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conference papers

(2024) „Von Shakespeare und Peele zu Ravenscroft: Gemeinschaft und gemeinschaftliche Autorschaft in Titus Andronicus.“ Diversität & Gemeinschaft / Diversity & Community, Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, Bochum, 19-21 April.

(2023) “Ecofungi? Mushrooms and their Fungal Networks in Twenty-First Century (Horror) Films.” Populäre Kulturen / Popular Cultures, 8. Jahrestagung der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, 27-30 September.

(2023) “Neo-Victorian Decadence (Studies): The Contingent Masculinities of Oscar Wilde.” Keynote, Late-Victorian Decadence as Mode, Theory and Attitude, DACH-Victorianists Workshop, 21 July (online).

(2023) (with Andy Kesson, Laurie Maguire, Emma Smith, Lena Steveker) Roundtable “What Is Early Modern Dramatic Collaboration?” European Society for Textual Scholarship, Annual Conference, University of Kent, 13-14 April.

(2022) “The Fungal EcoGothic and the Annihilation of Human Agency in British-American Films.” Corporations, Communities, Crowds: The Aesthetics of Collective Agency in Twenty-First Century Culture, Schloss Herrenhausen, Hannover, 20-22 July.

(2022) „Kollaborative Praktiken auf der frühneuzeitlichen Bühne: Autorschaft, Leserschaft, Wissenschaft?“ Interdisciplinary workshop Kollektive Autorschaft, Kiel University, 01 July.

(2022) “The Posthuman in Fungal Gothic Fiction: Aliya Whiteley’s The Beauty (2018) and Silvia Moreno-Garcia’s Mexican Gothic (2020).” Posthuman Encounters: Desires, Fears, and the Uncanny, Saarland University, 19-20 May.

(2021) (with Lena Steveker) “Introduction: Practices of Collaboration, Then and Now.” Practices of Collaboration in Early Modern Theatre: Authors, Actors, Printers, Playhouses, and Their Texts. Université du Luxembourg, Luxemburg / University of Passau, 02-04 December.

(2021) “Thinking Collaboratively About Early Modern Forms of Collaboration.” Workshop Early Modern Studies, JMU Würzburg, 27-28 November.

(2021) “Spectacular Madness? Masculinity and Mental Distress in Early Modern Revenge Plays.” The Cultural Heritage of Psychiatry and Its Literary Transformations, TU Dresden, 28-29 October.

(2021) “Intercultural Contact, Maritime Law, and Generic Fluidity in Early Modern ‘Pirate’ Plays.” Conceptualizing Intercultural Contact in Early Modern Britain and Beyond, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Bielefeld, 21 October.

(2021) „Krankheit, Mutterschaft, Altern: Der (weibliche) Körper in Sinéad Gleesons Constellations (2019).“ Body Politics: Intersektionale Forschungsperspektiven auf den Körper. Interdisciplinary workshop, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 17-19 February (online).

(2020) “Monstrous Growths? Mushrooms, Fungi, Spores and the Borders of the (Post)Human in Contemporary British Culture.” British Borders, Britcult 2020, Saarland University, 19-21 November (online).

(2019) (with Lena Frommer and Verena Rissmann) „Literarische Piraten in der Hochschuldidaktik: Studentische Konferenzen als Einstieg in die Forschungspraxis.“ Forschung und Lehre – Widerspruch oder Synergie? Interdisziplinäres Symposium: Methoden in der Hochschullehre, LMU München, 09-10 October.

(2019) “From Law-and-Literature to Law and the Humanities, Law and Culture... and Beyond?” Literature and…? Perspectives on Interdisciplinarity, Anglistentag 2019, Leipzig University, 22-25 September.

(2019) „‘Murder made parallel with law!’: Recht und Literatur auf der frühneuzeitlichen Bühne.“ Tag der Forschung – “Wissen in Bewegung”, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 24 July.

(2019) “Black, Queer, Victorian? The Precarious Neo-Victorian Afterlives of Prince Alemayehu.” (Neo‑)Victorian ‘Orientations’ in the Twenty-First Century, Universidad de Málaga, Spain, 15-17 May.

(2018) “Marston’s Tragi-Comic Revenge Trio: Testing Generic Boundaries in the Antonio-Plays and The Malcontent. Writing Renaissance Experience – Experiencing Renaissance Writing, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, 05-06 July.

(2018) “Refracturing Victorian Masculinity: The Curious Case of Dr James Miranda Barry.” De/Constructing Masculinities? Critical Explorations into Affect, Intersectionality, and the Body, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 22-23 June.

(2018) (with Marcus Hartner) “Introduction: Buccaneers, Corsairs, Pirates and Privateers.” Buccaneers, Corsairs, Pirates and Privateers: Connecting the Early Modern Seas, international symposium, Bielefeld University, 13-14 April.

(2017) “Walking London, Walking the Past: Michèle Roberts’s The Walworth Beauty (2017).” Reading Michèle Roberts, Łódź University, Poland, 07-08 September.

