03/05/2025 New article in JIT on the integration of AI in the group mind of hybrid teams An example how knowledge management theories can guide the design of AI systems 10/15/2024 Research semester of Prof. Dr. Thorsten Staake Due to a research semester of Prof. Dr. Thorsten Staake, the courses ADAML & GEI will unfortunately not take place in WS24/25. 05/17/2024 Research transfer on AI value creation in companies Dr. Konstantin Hopf speaks at companies and practice conferences 11/24/2023 Research team finds striking complementarities in digital behavioral interventions. . Read more @ the Journal of Public Economics 09/25/2023 Best Paper Award of the 18th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik 09/28/2022 Andreas Weigert et al. publish a research article in Energy Policy, a leading journal in the energy field 08/05/2021 Two new research projects to use machine learning in the distribution of sustainable energy products Bits-to-Energy Lab in Bamberg receives research funding for two joint industry projects 02/02/2021 Digital feedback study selected as one of Nature Energy's five-year favorites. 06/25/2020 Sebastian Günther et al. publish article in Global Environmental Change, a top journal in environmental sciences 06/17/2020 Successful completion of the ERA-Net project "SmartLoad” 01/20/2020 Two research awards for Bits-to-Energy-Lab and our research partners We are very happy about the awards for research work in the field of "Energy Data Analytics" 04/30/2019 Konstantin Hopf defended dissertation on "Predictive Analytics for Energy Efficiency and Energy Retailing" 11/22/2018 Real-time feedback promotes energy conservation in the absence of volunteer selection bias and monetary incentives Study named Research Highlight by Nature 06/13/2018 Largest study in Germany on energy and hot water usage in the shower 05/07/2018 Workshop Machine Learning and Energy Products Marketing 02/27/2018 Two awards at ICIS 12/20/2017 Best paper award at the Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems in Seoul, South Korea 08/01/2017 New research project "SmartLoad" as part of the EU ERA-Net SG+ initiative 08/23/2016 Recent thesis topics
03/05/2025 New article in JIT on the integration of AI in the group mind of hybrid teams An example how knowledge management theories can guide the design of AI systems
10/15/2024 Research semester of Prof. Dr. Thorsten Staake Due to a research semester of Prof. Dr. Thorsten Staake, the courses ADAML & GEI will unfortunately not take place in WS24/25.
05/17/2024 Research transfer on AI value creation in companies Dr. Konstantin Hopf speaks at companies and practice conferences
11/24/2023 Research team finds striking complementarities in digital behavioral interventions. . Read more @ the Journal of Public Economics
09/28/2022 Andreas Weigert et al. publish a research article in Energy Policy, a leading journal in the energy field
08/05/2021 Two new research projects to use machine learning in the distribution of sustainable energy products Bits-to-Energy Lab in Bamberg receives research funding for two joint industry projects
06/25/2020 Sebastian Günther et al. publish article in Global Environmental Change, a top journal in environmental sciences
01/20/2020 Two research awards for Bits-to-Energy-Lab and our research partners We are very happy about the awards for research work in the field of "Energy Data Analytics"
04/30/2019 Konstantin Hopf defended dissertation on "Predictive Analytics for Energy Efficiency and Energy Retailing"
11/22/2018 Real-time feedback promotes energy conservation in the absence of volunteer selection bias and monetary incentives Study named Research Highlight by Nature
12/20/2017 Best paper award at the Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems in Seoul, South Korea