Statistics & Reports

Since the early 1990s, the German federal and state governments have been systematically and steadily pursuing the subject of equal opportunities in academics and research. This persistent national movement has not only improved the understanding of the differing situations of women and men in academia, but the considerably increased proportion of women at all levels of academic qualification is evidence of a slow but steady attempt to achieve truly equal opportunity in academics and research.

Gender-Based Equality Statistics about Research and Teaching at the University of Bamberg

The chart shows the gender ratio of students in each faculty in the winter semester 2021/2022, with the colors blue and yellow, which blue representing female students and yellow representing male students. The proportions of female and male students are as follows: Faculty of Humanities: 71.4% female students and 28.6% male students. Faculty of Social Sciences, Economic, and Business Administration: 54.4 % female students and 45.6 % male students. Faculty of Human Sciences and Education: 79.9 % female students and 20.1 % male students. Faculty of Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences: 29.3 % female students and 70.7 % male students.
The graph shows the evolution of the percentage of female students from 2007 to 2021 with different colors for the lines. The blue line represents the Faculty of Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences with a share of 29% female students in 2021, the yellow line represents the Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics, and Business Administration with a share of 55% female students, the green line represents the Faculty of Humanities with 71%, and the red line shows the Faculty of Human Sciences and Education with 80% female student share in 2021.
The graph shows the percentage of women in first-time enrollments and degrees from 2005 to 2021 with different colors for the lines. The yellow line represents the proportion of women among first-time matriculations from 2005 to 2021 at 65% in 2021, and the blue dashed line shows the proportion of women among graduates at 64% in 2021.
The graph shows the doctorates at the University of Bamberg from 1979 to 2021 with different colors for the lines. The blue line represents the number of women with 37 finished PhD's in 2021 and the yellow line represents the number of men with 45 finished PhD's the same year.
The graph shows the habilitations at the University of Bamberg from 1976 to 2021 with different colors for the lines. The blue line represents the number of women with 1 habilitation in 2021 and the yellow line represents the number of men with 5 habilitations the same year.
This graph shows the proportion of female professors in the winter semester 2020/2021 with different colors for the lines. The blue line represents the proportion of female professors at the University of Bamberg with 33.13% in 2021, the yellow line represents the proportion of female professors in Bavaria with 22.42%, and the red line represents the proportion of female professors nationwide with 26.30% in 2021.
The graph shows the professorships by wage classification with different colors. Men are represented with a yellow color, women are represented with a blue color. The gender ratio in W1 professorships is a share of 50% men and 50% women in 2021. The gender ratio in W2/C3 professorships is a share of 61.7% men and 38.3% women. The gender ratio in W3/C4 professorships is a share of 71.3% men and 28.7% women. In total, there is proportion of 66.9% male professors and 33.1% female professors.
The graph shows the percentage of women at the University of Bamberg by qualification level from 2005 to 2021 with different colors. The light blue line represents the proportion of women in professorships at 33.13% in 2021, the red line the proportion of women in habilitations at 16.67%, the green line the proportion of women in doctorates at 46.34%, the dark blue line the proportion of women in first-time matriculations at 63.81% and the yellow line the proportion of women in degrees at 65.06% in 2021.

Reports by the Women's Representatives

The Academic Equal Opportunity Officers publish a yearly report for the Senate in which important statistics and measures related to equal opportunity at the University of Bamberg are outlined. To access and read the reports (in German) from previous years, please click Deutsch in the top-right corner.

CEWS Statistics

You can find a report on how the University of Bamberg was evaluated in the 2023 university ranking for gender equality by the Center of Excellence Women and Science (CEWS) on our blog (in German).