Dipl. Geogr. Bernd Grubert
- Office: Am Kranen 1 (room KR1/01.08), D-96047 Bamberg/Germany
- Phone: +49-951-863-2373
- E-mail: bernd.grubert(at)uni-bamberg.de
Consultation hours (German only)
- Geography, Heritage Conservation, Archaeology of the Middle Ages and Modern Period (Bamberg)
- Geoinformatics (Salzburg)
Main lecture focus
- Introductory and advanced courses for geographic information systems (GIS); including ArcGIS Pro, ArcView 10.x
- Data analysis on the PC (Excel, SPSS, Access)
- PC basics; including data management (file browser) Office, OpenOffice
Seitz, R., Troycke, A., Grubert, B. & Rebhan, P. (2010): Wo stehen Bayerns Fichten? – IN: LWF, Waldforschung aktuell 75: 62-63, ISSN 1435-4098, mediatum.ub.tum.de/doc/1320414/209fcf8um1rdyo21r2xbewwm8.a75_waldpaedagogik_web.pdf