Jana Paulina Lobe M.A.
Research Assistant
- Since February 2024 Social Media Management for the Chair with Anna-Lena Hoch
- 2020-2024 Student assistant at the Chair of European Ethnology
- 2023-2024 Tutor at the Chair of European Ethnology
- 2019-2024 Student assistant at the Professorship for History and Culture of Late Antiquity
- 2022-2024 Master Studies in European Ethnology
- Master's thesis: Death with Organic Seal? Concepts of Sustainability in Contemporary Funerary Culture
- 2018-2022 Bachelor Studies in Classics and European Ethnology
- Bachelor's thesis: From Aeneid to 'Anneid'? A Comparison of the Ovidian and Vergilian Anna
- Winner of the essay competition on “Creation and Responsibility” 2024 of the Görres-Gesellschaft (1st prize)
- Scholarship holder of the Hanns-Seidel-Foundation and the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
- "Digital salon discussion on cemetery culture" organised by the Board of Trustees for the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Cemetery Culture, 27.11.2024 online
- “Of humus capital and fungal partners. On dealing with post-mortem materialities in contemporary funerary culture". Section European Ethnology of the 126th Annual Conference of the Görres Society on “Human - Environmental Relations in the ‘Anthropocene’: Theories - Concepts - Everyday Life”, 27.09.2024 in Regensburg
- “What planet do we leave behind? Sustainable Burial Methods in the light of Integral Ecology”, at the Social Ethics Forum “Gegen das Aus im gemeinsamen Haus!The ecological crisis - paradigm shift in Christian social ethics?” at Catholic Academy Schwerte on 10.09.2024
- “Of course we make it pretty - The Role of Design in Sustainable Death Concepts.” at the DEATHxDESIGNxCULTURE conference at Falmouth University on 04.09.2024, online
- “Broadcast your Depression? Mental Illness Narratives in YouTube Videos - Between Self-exhibition and (Self-)therapy” - Presentation at the Digital Anthropology Lab of the University of Tübingen on 18.07.2024, online https://digitalanthropologylab.org/news
- "Storytime: Depression (Not Clickbait). Narratives of Mental Illness in YouTube Videos”. 36th student conference of the DGEKW with the motto “Tell me something”, 18.05.2024 in Regensburg.
- "Sustainability dies last? Insights in the green transformation of the funeral industry". “An Evening of Sustainability by and with students of European Ethnology as part of the Sustainability Month at the University of Bamberg”, 28.05.2024 in Bamberg
- "Sustainability dies last? Insights in the green transformation of the funeral industry". transmortale XIII, 23.03.2024 in Kassel
- "What remains ... what passes? Sustainability Beyond Death". 34th student conference of the DGEKW, 26.-29.05.2022 in Würzburg/online
- Lobe, Jana Paulina: Wie/Was ein Tisch #fairarbeiten muss. In: Kuckuck. Notizen zur Alltagskultur 2/24 (2024), S. 21-25.
- Lobe, Jana Paulina: Trällernd wie ein (Wander)vogel. Die bewegten Anfänge der Volksliedpflege. In: Schönere Heimat 113, 1 (2024), S. 15-22.
- Lobe, Jana Paulina: Was bleibt ...Was geht? Nachhaltigkeit über den Tod hinaus. In: Stark, Luise/Einecke, Irmela/May, Pia/Waldmann, Nils (Hgg.): Was bleibt? Was kommt? Nachhaltigkeiten kulturwissenschaftlich erforschen (= Würzburger Studien zur Europäischen Ethnologie Bd. 16). Würzburg 2023, S. 118-143. Online: https://doi.org/10.25972/OPUS-32781.
- European Ethnology in schools: Dailylife.com. On the omnipresence of the digital and the digitalisation of the everyday (summer term 2025)
- More than frills and frippery: Decorating as an aestheticised Everyday Practice (summer term 2025)
- Mother, Father, Child? Social, Medical, Political, and Cultural Dimensions of Narrating Parenthood, Kinship, Family, and Alternative Concepts. Interdisciplinary event with Florian Lützelberger, Chair of Romance Literary Studies (summer term 2025)
- Working with Academic Literature – A Reading Course (summer term 2025 and winter term 24/25)
- Posting, Sharing, Streaming - Discourses and Practices in Digital Everyday Life (winter term 24/25)
- Matters of Life and Death - Historic and Contemporary Perspectives on Funeral Culture (winter term 24/25)
Practice Courses
- Research Methods in European Ethnology. Practice Course with Portfolio (summer term 2025 and winter term 24/25)
Field trips
- E(x)-Cursion. A Comparative Exploration of Physical and Digital Learning Spaces (summer term 2025)
- A visit to the exhibition "Open Wide. Episodes of veterinary medicine in Bavaria" of the Bamberger Land Farmer’s Museum (winter term 24/25)
- Plan B for the Funeral Profession? - A Sepulchral Cultural Exploration of (Alternative) Funeral Providers in Regensburg (winter term 24/25)
- Tutorial for the foundation module EuroEthno (winter term 23/24, summer term 23)