Programm summer semester 2025

Das Forschungsseminar VWL findet im Sommersemester 2025 i.d.R. dienstags von 14.00-15.00 Uhr im Raum FG1/00.08 statt.


Details folgen.

Programme winter semester 2024/25

In the winter semester 2024/25 the research seminar Economics will usually take place on Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00 p.m. in room F21/03.81




Ringvorlesung Sustainable Finance

Jans Meckel, Managing Director Global Banking & Markets bei Goldmann Sachs (U7/01.05.)


Ringvorlesung Sustainable Finance

Prof. Dr. Achim Truger, Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung („Wirtschaftsweise“), Universität Duisburg-Essen (U7/01.05.)

Versäumnisse angehen, entschlossen modernisieren
14.01.2025Prof. Dr. Nick Netzer, Universtität ZürichTimes is Knowledge: What Response Times Reveal

Ringvorlesung Sustainable Finance

Sabine Braun, Accenture Strategy & Consulting (F21/01.35)

Scharnier zwischen der Realwirtschaft und den Nachhaltigkeitszielen der EU
28.01.2025Dr. Alicia von Schenk, Universität WürzburgHuman and Algorithmic Cooperation: Parameters Matter!



Herr Reinhold Vollbracht, Präsident der Hauptverwaltung Bayern der Deutschen Bundenbank + Preisverleihung (F21/01.35)Preisstabilität und grüne Transformation - Herausforderung für die Notenbank




  Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Clemens Fuest, Präsident des ifo

 Instituts, München     (FG1/00.08)

Optimal carbon tax rebates


Mo,18 Uhr

Ringvorlesung Sustainable Finance

Thorsten Glauber, Bayerisch''er Staatsminister für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz (U2/00.25)

Bauen 2050 – Herausforderung für Städte und Gemeinden in Folge des Klimawandels

Programme summer semester 2024

Das Forschungsseminar VWL findet im Sommersemester 2024 i.d.R. dienstags von 16.00-17.00 Uhr im Raum FG1/00.08 statt.



Prof. Sven Rady, Ph.D.

Jumping to Conclusions (with J. Hörner and N. Klein)


Ringvorlesung Sustainable Finance

Jans Meckel, Managing Director Global Banking & Markets bei Goldman Sachs

M&A Deal Contingent Hedging


Ringvorlesung Sustainable Finance

Willi Semmler, The New School, New York


Dr. Marius Liebald, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am MainThe Reign of the Great Banks: Banking Concentration and Firm Performance in Imperial Germany


Workshop on Economics with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents (WEHIA), (Bamberg, 9.-11. Juli 2024) 

Programme winter semester 2023/24

The research seminar Economics will take place in the winter semester 2023/24 usually on Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00 p.m. in room FG1/00.08. Interested students are very welcome to attend!

17.10.2023Professor Sandra McNally, University of Surrey und London School of Economics and Political Science

Young people, human capital investment and the Great Recession

07.11.2023, Please note: 18.00h,

Lecture series Sustainable Finance:

Dr. Wolfgang Lemke, Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB)

Die Geldpolitik der EZB: Grundlagen und aktuelle Herausforderungen

28.11.2023, Please note: 18.00h,

Lecture series Sustainable Finance:

Prof. Dr. Achim Truger, Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung

Wachstumsschwäche überwinden – in die Zukunft investieren


Prof. Dr. Susanne Goldlücke, Uni KonstanzHidden Overtime: Optimal Contracts with (Self-)deceptive Effort Reports
09.01.2024Prof. Ph.D. Petra Thiemann, Lund Universität Performance Incentives in Education: The Role of Goal Mismatch
16.01.2024Prof. Dr. Felix Bierbrauer, Uni Köln

Is a Market-based Approach to Climate Policy Desirable?

23.01.2024Dr. Ulrike Vollstädt, Universität MagdeburgHow buyers get better and/or cheaper products through an optimal product testing mechanism

30.01.2024, Please note: 18.00h,

Lecture series Sustainable Finance:

Dr. Matthias Waltz, Senior Scientist for Sustainable Finance bei den Vereinten Nationen (UN)


Prof. Dr. Anne Ardila Brenøe, Universität Zürich

Math skills, perceptions of fit, and occupational choice

Programme summer semester 2024

The research seminar Economics will take place in the summer semester 2024 usually on Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00 p.m. in room FG1/00.08. Interested students are very welcome to attend!