(2016) “Pirates and Their Daughters: Strangeness, Genre and the Law in The Double Marriage and The Unnatural Combat.” Strangeness in Early Stuart Performances, 1603-1649, Saarland University, 03-05 November.

(2015) “‘Clermont must author this just tragedy’: The (In)Justices of Early Modern Revenge Tragedy.” Poetic Justice: Legal, Ethical, and Aesthetic Judgments in Literary Texts (Connotations Symposium), Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, 26-30 July.

(2015) “Golems, Vampires and a Mechanical Queen: Neo-Gothic Detection and the Psychogeography of Urban Change.” Transforming Cities, TU Braunschweig, 03-04 July.

(2013) (with Lena Steveker and Angelika Zirker) “Introduction.” Section ‘Not Shakespeare: New Approaches to Drama in the Seventeenth Century’, Anglistentag 2013, Konstanz University, 18-20 September.

(2013) “Philip Massinger for the Middle Temple? The Queen of Corinth, The Fatal Dowry and the Genre of Legal Learning.” Renaissance Men at the Middle Temple, Birbeck College, London, 01-02 February.

(2012) “Bleak London: (Neo-)Dickensian Psychogeographies.” Topographies of Britain, Britcult 2012, University of Basel, 22-24 November.

(2012) “What Early Modern Literature Learnt from the Law – and Vice Versa.” Can Literature Learn from Law? Münster Symposium on Law and Literature, University of Münster, 21-22 May.

(2011) “‘Thou monster of cruelty, forbear!’: Women and ‘Gothic’ Monstrosity on the Early Modern Stage.” The Monster Inside Us, The Monsters Around Us: Monstrosity and Humanity, De Montfort University, Leicester, 18-20 November.

(2011) “Jacobean Gothic and the Law: Revengers and Ineffectual Rulers in Middleton and Massinger.” Gothic Limits / Gothic Ltd. 10th Biennial Conference of the International Gothic Association, Heidelberg University, 02-05 August.

(2011) “‘Whose hand presents this gory spectacle?’: Monstrous Rulers on the Early Modern Stage and the Breakdown of the Law.” Re-Thinking the Monstrous: Violence and Criminality in Society, LMU München, 01-03 July.

(2011) “Wilde Crimes: Biographilia, the Art of Murder and Decadent (Homo)Sexuality in Gyles Brandreth’s Oscar Wilde-Series.” Neo-Victorian Art and Aestheticism, University of Hull, 26 March.

(2010) (with Nadine Böhm) “Introduction.” Fashioning the Neo-Victorian: Iterations of the Nineteenth Century in Contemporary Literature and Culture, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 08-10 April.

(2009) “Thomas Middleton’s Gothic Nightmares: The Revenger’s Tragedy, The Bloody Banquet and The Lady’s Tragedy.” Gothic Renaissance, University of Cologne, 03-04 December.

(2009) “Carter’s Excessive Stagings of the Canon: Psychoanalytic Closets, Hermaphroditic Dreams, and Jacobean Westerns.” Angela Carter: A Critical Exploration, University of Northampton, 05-06 June.

(2008) “‘The Flesh Made Word’ – Sensuous Religion in the Works of Michèle Roberts.” Anglistentag 2008, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, 05-08 October.

(2008) “Shakespeare in Bollywood? Vishal Bhardwaj’s Omkara (2006).” Semiotic Encounters: Text, Image and Trans-Nation, University of Stuttgart, 17-20 July.

(2007) “‘A few flowery phrases and he thinks I’m his’ – (Re)Appropriations of Wordsworth in Contemporary Literature and Film.” 18th British Cultural Studies Conference – High Culture and/versus Popular Culture, University of Salzburg, 22-24 November.

(2007) “‘…into the Shadows’: The Frailty of Masculinity in Angela Carter’s ‘Bristol Trilogy’.” Men and Madness: Representing Male Psychopathology and Mental Disorderin Modern and Contemporary Culture, Manchester Metropolitan University, 28-30 June.

(2007) “Sex and the City? (Re)Empowering Mistresses, Muses and Prostitutes.” ASNEL – Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of the New Literatures in English, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, 17-20 May.

(2006) “Jane Austen in Kholiwood? Bride and Prejudice at the Crossroads of Hollywood and Bollywood Aesthetics.” Bollywood and Beyond. Contemporary Indian Cinemas and Globalisation, TU Dresden, 23-24 June.

(guest) lectures & workshop contributions

(2024) (with Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer) “#ProfsfuerHanna Meeting.” Anglistiktag 2024, Augsburg University, 15-18 September.

(2024) (with Lena Steveker) “Buddy Writing.” Workshop Doctoral School in Humanities and Social Sciences, Université du Luxembourg, 13 March.

(2023) „Haben Pilze ein Geschlecht? Von Myzelien, Sporen, Posthumanismus und der (Wieder)Einschreibung von Heteronormativität.“ Lecture series (Inter-)Disziplinäre Ansätze der Gender und Queer Studies, GeStiK, University of Cologne, 08 Novemer.

