The networks and databases listed below concern themselves with the advancement of women in a variety of fields, and some of them also have special interest in women's and gender studies. The websites linked below are available in English. For a full list of databases and networks (including those without an English translation), please visit the German version of this page by clicking Deutsch in the top right corner.
National Council of German Women’s Organizations (Deutscher Frauenrat)
The Deutscher Frauenrat (National Council of German Women’s Organizations) is an umbrella organization of 60 nationwide women’s associations and organizations. They are the biggest Women’s Lobby in Germany.
European Academy for Women in Politics and Business (Europäische Akademie für Frauen in Politik und Wirtschaft)
The EAF combines proven expertise with many years of experience in consulting and continued education. With their innovative programs, they promote women with management potential and support women and men in career planning and work-life balance.
European Women's Lobby
The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is the largest umbrella organization of women’s associations in the European Union (EU). The EWL strives to promote women’s rights and equality between women and men in the EU. EWL is active in different areas such as the economic and social position of women, women in decision-making, violence against women, women’s diversity, etc.
The Women’s Academy Munich (Frauenakademie München e. V.)
The Women’s Academy Munich aims at the promotion of equal opportunities for women and men in all social fields as well as to support women in taking equal positions in research, economics, politics, and the public.
Center of Excellence Women and Science, CEWS (Kompetenzzentrum Frauen in Wissenschaft und Forschung)
The Center of Excellence Women and Science aims to promote the implementation of gender equality in science and research in Germany. CEWS supports evidence-based learning about inequalities and gender equality policies in academia—to make research gender-sensitive, non-discriminatory and respectful, especially for women. The unique selling point of CEWS is the coherent integration of research, networking, consulting and scientific service.
Higher Education Compass (Hochschulkompass)
If you want to know what you can study at which universities, how to contact student advisory services at German universities, in which subjects you can pursue a doctoratal degree, which universities cooperate with foreign universities, and more, you should consult the Higher Education Compass, a helpful website by the German Rectors' Conference.
Women into EU Research (Frauen in die EU-Forschung)
The Contact Point Women into EU Research (FiF) is part of the German network of National Contact Points (NCPs) advising on the respective EU framework programme. Within the NCP network, FiF’s role is to advise researchers in Germany or from Germany on any matter regarding gender and equal opportunities.
German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG)
Here you will find a variety of topics and resources related to equal opportunities by the German Research Foundation.
- Competence Center Technology-Diversity-Equal Opportunities e. V. (kompetenzz), Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences
- Center for Interdisciplinary Women's and Gender Studies (ZIFG), Technische Universität Berlin
- Center for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies, Humboldt Universität Berlin
- Margherita von Brentano Center for Gender Studies, FU Berlin
- Essen College of Gender Research, University of Duisburg-Essen
- Centre for Interdisciplinary Women's and Gender Studies (ZFG), University of Oldenburg
For an overview of other regional and nationwide research centres, please visit the gFFZ – Gender- und Frauenforschungszentrum der hessischen Hochschulen.
- Gender Research Office, University of Vienna
/femconsult is Europe's largest recruitment portal for women in academia. The database provides up-to-date profiles of more than 3,000 women from all professional fields and disciplines.
The Gender Studies Databases
This online portal consists of four databases: Research Projects in the field of Gender Studies at FU Berlin, Researchers in the field of Gender Studies at FU Berlin, Professorships Fully or Partly Devoted to Women’s and Gender Studies at German-Speaking Universities, and Database of Reviewers in the field of Gender Studies.