Prof. Sven Rady, Ph.D.

Jumping to Conclusions (with J. Hörner and N. Klein)


Ringvorlesung Sustainable Finance

Jans Meckel, Managing Director Global Banking & Markets bei Goldman Sachs
M&A Deal Contingent Hedging


Ringvorlesung Sustainable Finance

Willi Semmler, The New School, New York


Dr. Marius Liebald, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

The Reign of the Great Banks: Banking Concentration and Firm Performance in Imperial Germany


Workshop on Economics with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents (WEHIA), (Bamberg, 9.-11. Juli 2024) 

Programme summer semesetr 2023

The research seminar Economics will take place in the summer semester 2023 usually on Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00 p.m. in room FMA/01.20. Interested students are very welcome to attend!



Prof. Jan Priewe, HTW Berlin

Growth in the ecological transition: green, zero or de-growth?


Prof. Eugen Kovac, Uni Duisburg

Revealing private information in a patent race


Prof. Dr. Paul Schweinzer, Uni KlagenfurtConstesting fake news


Prof. Dean Lueck, Indiana UniversityThe Institutional Legacy of the Mexican Rancho System in California
11.07.2023        Prof. Dieter Nautz, FU BerlinInflation Target Credibility

Programme im winter semester 2022/23

Das Forschungsseminar VWL findet im Wintersemester 2022/23 i.d.R. dienstags von 16.00-17.00 Uhr im Raum FMA/01.20 statt. Interessierte Studierende sind herzlich eingeladen!

DatumVortragenderTitel des Vortrags


Prof. Gilberto Tadeu Lima, University of São PaoloTo Comply or not to Comply: Persistent Heterogeneity in Tax Compliance and Macroeconomic Dynamics


Prof. Aline Bütikofer, Norwegian School of Economics

Collective Climate Action: Air Pollution, Child Outcomes, and Inequality


Prof Dr. Annika Herr, Leibniz Universität HannoverProvider density and quality in German ambulatory long-term care

06.12.2022 (LIfBi lecture, 14:00-15:30)

Prof. Regina Riphahn, FAU Erlangen-NürnbergSubsidized Small Jobs and Maternal Labor Market Outcomes in the Long Run


Prof. Johanna Rickne, Stockholm UniversityThe Class Ceiling in Politics


Dr. Husnu Dalgic, Universität Mannheim

The Emergence of Procyclical Fertility: The Role of Gender Differences in Employment Risk

07.02.2023Prof. Katja Kaufmann, Ph.D.  Universität BayreuthSpillover Effects of Old-Age Pension Across Generations : Family Labor Supply and Child Outcomes

Programme summer semester 2022

The research seminar Economics will take place in the summer semester 2022 usually on Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00 p.m. in room FMA/01.20. Interested students are very welcome to attend!


17.05.2022, in room FMA/01.20!

Prof. Stefan Napel, Universität BayreuthInfluence and manipulation in weighted committee voting

24.05.2022, in room FMA/01.20!

Prof. Berman, King's College London

A Simplified Mortality Multiplier Method: New Estimates of Wealth Concentration

31.05.2022Ludmila Matysková Ph.D., Universität BonnBayesian Persuasion with Costly Information Acquistion


Dr. Anwesha Mukherjee, TUM München

In-group versus Out-group Preferences in Inter-group Conflict: An Experiment

Prof. David Stadelmann, Universität BayreuthVoters, Special Interest Groups or Parties - Who matters in the Process of Political Representation


Prof. Dr. Birgitta Rabe, University of EssexSchool Availability and Parental Mental Health

Programme summer semester 2021

The research seminar Economics will take place in the summer semester 2021 usually on Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00 p.m. in room F21/01.30. Interested students are very welcome to attend!

