) in charge of your field of study) to our secretary's office.
Transfer of Credits
If you have previously been enrolled in a similar or equivalent program at a different institution, it might be possible to transfer credits for successfully completed courses to one of our local programs. In order to determine whether or not you are eligible for transfer credits, we need to check your records and might want to talk to you in person as well.
If you would like to transfer credits from another German university, please provide us with the following documents:
- Detailed syllabus (including reading list and main textbook(s))
- An official transcript of records (a copy is sufficient if you show the original document to our secretary)
- Filled-in transfer-of-credit form (provided by the examinaton board (Prüfungsausschuss) in charge of your field of study)
Depending on the course you want to get credit for, please send the documents to one of the contact persons listed below:
- Macroeconomics 1
- The Economics of Inequality
- History of Economic Thought
- Introduction to European and International Economics
- Introduction to International Finance
- Financial Engineering and Systemic Risk
- Complexity and Distribution in Economics
- International Monetary Economics