This is an open-resource self-learning package that is free to use for anyone interested in the application of corpora (large computer-readable text databases) to practical language problems in English.

Realized by Julia Schlüter (Homepage) and Katharina Deckert (Homepage). Please contact us for feedback and comments.

For students and teachers of English and other language professionals

Features include

  • a series of short easy-to-follow video tutorials,
  • ample hands-on exercises using the corpus interface,
  • interactive features,
  • an individual choice of learning tracks,
  • AI support,
  • feedback on your results, and
  • the option to obtain a certificate.

Use the materials any time, some of them or all, at your own pace, come back when you need a refresher.

Access the materials

Register for a free account on the Virtual Linguistics Campus, an OER platform hosted at RWTH Aachen University, Germany.

Once registered, use the following link or search for the course VLC305 - Using Corpora for EFL Needs.


Please quote as:

Schlüter, Julia & Deckert, Katharina (2025) KorPLUS: An Interactive Introduction to Open Educational Resource Self-learning Package, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.



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