DatumVortragenderTitel des VortragsEinladender Lehrstuhl
20.04.2021Prof. Christoph Kuzmics, Universität Graz

Comparing theories of one-shot play out of treatment

further information

Prof. Herold
04.05.2021Prof. Dr. Peter Tillmann, Universität GießenFinancial Markets and Dissent in the ECB's Governing CouncilProf. Proaño
18.05.2021Prof. Ani Guerdjikova, Universität GrenobleFinancial Market Equilibrium with Bounded AwarenessProf. Sahm
15.06.2021Prof. Christina Felfe de Ormeño, 
Universität Würzburg
On the formation of gender norms: Paternity leave and the next generationProf. Heineck
07/08.07.2021Lectures as part of theMacroeconomic Workshops Prof. Proaño 

Programme winter semester 2019/20

Das Forschungsseminar VWL findet im SS 19 i.d.R. dienstags von 16.00-17.00 Uhr in F21/01.30 statt. Interessierte Studierende sind herzlich eingeladen!



Ass. Prof. Domenico Buccella, Kozminski Uni WarschauDownstream competition and profits under different input price bargaining structures


Jun.-Prof. Dr. Daniel Schnitzlein, Universität HannoverThe effect of maternal education on offspring's mental health
03.12.2019PD Dr. Christian Müller, Jacobs Universität BremenUncertainty and Economics
10.12.2019Dr. Andrea Gurgone, Universität BambergResearch overview: ABMs, macro-financial interlinkages, and financial stability



PhD Martin Hohnisch, PhD Sabine Pittnauer, Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa

Some surprising findings about human proficiency in tackling complex decision problems

24.12.2019 und 31.12.2019

Christmas and New Year's EveNo lecture

09.01.2020 (Do.)

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schank, Universität MainzWage inequality in Germany after the minimum wage introduction


Prof. Dr. Stefan Bauernschuster, Uni PassauSpeed Limit Enforcement and Road Safety: Evidence from German Blitzmarathons
28.01.2020Prof. Dr. Ulrich Fritsche, Universität HamburgSharks and dolphins in a shoal of words

Programme summer semester 2019

Das Forschungsseminar VWL findet im SS 19 i.d.R. dienstags von 16.00-17.00 Uhr in F21/01.30 statt. Interessierte Studierende sind herzlich eingeladen!



Prof. Dr. Fabian Kosse, LMU MünchenProsociality: Hard to build but easy to lose

04.06.2019, Room 02.18!

Prof. Willi Semmler, The New School for Social Research

Credit Cycles, Regime Switching, and Unconventional Monetary Policy

11.06.2019Whitsun vacationsNo lecture
02.07.2019Dr. Steffen Eibelshäuser, Goethe Universität FrankfurtHigh Frequency Price Fluctuations in the German Retail Gasoline Market
09.07.2019Prof. Ronald Bachmann, RWI & DICELabour market polarisation and monopsony power

Programme winter semester 2018/19

Das Forschungsseminar VWL findet im WS 18/19 i.d.R. dienstags von 16.00-17.00 Uhr in F21/01.30 statt. Interessierte Studierende sind herzlich eingeladen!



Prof. Dr. sc. pol. Artem Korzhenevych, IÖR und TU DresdenInvestment subsidies and regional welfare: a spatial dynamic CGE framework


Prof. Dr. Georg Gebhardt, Uni Ulm

Are business start-ups liquidity constrained? Evidence from a quasi experimental allocation of housing wealth in East Germany


Prof. Dr. Dirk Schindler, NHH Bergen

Royalty Taxation under Tax Competition and Profit Shifting

04.12.2018Ass. Prof. Melanie Khamis, Wesleyan UniversitReversed Migration Trends and Local Labor Markets
11.12.2018Ass. Prof. Dr. Bart Golsteyn, Maastricht UniversityThe Impact of Peer Personality on Academic Achievement
25.12.2018, 01.01.2019Christmas and New Year's EveNo lecture
08.01.2019Prof. Dr. Harald Tauchmann, FAU NürnbergIn Sickness and in Health? Health Shocks and Relationship Breakdown: Empirical Evidence from Germany
15.01.2019Prof. Dr. Zeno Enders, Universität HeidelbergFirm exspectations and economic activity

Programme summer semester 2018

Das Forschungsseminar VWL findet im SS 18 i.d.R. dienstags von 16.00-17.00 Uhr in F21/01.30 oder F21/03.81 statt. Interessierte Studierende sind herzlich eingeladen!

