Early Childhood Education
Early Childhood Education is an educational branch that crosses topics with history, theory, empiricism and practice of childhood, education and parenting in context various forms of family and in preschool and extracurricular departments.
Among primary theory-orientated lectures and seminars, you can find seminar of practices as well.
Early Childhood Education can be chosen as a focus of Bachelor Pedagogics or as a focus in Master in Educational Science.
Here you can find more information about the courses and exams:
BA Pädagogik (Bachelor Pedagogics/ science of education)
MA Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaft (Master Pedagogics and educational science)
The curriculum of the current term can be found in UnivIS.
The degree program at the Chair of Early Childhood Education enables students to take an in-depth look at central learning environments in early childhood and encourages them to question these with a view to social developments. Students specializing in early childhood education adn care reflect on phenomena, developments and theories of early childhood education and upbringing with regard to the historic backgrounds and in their depth in the institutional context of child daycare and families. The current political, legal and economic framework conditions of early childhood education are considered and classified taking into account the intercultural, European and international context. Didactic and methodological aspects of early childhood education are also compared and assessed and students are encouraged to develop their own approaches to solving current problems in the field of early childhood education. In this specialization, students are able to classify early childhood education and upbringing in the context of child and youth welfare and establish links to primary school education. Students specializing in elementary and family pedagogy have the opportunity to plan and implement projects independently in various courses and to assess and reflect on the results of their personal work.
There you can also put together your timetable from the available courses.