Applying for Approval

The following documents must be submitted for all special case applications:

For applications for the PhD subject Interdisciplinary Human Sciences additionally:

  • Supervision agreement or something equivalent (work plan or similar)
  • Information in both statements on the fit of the PhD project in Interdisciplinary Human Sciences, competences already acquired and competences still to be acquired

For applications for approval of an external reviewer and examiner additionally:

  • Confirmation(128.5 KB) (to be completed by the supervisor)
  • Information letter to the other professors at the institute

If the external reviewer is a professor at a university of applied sciences you and your supervisor should enclose a detailed statement and (as far as possible) a list of publications.

For applications for approval of an external member of the examination board:

  • Confirmation(129.1 KB)(114.7 KB)(to be completed by the supervisor)
  • Information letter to the other professors at the institute