15.05.2018, in F21/02.41!Prof. Dr. Florian Englmaier, LMU MünchenThe Effect of Incentives & Leadership in Non-Routine Analytic Team Tasks - Evidence from Field Experiments


Whitsun vacationsNo lecture


Prof. Klaus Schmidt, LMU München

Procurement with Unforeseen Contingencies

03.07.2018, 13:00 Uhr, in F21/02.24!Prof. Dr. Christian Merkl, FAU NürnbergHartz IV and the Decline of German Unemployment: A Macroeconomic Evaluation

Programme winter semester 2017/18

Das Forschungsseminar VWL findet im WS 2017/18 i.d.R. dienstags von 16.00-17.00 Uhr in F21/01.30 oder F21/02.41 statt. Interessierte Studierende sind herzlich eingeladen!



Feiertagkein Vortrag
07.11.2017Assoc. Prof. Dr. Markus Schneider, University of DenverAssessing the profile of inequality and why it matters


Dr. Hamza Polattimur, Universität Hamburg

Risk Matters: Breaking Certainty Equivalence


Ass. Dr. Fabio Cerina, Universität CagliariThe role of gender in employment polarization


Dr. Thomas Daske, TU MünchenExternality Assessments, Welfare Judgments, and Mechanism Design
06.12.2017 (12:00-13:00 Uhr, in F21/03.80)Yoshiyuki Arata PhD, University of Tokio

An analysis on shock propagation through customer-supplier relationships by big data and supercomputer


kein Vortrag


Weihnachtenkein Vortrag


kein Vortrag


Studyweekkein Vortrag

Programme summer semester 2017

Das Forschungsseminar VWL findet im SS 2017 i.d.R. dienstags von 16.00-17.00 Uhr in F130 oder F21/03.81 statt. Interessierte Studierende sind herzlich eingeladen!



Thomas Makarewicz, MSc., Universität AmsterdamContrarian Behavior, Information Networks and Heterogeneous Expectations in an Asset Pricing Model
06.06.2017Pfingstenkein Vortrag
20.06.2017Joep Lustenhouwer, MSc., Universität AmsterdamThe Stabilizing Role of Forward Guidance: A Macro Experiment
27.06.2017Dr. Hendrik Sonnabend, FernUniversität HagenOn Discouraging Environments in Group Contests: Specialization, Demographic Diversity and Gender
04.07.2017Assoc. Prof. Alfred Guender, Universität Canterbury, Christchurchwird noch bekannt gegeben
25.07.2017Studyweekkein Vortrag
26.09.2017Dr. Corrado Di Guilmi, University of Technology SydneyThe dynamics of leverage in a demand-driven model with heterogeneous firms

Programme winter semester 2016/17

Das Forschungsseminar VWL findet im WS 2016/17 i.d.R. dienstags von 16.00-17.00 Uhr in F21/01.30 statt. Interessierte Studierende sind herzlich eingeladen!


Dr. Philipp Engler, DIW Berlin und Freie Universität Berlin

Fiscal Policy and Hysteresis
29.11.2016Boyan Yanovski, M.Sc., Universität KielA Pro-cyclical Stock Market under a Counter-cyclical Monetary Policy in a Model of Endogenous Business Cycles
27.12.2016Weihnachtenkein Vortrag
17.01.2017Florentin Krämer, M.Sc., LMU MünchenContext Dependence in Speed Dating: An Empirical Test of Relative Thinking
31.01.2017Dr. Till Strohsal, Freie Universität BerlinThe Anchoring of Inflation Expectations in the Short and in the Long Run
07.02.2017Studyweekkein Vortrag

Programme summer semester 2016

Das Forschungsseminar VWL findet im SS 2016 i.d.R. dienstags von 17.00-18.00 Uhr in F21/01.30 statt. Interessierte Studierende sind herzlich eingeladen! Weitere Termine sind in Planung!

