Jana Paulina Lobe M.A.

Research Assistant

Research Interests

  • Funerary Culture (Death, Dying and Bereavement)
  • Digital Anthropology
  • Religion and Spirituality
  • German-American Cultural Exchange
  • Knowledge and Expert Cultures (Inter- and Transdisciplinarity)
  • Environmental anthropology/ Discourses on Sustainability

  • Since February 2024 Social Media Management for the Chair with Anna-Lena Hoch
  • 2020-2024 Student assistant at the Chair of European Ethnology
  • 2023-2024 Tutor at the Chair of European Ethnology
  • 2019-2024 Student assistant at the Professorship for History and Culture of Late Antiquity
  • 2022-2024 Master Studies in European Ethnology
  • Master's thesis: Death with Organic Seal? Concepts of Sustainability in Contemporary Funerary Culture
  • 2018-2022 Bachelor Studies in Classics and European Ethnology
  • Bachelor's thesis: From Aeneid to 'Anneid'? A Comparison of the Ovidian and Vergilian Anna

  • Lobe, Jana Paulina: Trällernd wie ein (Wander)vogel. Die bewegten Anfänge der Volksliedpflege. In: Schönere Heimat 113, 1 (2024), S. 15-22.
  • Lobe, Jana Paulina: Was bleibt ...Was geht? Nachhaltigkeit über den Tod hinaus. In: Stark, Luise/Einecke, Irmela/May, Pia/Waldmann, Nils (Hgg.): Was bleibt? Was kommt? Nachhaltigkeiten kulturwissenschaftlich erforschen (= Würzburger Studien zur Europäischen Ethnologie Bd. 16). Würzburg 2023, S. 118-143. Online: https://doi.org/10.25972/OPUS-32781.


  • Posting, Sharing, Streaming - Discourses and Practices in Digital Everyday Life (winter term 24/25)
  • Matters of Life and Death - Historic and Contemporary Perspectives on Funeral Culture (winter term 24/25)
  • Working with Academic Literature – A Reading Course (winter term 24/25)

Practice Courses

  • Research Methods in European Ethnology. Practice Course with Portfolio (winter term 24/25)

Field trips

  • A visit to the exhibition "Open Wide. Episodes of veterinary medicine in Bavaria" of the Bamberger Land Farmer’s Museum (winter term 24/25)
  • Plan B for the Funeral Profession? - A Sepulchral Cultural Exploration of (Alternative) Funeral Providers in Regensburg (winter term 24/25)


  • Tutorial for the foundation module EuroEthno (winter term 23/24, summer term 23)