Gender Consulting

Third-party funding (from DFG, MWK, BMBF, Horizon Europe) is focusing more and more on innovative equal opportunity measures, and these measures are often a determining factor for funding approval. An innovative gender-equality concept can tip the balance, especially in cases with applications of equal value.

The Academic Equal Opportunity Officers and the Academic Equal Opportunity Office of the University of Bamberg are able to look back on many years of experience in both the conception and the implementation of equal opportunity measures, and they are in constant contact with the University Executive Board and all other funding institutions at the University of Bamberg. This competence should be used to advise and support researchers in matters relating to third-party funding and the implementation of gender-equality measures in research projects.

The Women's Office is more than happy to support you: 

  • in the application process, with information about existing structures at the University of Bamberg and statistical data
  • by assisting in the conception of individual equality measures for your project
  • through the intervention of cooperation partners for equality measures
  • by reviewing your application for third-party funding to provide advice for potential, additional, and still necessary starting points for statements and measures relevant to gender equality
  • in the implementation of your equality measures
  • in the organization of events for career development and gender-equality issues


Essential Information about Equal Opportunities in Bamberg

The DFG accepts applications for up to 15,000 euros per year for additional equal opportunity funds within the framework of graduate colleges, research groups, priority programs, etc. — and even 30,000 euros per year for collaborative research centers. These funds can be used for additional measures in conjunction with funds that have already been approved within the actual project application to promote equal opportunities for women and men. If these additional funds are not applied for or used, this is sometimes seen in a negative way when it comes to appraisals or further financing.