Di. 03.05.2016

Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke, Universität Trier

Sick Pay Reforms and Health Status in a Unionised Labour Market
Di. 10.05.2016PD Dr. Eric Mayer, Universität WürzburgCurrent Account Dynamics and the Housing Boom and Bust Cycle in Spain

Di. 17.05.2016

PfingstenKein Vortrag
Di. 31.05.2016 (entfällt!)Dr. Simon Janssen, IAB NürnbergThe long-lasting effect of technological change on the careers of young workers: Evidence from changes of mandatory training regulations
Di. 07.06.2016Dr. Christian Offermanns, IAB NürnbergSpillovers of U.S. unconventional monetary policy to emerging markets:The role of capital flows
Di. 14.06.2016Dr. Lena Dräger Universität HamburgAnchoring of Consumers' Inflation Expectations: Evidence from Microdata
Di. 21.06.2016 (in Raum F21/02.41!)Dr. Jutta Viinikainen, Universität Jyväskylä, FinnlandThe Effect of Weight on Labor Market Outcomes: an Application of Genetic Instrumental Variables
Di. 28.06.2016Prof. Michael Kopel, Universität GrazMixed industry outcomes in oligopoly markets with socially concerned firms
Mi. 29.06.2016 (18:15 Uhr, in Raum FG1/00.08)Prof. Dr. Daniel Diermeier (in Zusammenarbeit mit BAGSS)Formal Behavioralism
Di. 12.07.2016Studyweek

kein Vortrag

Programme winter semester WS 2015/16

Das Forschungsseminar VWL findet im WS 2015/16 i.d.R. dienstags von 17.00-18.00 Uhr in F21/01.30 statt. Interessierte Studierende sind herzlich eingeladen!


Di. 10.11.2015

Dr. Andreas Steiner, Universität Osnabrück und CESifo MünchenA Tale of Two Deficits: Public Budget Balance of Reserve Currency Countries
Di. 24.11.2015Professor Yuval Heller, University of OxfordObservations on Cooperation
Di. 01.12.2015

Prof. Wolfgang Gick, Freie Universität Bozen

A Theory of Delegated Contracting
Di. 15.12.2015Dr. Matthias Raddant, Uni KielInterconnectedness in the global financial market

Di. 12.01.2016

Dr. Stephan Brunow, IAB NürnbergMeasuring Human Capital and Personality Traits at the level of Regions
Di. 19.01.2016PD Dr. Sven Schreiber, FU BerlinCausality tests and delay measures in a frequency band
Di. 02.02.2016Studyweekkein Vortrag

Programme summer semester 2015

Das Forschungsseminar VWL findet im SS 2015 i.d.R. dienstags von 17.00-18.00 Uhr in F21/01.30 statt. Interessierte Studierende sind herzlich eingeladen!


Di. 12.05.2015

Prof. Dr. Eva Camacho Cuena, University Jaume I of Castellón, SpainDo investors rely too much on public information to be justified by its accuracy? An experimental study
Di. 19.05.2015Pierre Boyer, Ph.D, Universität MannheimEfficiency, Welfare, and Political Competition
Di. 26.05.2015PfingstenKein Vortrag!
Di. 09.06.2015

Prof. Markus Reisinger, WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management

Sequencing bilateral negotiations with externalities
Di. 16.06.2015Prof. Dr. Özgür Gürerk, RWTH Universität AachenExperimental Economics in Virtual Reality


Dr. Barbara Broadway, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research (gemeinsam mit BAGSS)Heterogeneous Effects of Paid Parental Leave on Labour Supply and Employment Outcome
Di. 07.07.2015JProf. Dr. Pia Pinger, Universität BonnPaternal Unemployment and Child Education Outcomes: What are the Mechanisms?
Di. 14.07.2015Professor Dr. Simone Alfarano, University Jaume I, CastellónAnalytical Approaches to Agent Based Economics: A Tale of Two Models

Programme winter semester 2014/15

Das Forschungsseminar VWL findet im WS 2014/15 i.d.R. dienstags von 17.00-18.00 Uhr in F21/01.30 statt. Interessierte Studierende sind herzlich eingeladen!


Di. 28.10.2014

Herbstferienkein Vortrag
Di. 09.12.2014Prof.i.R. Dr. Jürgen Mimkes, Universität PaderbornThe Production Function in Calculus based Economics
Do. 22.01.2015, Raum: FG1/00.08!

Frau Dr. Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch, Universität Bonn (gemeinsame Veranstaltung mit BAGGS)

How Does Socio-Economic Status Shape a Child's Personality?
Do. 27.01.2015Studyweekkein Vortrag

Programme summer semester 2014

Das Forschungsseminar VWL findet im SS 2014 i.d.R. dienstags von 17.00-18.00 Uhr in F21/01.30 statt. Interessierte Studierende sind herzlich eingeladen!


Do. 24.04.2014, Raum: FG1/00.08!

