Daniel Höhmann
Daniel Höhmann was lecturer and PhD candidate at the Professorship of Empirical Political Science.
His current research focuses on political representation, legislative studies, women and politics, and coaltion governments. Since May 2020 Daniel Höhmann works as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Basel.
He can be reached at daniel.hoehmann[at]unibas.ch
A current version of his CV as well as information on his research and teaching can be found on his personal homepage.
May 2020: Daniel Höhmann starts his new position as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Basel.
February 2020: Newly published in Swiss Political Science Review: "When do Men Represent Women's Interests in Parliament? How the Presence of Women in Parliament Affects the Behavior of Male Politicians."
July 2019: New publication in Political Research Quarterly: "When Do Female MPs Represent Women’s Interests? Electoral Systems and the Legislative Behavior of Women."
May 2019: New publication in West European Politics: "Parliamentary Questions as a Control Mechanism in Coalition Governments." (together with Ulrich Sieberer)
April 2018: Daniel Höhmann is shortlisted for the Rudolf Wildenmann Price for an outstanding paper presented by a young scholar at the ECPR Joint Sessions 2018, Titel: "When do men represent women in parliament? Evidence from the German Bundestag".
Jan. 2018: New publication in the Journal of Politics. "Electoral Rules and Partisan Control of Government: A Replication Study." (together with Tobias Tober, University of Genf)
Okt. 2016: Daniel Höhmann receives the Dietrich H. Boesken Preis for the best Master Degree at the University of Konstant in 2016 (5000 EUR).
Höhmann, Daniel (2020). "When do Men Represent Women's Interests in Parliament? How the Presence of Women in Parliament Affects the Behavior of Male Politicians." Swiss Political Science Review 26(1): 31-50. doi.org/10.1111/spsr.12392
Höhmann, Daniel and Ulrich Sieberer (2020). "Parliamentary Questions as a Monitoring Device in Coalition Governments." West European Politics 43(1): 225-249. doi.org/10.1080/01402382.2019.1611986.
Höhmann, Daniel (2019). "When do Female MPs Represent Women's Interests? Electoral Systems and the Legislative Behavior of Women." Political Research Quarterly. doi.org/10.1177/1065912919859437.
Höhmann, Daniel and Tobias Tober (2018). "Electoral Rules and Partisan Control of Government: A Replication Study." Journal of Politics 80(1): 342-347. doi.org/10.1086/694653.
Höhmann, Daniel (2017). "The Effect of Legislature Size on Public Spending. Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design." Public Choice 173(3): 345-367. doi.org/10.1007/s11127-017-0484-2.
Höhmann, Daniel (2017). "Delegationsprobleme in Koalitionsregierungen. Ausschussvorsitzende als Instrument der gegenseitigen Kontrolle von Regierungsparteien in den deutschen Bundesländern." Politische Vierteljahresschrift 58(4): 593-617. doi.org/10.5771/0032-3470-2017-4-593.
Sieberer, Ulrich and Daniel Höhmann (2017). "Shadow Chairs as Monitoring Devices? A Comparative Analysis of Committee Chair Powers in Western European Parliaments." Journal of Legislative Studies 23(3): 301-325. doi.org/10.1080/13572334.2017.1358980.
Höhmann, Daniel (2017). "Frauen in politischen Spitzenämtern: Die Ernennung von weiblichen Ministern in die Landeskabinette der deutschen Bundesländer." Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 11(3): 391-416. doi.org/10.1007/s12286-017-0341-1.
SoSe 19: Masterseminar "Frauen und Politik in vergleichender Perspektive".
WiSe 18/19: Masterseminar "Introduction to Statistics for Political and Social Sciences".
WiSe 18/19: Masterseminar "Parteien und Parteiensysteme in vergleichender Perspektive"
SoSe 18: Masterseminar "Frauen und Politik in vergleichender Perspektive".
WS 17/18: Masterseminar "Introduction to Statistics for Political and Social Sciences".
SoSe 17: BA Vertiefungsseminar "Empirische Forschung zu Frauen in politischen Institutionen".
WS 16/17: Masterseminar "Introduction to Statistics for Political and Social Sciences".