Reviewing Results of Centrally Organised Examinations for Winter Semester 2024/2025

Central examinations are the written examinations and minutes from oral examinations included in the central examination schedule (including teacher training module examinations).

Review of examination results always takes place after the end of the examination period, i.e. at the beginning of the following semester. The exact dates will be published on this page at the beginning of the central examination period:

The review of examination results from the 2024/25 Winter Semester will take place for all students in groups from 05 May 2025 – 09 May 2025.

The place: Kapellenstraße 13 (KS 13).

Please also note the notices on site.

You will find all information on the reviewing your results in our notice:

Official information from the examination office available for inspection (WS 2024/2025) DEUTSCH/ENGLISH(186.6 KB)



It is possible to authorise another person to view your exams:

1st option: You authorise another person by email:

To authorise another person to review your examinations, write an email to the Examination Office ( from your Stud email account. In the email, state the first name, surname and date of birth of the authorised person and the examinations that may be reviewed. The authorised person must present an official photo ID (in particular identity card, passport) on site and be of legal age. Please note that for organisational reasons we need your email at least 24 hours before the planned inspection.

2nd option: You issue an authorisation - the authorised person presents this document for inspection:

This authorisation is only valid with a copy of both sides of the student ID or the identity card of the person issuing authorisation and an original signature (no scan!). The authorised representative is required to present an official photo ID (especially government-issued identity card, passport). The authorised representative must be of legal age.

Please use the form below to authorise another person. The authorised person must present the original to gain access to your examinations.

Vollmacht Klausureinsichtnahme(96.3 KB, 1 page)

If it is not possible for you to authorize another person to view your exam, please contact the examination office by email ( - no later than the start of the inspection!

Reviewing Decentralised Examination Results

Please contact the academic unit responsible for the examination.

Reviews of Final Theses (not for teacher training students)

Viewing reviews and assessments of final theses is only possible

- during the Office of Examinations opening hours (on presentation of a valid ID document)

- or digital upon written request possible

Please fill in this form (Erklärung zur Einsicht in Gutachten von Abschlussarbeiten“(96.3 KB, 1 page)) sign it and mail it to the following address:

Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg

- Prüfungsamt -

Kapuzinerstraße 16

96047 Bamberg

Please note that we absolutely require the original form. Requests received by fax, email, as a scan or copy do not fulfil this requirement and cannot be processed.

As soon as we have received the form, we will send a digital copy of the review to your student email address. If this email address is no longer available, please provide your current email address in the form.

Review of State Examination Results for Teacher Training Students (First State Examination)

Please refer to the following (in German):