Dr. Simon Wiederhold, LMU Munich & ifo Institute (gemeinsame Veranstaltung mit BAGGS)Return to Skills Around the World: Evidence from PIAAC(264.0 KB, 1 page)
Di. 10.06.2014vorlesungsfrei 
Di. 17.06.2014Dr. Gyöngyi Bánkuti, Kaposvár UniversityEasy calculation and visualisation of operational research problems with Maple
Di. 01.07.2014Dr. Christoph March, TU MünchenEven Experts Follow Large Crowds: Naive Herding in the Laboratory
Do. 03.07.2014Prof. Dr. Martin Kocher, LMU Munic (gemeinsame Veranstaltung mit BAGGS)Unleashing animal spirits: Self-control and bubbles in experimental asset markets

Programme winter semester 2013/14

Das Forschungsseminar VWL findet im WS 2013/14 i.d.R. dienstags von 17.00-18.00 Uhr in F21/01.30 statt. Interessierte Studierende sind herzlich eingeladen!

28.01.2014Prof. Angelo Secchi, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-SorbonneExport price adjustments under financial constraints
04.02.2014PD Dr. Bianca Rundshagen, FernUniversität HagenIncentives to diffuse advanced abatement technology under national and international permit trading

Programme summer semester 2013

Das Forschungsseminar VWL findet im SS 2013 i.d.R. dienstags von 17.00-18.00 Uhr in F21/01.30 statt. Interessierte Studierende sind herzlich eingeladen!

16.04.2013Prof. Dr. Felix Bierbrauer, Universität KölnOn the incidence of a financial transactions tax in a model with fire sales
23.04.2013kein Vortrag!kein Vortrag!
30.04.2013Prof. Christoph Kuzmics, Ph.D, Universität BielefeldA rational ambiguity averse person will never display her ambiguity aversion
07.05.2013Prof. Helmut Rainer, PhD, ifo München, LMU MünchenUnemployment and Domestic Violence: Theory and Evidence
14.05.2013Sergey Kuniavsky, MSc, LMU MünchenConsumer Search with Chain Stores
21.05.2013Pfingstdienstagkein Vortrag!
28.05.2013Marta Serra-Garcia, Ph.D., LMU MünchenPeer effects in risk taking: Evidence from the lab and the field
04.06.2013Prof. Dr. Markus Walzl, Leopold-Franzens-Universität InnsbruckFixed Prices vs Auctions Theory and Empirical Evidence from EURO 2008
18.06.2013Prof. Dr. Alfred Endres, FernUniversität Hagen"It's all in the Mix!" - Internalizing Externalities with Environmental Liability and R&D Subsidies
09.07.2013Prof. Dr. Hayo, Universität MarburgPolitical Leaders´ Socioeconomic Background and Public Budget Deficits
16.07.2013Dipl.-Kfm. Christopher Kah, Universität InsbruckStochastic Stability in a Learning Dynamic
With Best Reply to Noisy Play

Programme winter semester 2012/13

Das Forschungsseminar VWL findet donnerstags von 17.00-18.00 Uhr in F21/02.31 oder F21/01.30 statt. Interessierte Studierende sind herzlich eingeladen!

15.11.2012Giacomo Livan, ICTP TriesteDifferences between the real and financial economy: a correlation analysis
29.11.2012Prof. Dr. Stefan Napel, Universität BayreuthOn the Egalitarian Weights of Nations
06.12.2012Dr. Wolfgang Gick, Harvard University, Center for European Studies, CambridgeBayesian Persuasion and Stress Testing
20.12.2012Prof. Dr. Fabian Herweg, LMU MünchenPrice Discrimination in Input Markets: Quantity Discounts and Private Information
10.01.2013Prof. Dr. Herbert Dawid, Universität BielefeldSpatial labor market frictions and economic convergence: policy implications from a heterogeneous agent model
17.01.2013Prof. Dr. Verena Utikal, FAU Erlangen-NürnbergOn the acceptance of apologies
24.01.2013Prof. Dr. Bernd Süssmuth, Universität LeipzigTotal Instructional Time Exposure and Student Achievement:  An Analysis based on German State-level Variation
31.01.2013Dr. Christoph Wunder, FAU Erlangen-NürnbergAre we architects of our own happiness? The importance of family background for well-being