INTERACT 2015 was a Huge Success
Overall the conference received 651 submissions in diverse scientific formats – out of which 93 full papers, 74 short papers, 8 demos and 30 interactive posters, 4 organisational overviews, 2 panels, 6 tutorials and 11 workshops were accepted. The acceptance rate was especially with 29.6% for full papers and 26.8% for short papers low and selective, which explains the high quality of the accepted and presented contributions. Overall over 400 participants from 48 countries came to the conference in Bamberg. The conference had 2 days of pre-conference events with tutorials, workshops, and a doctoral consortium on the ERBA campus as well as 3 days of main conference events in the Welcome Centre Bamberg. We were very happy that for the opening of the conference besides President Prof. Dr. Dr. habil Godehard Ruppert and the major of the city Dr. Christian Lange from Bamberg, the State Secretary in the Bavarian State Ministry of Education, Sciences and the Arts Staatssekretär Bernd Sibler came from Munich.
The motto of INTERACT 2015 was Connection.Tradition.Innovation – our goal was to bring this great international conference to Bamberg and in Bamberg’s historical ambience discuss concepts and technology of the future. With feedback such as, ‘Congratulations to an impressively well organised and charmingly directed conference’ we are happy that we seem to have reached this goal.
Impressions of the five days can be found in form of a short video and a selection of photos.