(2023) (with Johanna Pitetti-Heil and Judith Rauscher) “Feminist Publishing: Shifts and Intersections.” Workshop Mobile Feminisms Networking Workshop, LMU Würzburg, 13-14 October.

(2022, 2023) “Jacobean Drama.” Guest lecture, Université du Luxembourg, 09 März 2022 and 08 March 2023.

(2020) “Jacobean Revenge Tragedy.” Guest lecture, University of Basel, 10 December.

(2020) “‘Toxic’ Masculinity, Effeminacy and Necrophilia in Middleton’s The Lady’s Tragedy and Massinger’s The Duke of Milan.Guest lecture, Ruh University Bochum, 06 July.

(2018) (with Prof. Dr. Annette Keilhauer) „Monsieur Vénus und Dr. James Barry: Literarische Inszenierungen von Transgender und Passing.“ Lecture series Zuordnungen in Bewegung: Geschlecht und sexuelle Orientierung quer durch die Disziplinen, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 04 June.

(2017) Jane Austen and ‘Jane Austen’: Regency Literature, Janeites and Darcymaniacs. Guest lecture, Unversity of Basel, 18 May.

(2017) „Literatur als Differenzkategorie in der Law-and-Literature Debatte.“ 11. Weiterbildungsseminar der Deutschen Gesellschaft für das Studium britischer Kulturen, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 06 May.

(2016) „Neoviktorianismus: Vom 21. ins 19. Jahrhundert – und wieder zurück?“ Geschichtsrepräsentation in der zeitgenössischen Populärliteratur (Workshop Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Literatur und Kultur der Gegenwart), FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 15 April.

(2014) „Jane Austen 2.0 – Immersion, Sequels, Mash-Ups.“ Lecture series Populärkultur, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 02 June.

(2013) “Angela Carter, Nights at the Circus.” Lecture series Classics of the English Canon, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, 18 July.

(2013) “Jacobean Drama.” Guest lecture, University of Basel, 02 May.

(2012) “From Bollywood to Hollywood and Back Again: Transcultural Adaptation.” Inderdisciplinary lecture series Understanding India, Germersheim University, 09 July.

(2012) (with Nadine Böhm-Schnitker) “Neo-Victorianism.” Guest lecture, University of Basel, 10 May.

(2009) „‘But there was something very appealing about that Fe-Male’: Transgender und Passing im zeitgenössischen britischen Roman.“ Lecture series Phänomene der Fremdheit, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 17 December.

(2008) “The Jane Austen Cult.” Guest lecture, University of Basel, 17 December.

(2007) (with Nadine Böhm) „Post-Colonial Shakespeares – Ein Unterrichtsexperiment.“ Workshop Anglistische Hochschuldidaktik: Alternative Lehr-/Lernformate, University of Bielefeld, 04-06 October.

(2006) „Jane Austen dons a sari – Transkulturelles Kino in Gurinder Chadhas Bride and Prejudice.“ 8. Anglistik Didaktik Workshop, University of Vienna, 12-14 October.

(2004) „Seminarmaterialien auf CD-ROM.“ 6. Anglistik Didaktik Workshop: Anglistische Lehre und/im Internet, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 21-23 October.

(2004) „Virtualität im Cyberpunk – Pat Cadigans Tea From an Empty Cup.“ Netzwelten, Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, section “Vernetzte Welten: Virtualität und Wirklichkeit in Literatur und Film”, 16-18 April.


(2022) “Monstrous Growths: Mushrooms and Mexican Gothic.” The Big Read, English Department, Purdue University, 20 October (online).

(2022, 2021) (with Lena Steveker) Workshop “The Cultural Context and the Text – Romeo and Juliet.” Shakespeare Study Day German Shakespeare Association, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, 14 October 2021; Université du Luxembourg, 04 October 2022.

(2019) „Darcymanie in Austenland.“ LangeNacht der Wissenschaften, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 19 October.

(2008) “‘Don’t Fuck with the King’ – The Tudors (2007).” Guest lecture, Elizabethan Entertainment (HS Elizabethan Culture), University of Basel, 22 May.

(2007) „Jasper Fforde, The Big Over Easy (2005).“ Neuerscheinungen internationaler Gegenwartsliteratur, Interdisziplinäres Zentrum Literatur und Kultur der Gegenwart, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 03 December.

(2007) „Literarische Monster: Dracula und Dr Jekyll und Mr Hyde.“ Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 20 October.

(2005) „‘The trembling earth is God’s Herald’: Das Erdbeben von Lissabon (1755) und die Theodizeedebatte in der zeitgenössischen Literatur.“ Collegium Alexandrinum (“Katastrophen”), FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 01 December.

(2005) „‘I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each’ – Mythos Meerjungfrau in Kunst und (englischer) Literatur.“ Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 22 October.

(2003) (with Ina Habermann) „Playing the Dane – Shakespeares Hamlet im Film.“ Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 25 October.