First semester induction days

Dear first semester students,

Welcome to Bamberg!

Every semester, one week before the start of the lecture period, the first semester introduction days take place. You will receive general information about studying at the University of Bamberg and specific information about your degree programme as part of a subject introduction and tutorials.

The First Semester Induction Days will take place in the winter semester 2024/2025 from 7 April to 10 October 2024 at the University of Bamberg. To make it easier for you to start your studies, subject introductions, tutorials and timetable advice will be offered during these days. 

During the first semester introductory days, subject representatives and tutors will be on hand to support you. Lectures, seminars and tutorials usually start on Monday, 14 October 2024.

General information about starting your degree programme

Structure of your study programme

Module handbook (MHB), study recommendation and examination regulations

Student counselling in economics (all CEP and EES degree programmes)

Exam registration

  • Registration deadlines for centrally organised examinations can be found on the website of the Examination Office
  • Registration deadlines for decentrally organised examinations may be set by the respective chairs themselves
  • IMPORTANT, as no examination can be taken without punctual and valid registration via FlexNow and thus no ECTS can be acquired
  • i.e. if you forget to register for an examination, you will have to repeat the lecture/seminar in the next semester and, if necessary, repeat any work you have already completed.


Further dates

UnivIS: A timetable can be created here for each semester

  • Information on creating a timetable and using UnivIS
  • The course catalogue contains all the courses offered with information on the respective courses (e.g. prerequisites, content, type of registration)
  • There is also a calendar of events, a list of people and facilities, as well as the possibility to view the occupancy plans of all rooms at the university (e.g. if you are looking for an empty room for group work or similar)

FlexNow: Under ‘Start FlexNow2’ you will find the page for exam registration and deregistration, exam results etc.

  • Information on registering for courses and examinations
  • Under student's data you will find an overview of your currently registered examinations and all examinations already taken with your grade (and, if there are a sufficient number of participants, the corresponding examination statistics), as well as your registered courses
  • IMPORTANT: Not all registrations for courses must be listed in FlexNow, as some courses do not require registration or you register by enrolling in the corresponding VC course, BUT for all courses in which you want to take an examination, you must register for the examination via FlexNow
  • Under Exam (De-)Registration, you can either use the search function to find the courses for which you want to register or deregister for exams, or you can use the ‘tree’ below with courses that match your degree programme
  • Under Course you can find and register for courses via the faculty and the chair that offers your courses
  • Under Data Sheet you can create a PDF with your current grade overview, which you may need for applications etc.

Virtueller Campus (VC): Here you will find the university events with the respective course materials

Online services of the university: On this website you will find, among other things, the study certificates

  • Information on theuniversity's online services
  • In addition to your certificate of enrolment, you will also receive confirmation that your re-registration was successful

IAM portal of the University of Bamberg (Identity-Access-Management)

  • Here you can, among other things, change your password for your ba number, change your student e-mail address and register for mailing lists (e.g. sociology mailing list)
  • Tutorial IAM portal(165.6 KB, 1 page)

Generally useful links

Universität Bamberg und Studium generell:

University Library

Technology and Internet:

Leisure, commitment and life in Bamberg:

We wish all new students great EET and a good start to their studies!